WWE house show results from Rochester, Minnesota: Cena wrestles with swollen eye

by Dan Halvey

1. Adam Rose beat Heath Slater. Groan. Both acts look very indy to me even in a smaller arena. Comedy to start the match. Not much wrestling here. People were into Rose a little, I guess. I don’t get the act. To me, he’s an annoying guy who I want to buy a ticket to see him get his ass kicked. Bo Dallas is an annoying guy who I want to buy a ticket to see him get his ass kicked, but one’s a face and one’s a heel.

2. Nikki Bella and Eva Marie beat Aksana and Rosa. Typical women’s match. The kids seemed to be into Nikki. Rosa looked terrible. Nikki got the pin.

3. Rusev (w/Lana) pinned Big E. Lana did her belittling of the USA promo. It got the crowd pretty hot at them. Rusev looks bigger live than on TV. Lots of kicks and punches. The longer matches, show off Rusev’s weakness. The crowd was into this one though with the “USA” chants and Rusev and Lana seemed to know how to work the crowd. Rusev won with the Accolade. Overall a decent match with good heat. Rusev just needs more time to develop.

4. Sheamus beat The Miz to retain the United States Championship. Miz came out as a face, then went into a five minute promo about how he needs to be here for us “ordinary people”. The crowd cheered in agreement. He continued talking about how better he is than the people of Rochester. He then talked about how he’s a big movie star and Sheamus shouldn’t punch him in the face. The crowd still seemed to agree with Sheamus. Huh?!? Anyway, once they got going, it was a solid match with lots of near falls popping the crowd. Sheamus won with the Brogue Kick out of nowhere. Best match of the night. Both worked hard.

5. Los Matadores and El Torito beat Jinder Mahal, Hornswoggle, and Drew McIntyre. Typical comedy match, with comedy spots. The kids seemed to like it.

6. Bad News Barrett beat R-Truth to retain the Intercontinental Title. People were into Truth’s rap and Barrett got a decent reaction, even though he called Rochester a terrible place. Good action, good near falls. BNB won with the Bull Hammer.

7. John Cena and The Usos beat The Wyatt family in a six-man tag. The Wyatts were introduced first and people held up their cell phones for the entrance. The Usos came out to a great response and did their “You say…” promo. Cena came out next and the place exploded! The Wyatts tried to head to the back to start the match so the ref started to count them out. You could clearly see Cena’s swollen eye. Wyatt and Harper then ran Rowan down the isle and threw him into the ring like a mindless sheep to start the match. Rowan and Harper worked most of the match against the Usos. One of the Usos got the hot tag to the other and they cleared it out. Cena eventually came in, did his signature moves and pinned Wyatt after an AA. Cena and the Usos slapped hands to the kids delight. Good match, a bit short, but the crowd loved it. There were no “Cena sucks” chants at all. 95 percent of the crowd was behind Cena.

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