WWE announcer has departed from the company

Sudu Shah is no longer with WWE as the NXT Level Up announcer has confirmed his departure.

On Wednesday, Shah took to Twitter to issue a statement regarding the news. It’s unclear what he has planned next in his career. He wrote the following:

“Yesterday was my final day with the WWE. What an incredible experience working with some of the most talented people I’ve ever met. Thank you to everyone who watched and supported every week!”

Shah, real name Sudu Upadhyay, previously worked for Fox 5 News in Atlanta and as a sports anchor on WMC-TV in Memphis for three years. Also, he did viral campaigns for such platforms as ESPN, Bleacher Report, and SBNation.

He was named a finalist in the Tennessee Associated Press Sportscaster of the Year award in 2017.

Shah started with WWE in January 2022 on 205 Live, working alongside Nigel McGuinness on commentary. He stayed in this role when the show was rebranded as NXT Level Up and had been working with Bryon Saxton.

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