WWE files lawsuit against US Citizenship and Immigration Services

WWE has decided to file a lawsuit in the United States District Court of Connecticut against US Citizenship and Immigration Services.

The company did so on January 26th. Martine G. Cuomo, an immigration attorney, filed documents on behalf of WWE for the lawsuit. Pwinsider.com notes that the nature of the lawsuit is sealed to the public, which means there are no details to uncover.

It was speculated that this is likely due to WWE not being able to get talent or an employee into the United States to work. This was a process that was exacerbated under former President Trump due to policy changes.

The court documents show that Immigration has not yet been served with the lawsuit, but they have 60 days to respond.

The records also indicate that amended pleadings need to be filed by March 27th with discovery completed by July 8th.

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