WWE has purchased the rights to a documentary on the life of Kurt Angle

During the latest Kurt Angle podcast on AdFreeShows.com, Kurt talked about the career of Jason Jordan, who now works behind-the-scenes as a Producer in WWE.

Angle talked about the storyline that revealed that Jordan was his illegitimate son. Angle talked about what was supposed to be the payoff and what Jason’s thoughts were on everything.

Angle also said talked about the upcoming “Biography” on A&E that will air 7/31/22 at 8 PM Eastern. Angle also mentioned that WWE bought the rights to his documentary that was being produced about his life:

“The WWE bought the show from us, the documentary. They changed it up a little bit and made it a little more pro wrestling oriented. But we made a deal with them that this will air on Peacock next year. They actually added more WWE stuff to it. So the one next year on Peacock will be more about my personal life growing up and before the WWE, so it’s a really well rounded documentary.”

Click below for more details on how you can listen to the entire podcast.

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