WWE edits WCW Slam Jam themes on the WWE Network

Last week it looked like WWE had resolved the issue with certain WCW themes from the early to mid 90s when themes like “Man Called Sting” and Rick Rude’s “Simply Ravishing” were aired unedited. Apparently there are still rights issues since today WWE has reuploaded shows without those themes. Those themes have been replaced by generic songs produced by WWE. One example where it’s very noticeable is the Slamboree 95 pay-per-view. Johnny B. Badd and Sting’s themes are replaced. Those themes were produced by Jimmy Papa for the WCW Slam Jam album and were used by WCW wrestlers.

Themes to look for are:

1. Don’t Step To Ron (Ron Simmons)
2. Man Called Sting (Sting)
3. Mr. Bang Bang (Cactus Jack)
4. Master of the DDT (Jake “The Snake” Roberts, but I don’t think Jake was around long enough to use it)
5. Freebird Forever (Fabulous Freebirds)
6. Simply Ravishing (“Ravishing” Rick Rude)
7. Johnny B Badd
8. The Natural (Dustin Rhodes)
9. The Dragon (Ricky Steamboat)
10. He’s Smokin (Barry Windham)
11. Steinerized (Steiner Brothers)

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