Wrestlers not happy with Congressman Tim Ryan comparing State of the Union to professional wrestling

Several wrestlers took to Twitter to respond to Congressman Tim Ryan comparing last night’s State of the Union to professional wrestling.

Ryan tweeted, “I just walked out of the #StateOfTheUnion. I’ve had enough. It’s like watching professional wrestling. It’s all fake.”

Among the talking points from last night came when President Donald Trump appeared to brush off Nancy Pelosi’s attempt to shake his hand and later, at the end of the night, when Pelosi ripped Trump’s speech.

Several wrestlers and personalities in and out of WWE commented on Ryan’s comparison and some did not take kindly to it.

Jim Ross tweeted, “Like many of your fellow professional politicians, this statement is illadvised and ignorant. Don’t lump my profession into yours. Your ‘profession’ has become embarrassing on both sides of your beloved aisle. Public Servants? That’s laughable.”

Gail Kim tweeted, “We aren’t fake. TRUMP IS. We don’t deserve to be lumped into his category. TRUMP= unpredictable and FAKE. WRESTLING= predetermined and physically REAL. We are the escape from this reality”

Paige tweeted, “You leave wrestling out of this!!!”


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