WrestleMania main event is set – Roman Reigns vs. Triple H for the WWE Championship

The WrestleMania main event is set. Roman Reigns is going to WrestleMania. Reigns defeated Dean Ambrose and Brock Lesnar in a Triple Threat match at the WWE Fastlane pay-per-view. Reigns got the pin on Ambrose after Ambrose nailed Lesnar and Reigns with a steel chair. Reigns turned things around and defeated Ambrose with a superman punch and spear.

As noted earlier this week, Vince McMahon is determined to continue on course with Roman Reigns as their new top babyface so Triple H vs. Reigns is not such a big surprise to anyone that has been keeping up.

There was no altercation between Triple H and Roman Reigns at Fastlane other than both men being face to face in the ring with the WrestleMania sign in the background.

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