WWE adding a Divas tag team title?

The Wrestling Observer newsletter noted that there has been talk in WWE about adding a Divas tag team title. It’s not a bad idea but I think they need more women on the roster to make that work and they should concentrate on making the Divas title mean more before they introduce a new title.

WWE did have a Women’s tag team title back in the 1980s but it was rarely defended. The first champions were Velvet McIntyre and Princess Victoria in 1983 and there were very few title defenses from that year until the title was forgotten about sometime in early 1989.

I think now with Ronda Rousey being hotter than ever after her recent win against Bethe Correa, WWE will do everything in their power to put more emphasis on the women and they have already been taking steps in a positive direction by having the women wrestle twice on Raw each week and in longer matches.

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