WWE Monday Night RAW 1/23/17 results: Goldberg, Brock Lesnar, Undertaker face off

Show: RAW
Location: Cleveland, OH at the Quicken Loans Arena
Date: 1/23/17
Airing Live On The USA Network

Welcome to WWE Monday Night Raw, there is a recap video of last week’s episode of Raw. Roman Reigns walks down to the ring to kick off the show. There is a shark cage in the ring. He cuts a promo about his match with Kevin Owens while Chris Jericho is in a cage at Royal Rumble. Reigns said that he would be Universal Champion this Sunday. This led Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho walking out. Owens asked if Reigns was okay as he sounds delusional. Owens brought up their attack from last week. Owens noted that Reigns has done the same thing (powerbomb through an announcers table) to several guys. Owens pointed out that he was the only one who did that to Reigns. Reigns threatened to beat him up. Jericho called Reigns a stupid idiot. Jericho thinks that Reigns will think it’s funny that he will be in a cage at Royal Rumble. Jericho thought it was funny when he beat Reigns with the Code Breaker. Jericho said that there’s nothing stopping him from attacking Reigns. Reigns asked of him just gave him a rematch for the US Championship. Owens said that Reigns got his match and that Jericho will beat him. Owens said that he has a strong feeling that Reigns is going to be locked in the cage. Reigns vowed to win the US Championship tonight and that he would beat Owens at Royal Rumble.

WWE hypes Goldberg appearing on the show.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Luke Gallows vs. Cesaro.

Cesaro sent him into the corner and hit an uppercut then another one. Anderson distracted Cesaro and Gallows hit a big boot for 2.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Cesaro sending Gallows to the floor. Sheamus took a cheap shot at Gallows. Anderson ran to the back during the commercial break. Cesaro went for the Sharpshooter but Anderson ran down and drop kicked Sheamus. This distracted Cesaro and Gallows hit a powerslam for the win.

Winner: Gallows.

We see Mick Foley on the phone with Stephanie McMahon. She asked why he would book Reigns vs. Jericho tonight. Sami Zayn walked in and told her to hold. He wants to be in the Royal Rumble match. Foley was about to put him in the match but McMahon stopped him. She booked him in a match against Seth Rollins and if he wins then he is in the Royal Rumble match.

-Commercial Break-

Corey Graves conducted a sit-down interview with Bayley to talk to her about her RAW Women’s Championship match with Charlotte Flair at Royal Rumble.

We see Foley telling Rollins about his match with Zayn. Rollins questioned the booking. Foley told him that McMahon wanted competition and that whoever wins the match then gets a spot in the Royal Rumble.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Seth Rollins vs. Sami Zayn – winner gets a spot in Royal Rumble match.

They lock up and exchange arm holds. Zayn caught him with a back elbow but Rollins tossed him to the floor and hit an outside dive.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Rollins having Zayn in a headlock. Zaun sent him to the apron and Rollins caught him with the kick but missed a knee strike. Zayn with the Blue Thunder Bomb. Zan went to the top rope and Rollins moved out of the way of a crossbody. Rollins with an over castle from the top rope for 2. Rollins hit a super kick for 2. Rollins hit the Falcon Arrow for 2. Zayn blocked a move and hit a middle rope DDT then missed the big boot. Rollins went for a Pedigree but Zayn blocked and sent him to the floor. Back in the ring, Zayn hit a powerbomb off the top rope. Zayn hit a suplex in the corner. Rollins hit a kick and then a Pedigree on the apron. This led to Triple H’s music hitting, which distracted Rollins. Zayn rolled him up for the win. Triple H didn’t appear.

Winner: Zayn.

Post-match, Rollins headed to the back.

-Commercial Break-

Six-Man Tag Team Match: Mustafa Ali, TJ Perkins & Jack Gallagher vs. Tony Nese, Drew Gulak & Ariya Daivari.

Gallagher and Nese started things off. Gallagher with a headlock then tagged in Perkins, who hit a six-man tag team match. Perkins rolled him up for 2. Gulak with a headbutt then a stomp. Nese was tagged in and Perkins hit a shoulder block but Nese knocked him off the top rope. Gulak and Ali got the hot tags. Ali with an armdrag then an up kick. Ali with a rolling neck breaker but Neese and Daivari broke it up. Gallagher took them out. Ali went to the top rope and hit a reverse 450 Splash for the win.

Winners: Mustafa Ali, TJ Perkins and Jack Gallagher

-Commercial Break-

The New Day walks down to the ring and cuts a promo about winning Royal Rumble match. Big Cass announced his entry into the Royal Rumble match. This led to Rusev, Jinder Mahal and Lana walking out. Rusev questioned why Big E put Big in his name. Rusev is entering in the Royal rumble match. This led to Titus O’Neil walking out. Xavier Woods said that him walking out every week is just disrespectful. Woods told him to catch him outside. O’Neil was confused by this and said that there would be an eight-man tag team match. Woods pointed out that there are only four of them. O’Neil introduced Braun Strowman as their partner.

-Commercial Break-

Eight-Man Tag Team Match: Rusev, Braun Strowman, Titus O’Neil and Jinder Mahal vs. The New Day, Enzo Amore and Big Cass.

Kingston and Rusev started things off. Rusev kicked him in the gut and sent him into the ring post. Mahal was tagged in and landed a back elbow. O’Neil hit a slam and the heels beat down Kingston until he made the hot tag to Big Cass, who tossed Mahal across the ring. Cass hit a splash then a big boot then Amore was tagged in and hit a splash but O’Neil took him out. Things broke down in the ring. Kingston took them out with an outside dive. Amore rolled up Mahal for 2. Amore with a head kick to Mahal. Strowman was tagged in and hit his finisher…

Winners: Rusev, Braun Strowman, Titus O’Neil and Jinder Mahal.

Post-match, The Big Show walked down to the ring. Show and Strowman had a staredown. Strowman retreated and Show stood tall in the ring.

-Commercial Break-

US Championship Match: Roman Reigns vs. Chris Jericho ©.

Reigns opened up with a right hand then sent him to the floor and barricade. Reigns hit the drive by on the apron to send us to commercial.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Jericho in control of Reigns with a chin lock. Jericho fought back and went to the top rope but Reigns hit an uppercut. Reigns with a series of clotheslines. Jericho with a big boot and then they botched a move. Reigns hit a samoan drop for 2. Reigns ate a drop kick for 2. Reigns hit a powerbomb for 2. Kevin Owens walked down to the ring and attacked Reigns causing the DQ after Reigns hit a superman punch.

Winner: Reigns.

Post-match, Owens had the shark cage lowered and they put him in there. Reigns fought out of it. Reigns put Owens into the cage and locked it. Jericho hung on the cage and Reigns hit Jericho with a superman punch. Reigns with a spear to Jericho.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Owens being let out of the cage. Owens and Jericho threw a fit. Owens was informed that his match Reigns is a No DQ Match. Owens said that it’s not fair and that the match should be canceled.

Graves conducted a sit-down interview with Flair to talk to her about her RAW Women’s Championship match with Bayley at Royal Rumble.

Singles Match: Nia Jax vs. Miss Lynn

Jax hit a splash to get the quick win.

Winner: Jax.

Post-match, Jax cut a promo about ending Sasha Banks’ career and said that she made Banks be forgotten by the fans. Jax thinks ESPN should do a documentary on Banks. This led to Banks walking down to the ring. Banks hit Jax with her crutch over and over. Banks hit a knee strike off the apron then walked down the back.

-Commercial Break-

Another promo, another week, was shown for Emma’s return.

Singles Match: Rich Swann vs. Noam Dar.

Swann with an arm drag then started dancing and hit a drop kick. Swann went for an outside dive but Dar stood behind Fox. Swann with an up kick to Dar. Fox distracted Swann and Dar hit a drop kick for 2.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Swann making his comeback by hitting a head kick for the win.

Winner: Swann.

Post-match, Swann called out Neville, who walked down to the ring. Swann hit an outside dive then landed a series of right hands.

-Commercial Break-

Goldberg walks down to the ring. The fans start chanting his name. Goldberg was bleeding from the top of his head. Goldberg started botching his promo and he noted that he is really screwing up. Goldberg said that WrestleMania runs through the Royal Rumble match. He said that there will be 29 other Superstars competing in this match. He said that he would stop at nothing to becoming WWE Universal Champion. This led to Paul Heyman walking out. Heyman thinks that WWE should rename the Royal Rumble match because there are so many possibilities in the match. Heyman said Goldberg could fight Randy Orton, Braun Strowman, a surprise, The Undertaker or Brock Lesnar. This led to Lesnar walking out. Heyman vowed that Goldberg will be conquered by Lesnar this Sunday. Goldberg asked Lesnar if he is going to come down to the ring as a man or stand up there as a dumbass. Lesnar walked down to the ring. This led to The Undertaker appearing in the ring. We see Taker, Lesnar and Goldberg standing in the ring to close the show.

Thanks for watching along and we will see you next time.

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