WWE Monday Night Raw 1/11/16 results: Owens vs. Reigns, new U.S Champion crowned

Show: RAW

Location: New Orleans, LA at the Smoothie King Center

Date: January 11th, 2016

Airing Live On The USA Network

Welcome to the WWE Raw pre-show, and we are live on the WWE Network. Scott Stanford, Booker T, Corey Graves, and David Otunga talk about Sting being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. They hype what we will see tonight, which is Brock Lesnar returning to RAW as well as a Chris Jericho “Highlight Reel” segment with The New Day. There is a recap video of last week’s episode of RAW.

Welcome to WWE Monday Night Raw, there is a recap video of last week’s episode of Raw. The entire roster is on the stage with Vince and Stephanie McMahon walking out to the ring. Vince hyped that anyone on the active roster could be WWE Champion. Stephanie said that Roman Reigns might be walking into the Royal Rumble as champion, but will not be leaving as the champion. Vince ran down the rules of the Rumble match. Vince pointed out Dolph Ziggler while Stephanie pointed out Kevin Owens as possible winners. This led to Bray Wyatt with The Wyatt Family appearing at ringside. Bray said that it could be anyone but Reigns. Vince also said it could be Brock Lesnar. This led to Roman Reigns walking out to the ring. Vince asked why he was out here. Reigns responded with a question, “what happens if I win?” Stephanie laughed at him about the questions. Vince booked half of the roster vs. Reigns for tonight. Stephanie said it could be against anyone including Dean Ambrose. Vince said that Dean was in the first match. Sheamus attacked Ambrose from behind.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Sheamus vs. Dean Ambrose

The match is already underway when we cut back from break. The two exchange right hands. Sheamus dumped him to the floor then started to land a series of strikes to the chest of Ambrose. Sheamus gets some offense in for a few minutes. Moments later, Ambrose fought back and hit an outside dive taking out Sheamus.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Ambrose in control of Sheamus. Ambrose hit a DDT off the top rope for 2. Ambrose then hit an elbow from the top rope for 2. The two the brawled to the floor where Ambrose sent Sheamus into the ring post and this match was ruled a double count out.

Post-match, Ambrose sent Sheamus head first into the announce table and steel steps. Ambrose cleared the announce table and teased putting him through it. Kevin Owens ran and hit Ambrose from behind. Owens then walked away with referees checking on Ambrose.

-Commercial Break-

Dean Ambrose cuts a backstage promo about saying that he was fine.

This led to Paul Heyman walking into Vince and Stephanie McMahon. Heyman praised them for their 1 vs. all match for later tonight. Heyman was so happy they mentioned Brock Lesnar in their promo. Heyman said that Lesnar is a prize fighter, but wants to fight for the title at WrestleMania. Heyman said that the WWE Champion vs. Brock Lesnar at Mania would be huge. Vince said he doesn’t like that idea. Stephanie suggested that Heyman step into her office.

Singles Match: Stardust vs. Titus O’Neil.

Titus got the upper hand in the match by landing a series of chops to the chest of Stardust. Titus caught him and hit a series of backbreakers. Stardust hit a drop kick then put the boots to him. Titus then fought back and hit his finisher for the win.

Winner: Titus.

Post-match, Stardust attacked him from behind and sent him into the barricade.

-Commercial Break-

Chris Jericho walked down to the ring and said that he is back to save the WWE. He promised to win the Royal Rumble Match then go onto win the WWE Title. This led to The New Day walking out to the ring. New Day said that they were not Rooty, Tooty, Booties. The Usos come out and call out The New Day to prove that they’re best tag team in WWE. New Day said that The Usos are irrelevant. New Day pointed out that The Usos are only two men, and they are a three-person group. Jericho that there is actually six people in the ring if you count him. Jericho challenged them to a tag team match.

-Commercial Break-

Tag Team Match: Usos with Jericho vs. Big E and Kofi Kingston with Xavier Woods.

Kingston and Jimmy start things off. They exchange right hands until Jey is tagged in and hit a double elbow drop for 2. Big E was tagged in as Jimmy started dancing. Jimmy hit a right hand then Jey hit a dive off the top rope. Big E caught him with a big back elbow. Kingston was tagged in, but Jimmy fired back with a series of rights. Jimmy hit a splash in the corner then a drop kick followed by back splash for 2. Kingston hit a jawbreaker then sent Jimmy to the floor.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Jimmy making his comeback by clearing the ring of New Day. He almost got the tag to Jey, but Big E pulled him off the apron. Kingston dumped Jimmy to the floor, and Big E took him out with a clothesline. Back in the ring, Kofi covered him for 2. Jimmy dumped New Day out of the ring, tagged in Jey, and he took them out with a dive. Back in the ring, Jey hit a dive onto Big E for 2. Jey ran into the Belly-to-Belly suplex by Big E for 2. Big E went for the Big Ending, but blocked, and Jey hit a superkick. Kingston tagged himself in but ran into a superkick. Jey was knocked down by Kingston. Jericho then grabbed the trombone and broke it. Woods went nuts. Jey rolled up Kingston for the win.

Winner: Usos.

Paul Heyman is trying to convince Stephanie McMahon backstage about his WrestleMania main event. Stephanie told him not and to tell Lesnar that he will be in the Royal Rumble Match.

JBL gives a quick speech about Sting going into the WWE Hall of Fame. A video package is then shown.

The Wyatt Family is in the ring, but before Bray Wyatt could say anything, The Social Outcasts walk out.

Eight-Man Tag Team Match: The Wyatt Family vs. The Social Outcasts

Dallas, Axel, and Rose try to attack Braun Strowman, but he knocked them all down. Wyatt was tagged in, but Ryback walked down to the ring. He cleared the ring of The Wyatts and stood tall in the ring with the group.

Kalisto cuts a backstage promo about giving Alberto Del Rio a fight tonight.

Alberto Del Rio cuts a promo in the ring about injuring John Cena. He said that Cena will not be here tonight, at the Royal Rumble, or at WrestleMania.

U.S Title Match: Alberto Del Rio vs. Kalisto.

Del Rio gets the upper hand early on in the match with a DDT. Kalisto fought back with a springboard dive then some kicks. He was caught by Rio, who hit a powerbomb for 2. Rio sent him to the floor Rio then sent him into the barricade and back into the ring. Rio put him in a headlock, but Kalisto fought out with kicks. Rio then sent him back into the barricade, and we cut to break.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Del Rio in control of Kalisto. Rio went to the top rope, but Kalisto knocked him down. Kalisto hit a hurricanrana off the top rope. Kalisto then hit a DDT for a near fall. Kalisto ran into a back breaker. Rio went for a super kick and hit it for 2. Kalisto went to the top rope, but was knocked down. Rio hit a dive off the top rope. Rio missed his finisher and Kalisto hit a hurricanrana for 2. Kalisto with a quick roll up for the win.

Winner and new champ: Kalisto

Charlotte and Ric Flair do a backstage promo. Charlotte said she is not the bad guy, but the champion. She will do anything to stay Divas Champion.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Brie Bella vs. Charlotte.

Before the match could start, Becky Lynch ran down and attacked Charlotte.Referees separated the two girls. Ric Flair said that Charlotte is not ready to wrestle tonight because of Lynch. Charlotte walked out of the ring with Flair.

Winner: Charlotte

-Commercial Break-

Becky Lynch cuts a backstage promo about how Charlotte promised to stay friends with her when they made it to the main roster. That all went out the window when Ric Flair started to get in her ear. She said that she beat Charlotte once, and she’ll do it again.

-Commercial Break-

Vince and Stephanie McMahon were at ringside for the following match.

One vs. All Match: Roman Reigns vs. Kevin Owens, The New Day, The Wyatt Family, Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio, Tyler Breeze, Stardust, and The Ascension.

Owens and Reigns started things off. Reigns hit a shoulder block sending Owens to the floor. Back in the ring, Owens knocked him down and locked in a headlock. Owens then sent Reigns to the floor. He hit a back splash to Reigns.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Owens in control of Reigns.Moments later, Reigns fought back and landed a series of clotheslines in the corner. Reigns hit clotheslines then a big boot. Reigns hit The Ascension with a Superman Punch then power bombed Breeze and followed up with a spear. All of the other stars attacked Reigns. This led to Brock Lesnar walking down to the ring with Paul Heyman to make the save. He started hitting clotheslines then German suplexes to all of the heels. Lesnar then hit an F-5 to Reigns. Lesnar stood tall in the ring to close the show.

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