WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results for June 3, 2022

WWE Friday Night SmackDown
June 3rd, 2022
The Schottenstein Center
Columbus, Ohio

Welcime to our live coverage of WWE Friday Night SmackDown, which is emanating from The Schottenstein Center in Columbus, Ohio. With just two nights to go before the Hell In A Cell PLE, WWE has announced the following for tonight’s show, Raquel Rodriguez, Shotzi, Aliyah, Xia Li, Shayna Baszler, and Natalya will do battle in a six-pack challenge to determine the next number one contender for Ronda Rousey’s Smackdown women’s championship, Madcap Moss will make his return to Smackdown, and The Usos will defend their undisputed WWE tag team championships against Riddle and Shinsuke Nakamura.

– Smackdown kicks off with The New Day, Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods, Kofi says that they were beaten down by the Brawling Brutes but last week they had help from Drew McIntyre, Xavier Woods then introduces Drew McIntyre, Drew sends a special shoutout to Big E, Drew then gets the crowd to chant for Big E. Drew says that was flying back and forth from the UK and missed a couple of weeks, but he will challenge for the Undisputed Universal championship, Drew is about to make a joke about his “big D” nickname but the New Day cut him off, The New Day then present Drew with a gift, Drew opens it to find a “big D” kilt. The Brawling Brutes then interrupts, Sheamus says their win was as tainted as every Ohio State championship, Sheamus says if they go fight night one more time they will kick their asses, Butch runs into the ring, Butch tries to attack Kofi but is sent to the outside.

Match 1: Butch, Sheamus, and Ridge Holland vs Kofi Kingston, Xavier Woods, and Drew McIntyre

– We are back from commercial as we see Sheamus hammering away at the chest of Xavier on the apron, Butch goes for an armwringer but Xavier turns it into a jawbreaker, Xavier then lands a basement dropkick on Butch, followed by a splash from Kofi for a one count, Xavier and Kofi then lands a series of kicks to the back and chest of Butch, Xavier then lands a senton on Butch for a two count, Ridge Holland then takes out the knee of Xavier with a shoulder tackle, Kofi then lands a top rope axe handle to the head of Sheamus, Sheamus runs at Kofi in the corner but Kofi moves out of the way, causing Sheamus to crash shoulder first into the ring post, Kofi then lands a top rope crossbody on Sheamus for a two count, Kofi then lands the boom drop, Butch tries to get on the apron but is fought off, Kofi and Xavier then jumps over the top rope, taking out Sheamus and Ridge Holland as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Sheamus choking Kofi with a headlock, Butch then lands a series of punches to Kofi in the corner, Ridge lands a powerslam on Kofi, Sheamus then lands a knee to the face of Kofi from the top rope for a nearfall, Kofi then lands a meteora on Sheamus, which allows him to tag in Drew McIntyre, Drew lands two closelines on Ridge, followed by a belly-to-belly suplex, Drew then closelines Sheamus on the outside, Drew then lands a neckbreaker on Ridge, Drew then lands a hiptoss on Sheamus, Butch jumps on Drew and attempts punches but Drew throws him, Sheamus then lands a running knee and the brogue kick to Drew on the outside, Sheamus distracts Xavier on the outside, allowing Butch to hit the bitter end for the pinfall victory.

Winners via pinfall: The Brawling Brutes at 10:56.

– Riddle and Shinsuke Nakamura are interviewed, Riddle says that this is the honeymoon faze and Nakamura is no Randy Orton, replays of their downfall is shown, Riddle says that he promised to hurt them twice as bad, and tonight he will get vengeance for Randy.

– Max Dupri once again interrupts Adam Pearce in his office, Dupri says that for the last seven days he’s been scouting the next hottest star in WWE, Dupri says that he found someone who will walk away from Instagram and into the bright lights of WWE, Dupri says that we will learn who his first client is next week.

– We get a video package highlighting the Hell In A Cell match between Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins.

– Jinder Mahal yells at Shanky and tells him not to dance tonight.

Match 2: Humberto vs Jinder Mahal 

– The match starts off with Humberto running at Jinder, Humberto lands a dropkick, followed by a series of kicks in the corner, Humberto then lands a chop on Jinder, Jinder then lands a big back body drop on Humberto, followed by a jumping knee to the back, Humberto then hangs up Jinder on the top rope, followed by a kick, Jinder then lands a kick on Humberto, Shanky starts to dance on the outside, Humberto rolls up Jinder but the referee is distracted by Shanky, Jinder then rolls up Humberto for the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall: Jinder Mahal at 2:16.

– After the match, Shanky and the ring announcer dance.

– Ronda Rousey makes her entrance to watch the next match.

– We see that Shotzi locked Aliyah in the locker room.

Match 3: Aliyah vs Shotzi vs Shayna Baszler vs Natalya vs Raquel Rodriguez vs Xia Li

– The match starts with Aliyah taking down Shotzi, Aliyah then lands a meteora off the apron, Natalya and Shayna then send Aliyah into the timekeepers area, Raquel then uses Shotzi as a weapon, swinging her into Natalya and Shayna, Natalya then goes forna sharpshooter on Xia Li but Xia kicks her off, Xia then lands a suplex on Natalya, followed by a spinning kick, Aliyah then lands a bulldog on Xia, Shayna then lands a gut-wrench suplex on Aliyah, Shotzi then lands a DDT on Shayna, Natalya then punches away at Raquel, Natalya then slams Raquel face-first into the middle turnbuckle, Raquel then suplexes Shotzi onto Natalya, Raquel then hits the spinning corkscrew elbow on Shotzi and Shayna, Raquel then hits Shotzi with the Chingona bomb, Shayna jumps on the back of Raquel with a chokehold, allowing Natalya to come in and pin Shotzi, stealing the victory.

Winner via pinfall: Natalya at 4:06.

– After the match, Ronda Rousey and Natalya have a stare-down.

– Madcap Moss breaks out of an ambulance, we will hear from him next.

– Lacey Evans will make her return to Smackdown, next week.

– Madcap Moss makes his entrance, Madcap says that three weeks ago he laid in the ring with a steel chair around his neck and a ninety pound trophy on his neck, Madcap says the man who would take Corbin’s crap week after week is just not gone, but buried, Madcap says every night he’s having dreams of punching Corbin as he demands Madcap tells him a joke, Madcap then calls out Happy Corbin, Corbin says that Madcap isn’t here to fight, but he’s here because he missed him, Corbin says that he’ll consider giving Madcap his job back if he begs, Madcap says that all he wants to do is knock his teeth down his throat, Corbin says not tonight because Madcap is angry and not thinking straight, Adam Pearce then interrupts, Pearce says that a match between Madcap and Happy Corbin sounds good right about now, Pearce then makes the match official.

Match 4: Madcap Moss vs Happy Corbin

– The match starts with Corbin rolling to the outside, Corbin then uses the referee as a shield, allowing him to land a kick to the knee of Madcap, Madcap then closelines Corbin to the outside, Madcap throws Corbin into the barricade twice, Madcap then throws Corbin shoulder first into the ring post, Corbin tries to use a steel chair but Madcap hits Corbin in the stomach with the chair, causing the disqualification.

Winner via disqualification: Happy Corbin at 1:20. 

– After the match, Madcap Moss attacks Corbin in the back with a steel chair, Madcap then chokes Corbin with the chair, before hitting Corbin in the stomach with the chair, Madcap then wraps the chair around Corbin’s neck, Madcap goes to pick up the steel steps but officials come out and break it up, Corbin retreats and celebrates up the ramp as its announced he’s won via disqualification.

– The Usos say that they are doing this for Roman Reigns and that the Bloodline will still be dripped in gold after tonight.

– Adam Pearce runs into Happy Corbin backstage, Pearce announces that Corbin will battle Madcap Moss in a No Holds Barred match at The Hell In A Cell match PLE.

– Ricochet says that he’s confident in his championship match against Gunther next week.

– Ludwig Kaiser says that the Intercontinental Championship represents honor, Gunther says that Ricochet’s time is up and he will become the new Intercontinental champion next week.

Match 5: Undisputed Tag team championships: The Usos (c) vs Shinsuke Nakamura and Riddle

– The match starts off with Shinsuke landing a series of knees on Jey Uso, both Nakamura and Riddle land kicks to Jey in the corner, Riddle then hits a fisherman’s suplex for a one count, Jimmy then works on the back of Riddle with stomps, Jimmy then puts Riddle in a headlock, Riddle then lands a kick to the side of Jimmy’s head, allowing him to tag in Nakamura, Nakamura then lands a scissors-kick to the back of the neck of Jey, Shinsuke then lands a running knee to the stomach of Jey for a two count, Nakamura then hits a running german suplex on Jey, Riddle then lands a kick to the chest of Jey for a two count, both Usos then land a double superkick on Riddle for a nearfall, Shinsuke then sends Jey shoulder first into the steel steps, Shinsuke goes for a Kinshasa but Jey moves out of the way, Jey then jumps on the back of Shinsuke’s knee as Jimmy holds him, medical personal checks on Nakamura, Nakamura is carried to the back as Riddle runs back into the ring, Riddle sends both Usos to the outside as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Jimmy throw Riddle into the corner, Riddle tries to fight back but Jimmy lands an enzuigiri kick for a two count, both Usos then send Riddle into the turnbuckle with a strong Irish whip, Riddle then lands an overhead kick on Jimmy, followed by a jumping knee to Jey, Riddle then lands an exploder suplex on each Uso, Riddle then lands a senton to each Uso, Riddle then lands a running kick to the face of Jey, followed by a floated bro to Jimmy off the apron, Riddle then lands a powerslam on Jimmy, followed by a second rope DDT, Jimmy then catches Riddle with a Samoan drop for a nearfall, Riddle then lands a super RKO onto Jimmy as Roman’s music plays, distracting Riddle, Jey then lands the Uso splash for the pinfall victory.

Winners via pinfall and STILL Undisputed tag team champions: The Usos at 13:20.

– After the match, we see that Sami Zayn played Roman Reigns’ music from the production truck, Sami then comes out to celebrate with the Usos, Riddle then runs up at the ramp and attacks The Usos and Sami Zayn, Smackdown ends with officials holding Riddle back.




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