WWE Elimination Chamber 2017 PPV results: Bray Wyatt wins WWE Championship, New Women’s Champ

Show: Elimination Chamber
Location: Phoenix, AZ at the Talking Stick Arena
Date: 2/12/17
Airing Live On The WWE Network

Welcome to the WWE Elimination Chamber pre-show, and we are live on the WWE Network. Renee Young, Booker T, Sam Roberts and Carmella consists of the panel. Becky Lynch will be appearing on the social media lounge. They hype Naomi vs. Alexa Bliss for the SmackDown Live Women’s Title, Randy Orton vs. Luke Harper and the SmackDown Live Tag Team Championship Turmoil match. James Ellsworth walked up and took Carmella offset because he bought tickets to the show. Becky Lynch took fan questions via social media and hyped her match with Mickie James.

Pre-Show Match: Mojo Rawley vs. Curt Hawkins

Rawley landed a big clothesline then took out the left knee of Hawkins. Hawkins ducked out to the floor and sent him into the ring post. We cut to break as Rawley made his way back into the ring.

We’re back with Hawkins in control of Rawley. Moments later, Rawley fought back and hit his finisher (a powerslam) for the win.

Winner: Rawley

A video package to hype the Elimination Chamber match was shown.

Welcome to the Elimination Chamber PPV! We get an intro video package to hype the matches that will be taking place tonight. Our opening contest is…

Singles Match: Mickie James vs. Becky Lynch

They lock up and both of them roll out to the ring while still locked up. They get into the ring. Lynch knocked her out of the ring and hit a diving forearm shot. Back in the ring, James targeted the left arm of Lynch. Moments later, Lynch fought out of an arm hold with a series of clotheslines. James with a kick to the left arm then sent her into the ring post. James with a hurricanrana off the middle rope. James followed up with a big boot for 2. Lynch rolled her up for 2. Lynch missed a forearm shot and James landed a flapjack then went to the top rope and hit a dive for 2. James was bleeding from her right elbow. Lynch landed a back elbow then a kick followed by a dropkick off the top rope for 2. James blocked a suplex and hit the Mick Kick for 2. James landed a series of strikes. James went for a DDT, but Lynch blocked and went for the Disarmer, but James rolled her. Lynch countered it and rolled up James to pick up the win.

Winner: Lynch.

We see Ellsworth and Carmella eating popcorn and watching the show. Dasha interviewed them and Carmella wasn’t impressed. We see Baron Corbin warming up in the back.

Dolph Ziggler attacked Kalisto as he was making his entrance. Apollo Crews, who was already in the ring, checked on Kalisto along with several referees.

Handicap Match: Dolph Ziggler vs. Apollo Crews and Kalisto

Once the match got started, Crews hit a suplex to Ziggler. Ziggler fought back with a series of strikes. As the match goes on, Kalisto tried to make his way into the ring. Crews landed a big kick to Ziggler’s head. Kalisto got the hot tag and hit a series of kicks to Ziggler. Crews was tagged in and hit a spin out powerbomb for the win.

Winners: Apollo Crews and Kalisto

Post-match, Ziggler took out the legs of Kalisto then beatdown Crews with a series of kicks. Ziggler put Crews’ leg sandwiched into a chair and kicked it repeatedly.

SmackDown Tag Team Championship Tag Team Turmoil Match: American Alpha © The Ascension vs. Heath Slater & Rhyno vs. The Vaudevillains vs. Breezango vs. The Usos.

Heath Slater & Rhyno as well Breezango were the first teams out. Rhyno hit Breeze with a clothesline then a shoulder block in the corner. Rhyno was really over with the fans. Slater was tagged in and they hit a back elbow. Fandango was tagged in and Slater rolled him up for 2 then hit a back kick. Rhyno took out Breeze and Fandango tossed Rhyno to the floor. Slater tagged in Rhyno, who hit a GORE to Fandango for the elimination.

Elimination: Breezango

The Vaudevillains were out next. They pulled Rhyno out of the ring and tossed him into the barricade. Slater took them out with a dive. Slater tagged himself in but English caught him with a big boot. Moments later, Slater fought back and hit a DDT to English for the elimination.

Elimination: The Vaudevillains

The Usos then walked down to the ring. Jimmy hit Slater with a side kick. Slater fought back and hit a clothesline. Rhyno was tagged in and hit a series of strikes. Jey was tagged in and hit Slater with a samoan drop. Jey tossed Rhyno to the floor and Jimmy was tagged in then hit a super kick for the elimination.

Elimination: Heath Slater & Rhyno

American Alpha walked out. A brawl broke out between the two teams on the ramp. Jordan clotheslines Jimmy to the floor while Gable hit Jey with a diving crossbody for 2. The Usos work over Gable until Gable fought back and tagged in Jordan, who started german suplexing both Usos. Jey tried to roll up Jordan but Gable tagged himself in and rolled up Jey for the elimination. After the elimination, The Usos beatdown American Alpha.

Elimination: The Usos

The Ascension walked out as the final tag team. The Ascension hit the Fall of Man on Jordan for 2 as Gable made the save. Viktor tossed Gable to the floor then hit a flying knee to Jordan. Jordan hit a suplex to Viktor. American Alpha hit their tag team move for the win.

Winners: American Alpha

Singles Match: Nikki Bella vs. Natalya

They start brawling to begin the match. Bella tossed her to the floor and hit a clothesline off the top rope. Bella had to chase Natalya around the ring and Natalya shoved her into the ring post. Back in the ring, Natalya locked in a headlock but Bella fought out of it. Natalya cut her off with a clothesline then mocked her. Bella rolled her up for 2. Bella with a big strike then went for the STF but Natalya got to the bottom rope. Bella with a big forearm shot for 2. Natalya blocked the Rack Attack but Bella was able to hit a spinebuster for 2. Natalya hit a superplex for 2. Natalya locked in the sharpshooter but Bella got out of it and locked in the STF but Natalya got to the bottom rope. They brawl out to the floor and the match finishes in a double countout.

Bray Wyatt cuts a backstage promo about how he and Randy Orton must go their separate ways. He added that this is his era.

Singles Match: Randy Orton vs. Luke Harper.

They start brawling to begin the match. Harper sent him to the floor and head first into the announce table. Back in the ring, Harper it Orton with a drop kick. Harper went to the top rope but Orton knocked him off with a right hand. Back in the ring, Orton locked in a headlock and then suplexed him over the top rope. Harper fought back with a big boot and then a springboard senton. Harper sent Orton to the floor and then hit a dive through the ropes to take out Orton. Harper hit a back suplex to Orton onto the announce table. Orton hit a scoop slam to Harper. Back in the ring, Orton hit a superplex to Harper. Orton with a powerslam for 2. Orton went for the RKO but Harper hit a superkick then a second kick for 2. Harper hit Orton with a big powerbomb for 2. Orton hit an RKO out of nowhere for the win.

Winner: Orton.

Bella was interviewed in the back about Natalya. This led to Natalya attacking Bella from behind.

SmackDown Women’s Championship Match: Alexa Bliss © vs. Naomi.

Naomi rolled her up for 2 to begin the match. Naomi went for a bulldog but Bliss blocked and sent her into the corner. Naomi fought back and landed a big kick to Bliss’ head. Naomi with a series of clotheslines then a springboard kick. Naomi with a somersault clothesline then she went went to the top rope and hit an overcastle for 2. Bliss fought back with a DDT then started throwing a fit. Naomi with a kick and a moonsault but she missed it and Bliss rolled her up for 2 but she had her feet on the ropes and the referee saw it. Bliss missed a dive and Naomi hit a moonsault off the top rope for the win.

Winner: Naomi.

Post-match, Naomi cut a promo about how she has envisioned this moment for a long time and that she is headed to WrestleMania 33 in her hometown of Orlando, FL as champion.

WWE Championship Elimination Chamber Match: John Cena © vs. AJ Styles vs. Bray Wyatt vs. Baron Corbin vs. The Miz vs. Dean Ambrose

Styles and Cena start things off. Cena hit a series of shoulder blocks. Styles fired back with a backbreaker for 2. Cena fought back with a series of shoulder blocks and then a side slam. Dean Ambrose enters the match next. Ambrose hit Cena with a series of clotheslines then sent him to the floor, which is now padded and not steel. He then sent Styles into the chain and clotheslines him back into the ring. Ambrose suplexes Styles onto the floor. Ambrose climbed onto one of the podcast and dove off of it onto Cena. Cena hit a double german suplex to Ambrose and Styles. Styles shoved down Cena and Ambrose took out Styles with a clothesline. Bray Wyatt was next in the match. Wyatt took out Cena and then a suplex to Ambrose. Styles sent Wyatt to the floor, but Wyatt blocked a springboard move and sent Styles into the cage. Styles kicked Wyatt then hit a springboard leg drop to Wyatt. Styles and Cena club the cage. Cena was knocked down to the floor. Ambrose and Styles fought on top of one of the podcast. Ambrose sent Styles into the plastic material. Ambrose climbed down, and Wyatt sent him into the fence. Wyatt tossed Styles from the top of the pod to the mat. Baron Corbin was the next man in. Corbin clotheslines Ambrose and then sent him into the cage. Corbin hit Styles with the End of Days. Cena locked in the STF on Corbin, but Corbin fought out of it and hit End of Days to Cena. Ambrose hit a drop kick to Corbin then clotheslines him to the floor and sends him into the cage. Corbin fought back and sent Ambrose back into the ring. Ambrose climbed the top rope, but Corbin pushed him into the cage. The Miz entered the match as the final man. Miz was hesitant to get into the match, which allowed Ambrose to roll up Corbin for the elimination.

Elimination: Corbin.

Corbin attacked Ambrose and sent him through the pod. Corbin hit End of Days to Ambrose then left the ring. The Miz then pinned Ambrose for the elimination.

Elimination: Ambrose

Miz hit Cena and Wyatt with a series of kicks. Miz with even more kicks to Styles in the corner.

Miz went to the top rope but Wyatt shoved him off but Miz caught Wyatt and hit Skull Crushing Finale on the floor. Miz hit a crossbody to Cena but Cena rolled through and hit the AA for the elimination.

Elimination: Miz.

And we’re down to three. Wyatt and Styles jumped Cena. Wyatt turned on Styles and hit a running senton to Cena. Cena fought back and hit a series of shoulder blocks to Styles then a back suplex to Wyatt. He hit Wyatt with the AA. Styles hit the Styles Clash to Cena for 2. Styles missed a springboard move and Cena hit the AA for 2. Cena climbed up to the pod and hit a dive off of it onto Wyatt and Styles. Wyatt hit Sister Abigail to Cena for the elimination.

Elimination: Cena.

Wyatt hit a series of strikes to Styles then sent him into the corner but Styles fired out of it with a drop kick. Wyatt hit a clothesline to Styles for 2. Styles hit a back kick to Wyatt then a running knee strike. Styles hit a springboard 450 splash for 2. Styles went for a springboard move but Wyatt countered and hit Sister Abigail for the win.

Winner: Wyatt

Post-match, Wyatt celebrates in the ring. Orton and Wyatt have a staredown to close the show.


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