WWE Monday Night Raw 1/4/16 results: Reigns vs. Sheamus, Chris Jericho returns

Show: RAW

Location: San Antonio, TX at the AT&T Center

Date: January 4th, 2016

Airing Live On The USA Network

Welcome to the WWE Raw pre-show, and we are live on the WWE Network. Scott Stanford, Booker T, Corey Graves and David Otunga hype what we will see tonight, which is Roman Reigns vs. Sheamus for the WWE Title. Also, Big Show will be wrestling Ryback on RAW. There is a recap video of Vince McMahon being arrested.

Welcome to WWE Monday Night Raw, there is a recap video of last week’s episode of Raw. Stephanie McMahon and Roman Reigns walk out to the ring to start the show. Reigns told her that tonight is not about her, but about her dad. He then called out Vince McMahon. Stephanie said that Vince is not her yet, but will be later. Stephanie said that the odds were not in his favor. Reigns said that the WWE Title is his life because if he loses it, then he doesn’t have a job in WWE anymore, which means he cannot provide. Stephanie said that she doesn’t think Reigns can beat Sheamus tonight. Stephanie says she won’t fire Reigns after he loses to Sheamus then she will never give him a title shot again then use him until he is nothing. Stephanie said that the fans then forget about him. Reigns said that she shouldn’t worry about him because if anyone screws him over tonight, then Stephanie will be picking up Vince from the hospital.

Highlights of Neville beating Kevin Owens last week on RAW were shown.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Kevin Owens vs. Neville with Dean Ambrose on commentary.

Neville knocked Owens out of the ring then hit him with an outside dive. Back in the ring, Neville hit a springboard drop kick. Owens rolled to the floor, and Neville hit a back moonsault to Owens. Back in the ring, Owens hit a spike DDT.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back from break with Owens in control of Neville as he sent him back first into the barricade. Neville then sent Owens face first into the ring post and followed up with a dropkick. Neville hit a 450 splash off the apron. Back in the ring, Owens sent Neville into the corner and hit the cannonball followed by a powerbomb for the win.

Winner: Owens.

Post-match, Owens attacked Neville, but Ambrose made the save. He attacked Owens, but Owens fought back and tried to put him through the announce table. Ambrose fought back and hit an elbow drop to Owens through the table.

Vince McMahon arrives in a limo and cuts a backstage promo. He said that all charges have been dropped and tonight he is the law.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Stardust vs. Titus O’Neil

Stardust worked over Titus early in the match with some strikes and a springboard kick. Moments later, O’Neil fought back and hit the Clash of the Titans for the win.

Winner: O’Neil.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Charlotte vs. Becky Lynch

The two went back and forth until commercial break.

-Commercial Break-

The action continues as Charlotte hits Becky with a series of knee strikes. Charlotte put Lynch on the top rope but ate a kick to the face. Lynch then locked a sleeper, but Charlotte sent her down into the mat then went for the Figure Eight, but Lynch rolled her up for 2. Lynch with a series of rights then a clothesline. Lynch with a heel kick, but ran into a big boot by Charlotte for 2. Charlotte with a series of chops. Lynch fought back with a kick then a suplex for 2. Ric Flair distracted Lynch and Charlotte rolled her up for 2. Lynch reversed and rolled up Charlotte for the win.

Winner: Lynch.

After the match, Charlotte attacked Lynch and hit her with a spear.

Vince McMahon wished Sheamus good luck and said no matter what, just win.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Ryback vs. The Big Show

Big Show attacked Ryback and hit him with a chokeslam then sent him to the floor. The Wyatt Family then surrounded Ryback and attacked him. This led to The Wyatts attacking The Big Show. They left Big Show in the ring as we cut to break.

-Commercial Break-

Tag Team Match: The Usos vs. Alberto Del Rio and Rusev.

Jimmy Uso and Del Rio started the match. Jimmy hit Del Rio with a clothesline then some jobs. Jey hit a forearm splash off the quick tag. Rusev was tagged in and hit a series of headbutts. Rusev put him in a headlock, but he fought out and tagged in Jimmy, who then was tripped and the now legal Del Rio hit him with a dropkick.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Jey Uso missing an enziguri and being kicked out of the ring. Del Rio then was tagged in and kicked Jey in the back. Moments later, Jey fought back and got the hot tag to his brother. Jimmy with a series of slaps then a backdrop to Del Rio. Jimmy hit a back splash for 2. Del Rio popped up and attacked the left arm of Jimmy. He missed a superkick and got kicked in the face. Jimmy went to the top rope but was knocked down. Del Rio went for his finisher and missed it. Jimmy hit a superkick, and Jey hit a splash for the near fall as Rusev broke it up. Rusev caught Jimmy with a superkick and Jey took Rusev out with a dive. Back in the ring, Del Rio hit Jey with a kick then sent him into the ring post. Del Rio hit the double foot stomp for the win.

Winners: Rio and Rusev.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Dolph Ziggler vs. Heath Slater with Adam Rose, Curtis Axel, and Bo Dallas.

They lock up, Ziggler hit a back elbow then a elbow drop. Slater fought back with a series of right hands then a big boot for 2. Ziggler fought back and hit a DDT. Ziggler was distracted by Bo Dallas and Slater rolled him up for the win.

Winner: Slater.

Slater cuts a promo and said that he has found friends. Rose said that he is ready to ride into the atmosphere. Curtis Axel said that he was once lost, but now he is found. Axel said that the chains were off. Dallas said that they’ve been knocked down, but that their standing together. Slater said that they are trending and that they are the social outcasts.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Dolph Ziggler vs. Heath Slater with Adam Rose, Curtis Axel, and Bo Dallas.

They lock up, Ziggler hit a back elbow then an elbow drop. Slater fought back with a series of right hands then a big boot for 2. Ziggler fought back and hit a DDT. Ziggler was distracted by Bo Dallas and Slater rolled him up for the win.

Winner: Slater.

Slater cuts a promo and said that he has found friends. Rose said that he is ready to ride into the atmosphere. Curtis Axel said that he was once lost, but now he is found. Axel said that the chains are off. Dallas said that they’ve been knocked down, but that their standing together. Slater said that they are trending and that they are the social outcasts.

-Commercial Break-

The New Day came out for a promo, but Chris Jericho interrupted. Jericho said that he is back to save the WWE. Jericho mocked the way they talked and called them jackasses for wearing unicorn horns on their head. Jericho said WWE Network, TV ratings, and WWE attendance numbers were down. Jericho apologized for the fans having to sit through this crap. Jericho then told them to shut the hell up. Jericho said that he is back to win the 2016 Royal Rumble match. Jericho then listed his accomplishments and said that he is the best in the world at what he does.

-Commercial Break-

Six-Man Tag Team Match: The New Day vs. The Dudley Boyz and Kalisto

Bubba and Xavier Woods started the match off. Bubba hit a series of chops then Kalisto was tagged in and worked over the now legal Kofi Kingston. Devon was tagged in and hit a hip toss to Woods then sent him and the rest of the New Day members to the floor. Kalisto was tagged in and hit a dive outside the ring.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with The New Day in control of Kalisto. Moments later, Kalisto fought back and got the hot tag to Devon, who hit a series of clotheslines to Woods. Devon hit a power slam to Kingston then a splash in the corner followed by a shoulder block. Devon tagged in Bubba, who hit a back body drop and a big boot to Kingston. He hit a sitdown bomb to Woods for 2. Kalisto took out Big E with a kick and then a dive through the ropes, but Big E caught him and sent him into the barricade. Bubba hit a slam to Kingston then chased after Woods. Big E tagged himself in and hit The New Day hit their finisher for the win.

Winners: The New Day.

-Commercial Break-

WWE Title Match with Vince McMahon as special guest referee: Roman Reigns vs. Sheamus.

Sheamus attacked Reigns to begin the match and beat him down with right hands. Reigns fought back with a clothesline then a right hand. He clotheslines Sheamus to the floor. Sheamus knocked Reigns down and then threw the steel steps at him.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Sheamus in control of Reigns as Vince McMahon watches on in happiness. Moments later, Reigns fought back with various strikes and clotheslines. Reigns then hit the Drive By and a samoan drop for 2 as Vince counted slow. Reigns then hit a sitdown powerbomb, but Vince counted slow and faked like he had an eye injury. Sheamus rolled up Reigns for 2, but Reigns bounced back with a Superman Punch, and Vince would not count the pinfall. Reigns then hit a Superman Punch to Vince and a spear to Sheamus. Reigns beg for another official to be brought down to the ring, but it did not happen. Reigns hit another punch to Sheamus the cleared the new announce table. Reigns then went after Vince, but Stephanie McMahon walked out to the ring. He sent Vince into the ropes and sent Stephanie flying into the ring. She rolled out of the ring as Sheamus hit him with 2 Brogue Kicks as Scott Armstrong ran down and Reigns kicked out. Armstrong then brought Reigns to his feet, but Sheamus ran into a Superman Punch to Armstrong and Sheamus as another referee ran down and counted the three fall.

Winner: Reigns.

Vince punched out the another referee as he looked angry. Vince grabbed a microphone and said that Roman Reigns would be defending his WWE Title in the Royal Rumble match. Yes, Reigns vs. 29 other Superstars. Reigns looked on in shock as the show ended.

Thanks for watching along and we will see you next time.

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