WWE Diva reveals she’s three months pregnant (updated)

WWE Diva Rosa Mendes revealed to WWE.com that she’s three months pregnant. Down below are the highlights from that interview.

What is the big news that you’d like to share with the WWE Universe today, Rosa?

I’m pregnant, and I’m having a little girl. Her name’s going to be Jordan Elizabeth Schubenski and she’ll be born February 2016. Mom’s middle name is Elizabeth, and I’ve always loved the name Jordan for a girl.

That’s incredible news! How far along are you, exactly, and how are you feeling?

I’m three months, and I’m feeling really good. I’m past the morning sickness stage, so, I’m feeling awesome, but the hardest part was not telling anybody [and keeping] it a secret from all my friends and loved ones. That was the hardest part for me.

So is this the first time anyone in the WWE locker room will be hearing this news, officially?

Nobody knows. Everybody’s going be finding out after this interview.

With this great news, what does this mean for you in WWE and your career at the moment?

This baby has really motivated me and inspired me. I look at powerful moms like Stephanie McMahon. She’s a mother of three and she does it all, and her kids are bright and intelligent. So, this has truly motivated me. And, I look at my accomplishments — I’m a WWE Diva, I’m an entrepreneur and now I’m going to have the most important job in the world, being a mother and giving this baby an amazing life.

You can read the entire interview here.

On Instagram, the WWE Diva revealed the father as her boyfriend, Bobby Schubenski.

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