WWE RAW 1/9/17 results: US Championship Handicap match, The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels appear

Show: RAW
Location: New Orleans, LA at the Smoothie King Center
Date: January 9th, 2017
Airing Live On The USA Network

Welcome to WWE Monday Night Raw, there is a recap video of last week’s episode of Raw. We see Stephanie McMahon giving Mick Foley his performance review backstage. McMahon wants to know if Undertaker would appear on the show. Foley said that he has a feeling that he would. Seth Rollins walk into the room and said he would be in the Royal Rumble match. Braun Strowman said that he wants Roman Reigns or Goldberg tonight. Rollins got into his face and punched him. A brawl broke out. Referees separated the two Superstars. McMahon told Foley address the rumors and Foley said that he would be here. This led to Reigns walking out to the ring.

US Championship Handicap Match: Roman Reigns © vs. Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho.

The match never takes place as Strowman walks down and attacks Reigns. Jericho, Owens and Strowman beat him down until Seth Rollins walks down to the ring and makes the save. McMahon walks out and said that this match would not end like this. McMahon booked Rollins vs. Strowman tonight.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Braun Strowman vs. Seth Rollins.

We’re back with Strowman in control of Rollins. Strowman hit a clothesline in the corner. Rollins briefly fought back but was cut off by being thrown hard into the corner. Strowman hit a powerslam that got him some good heat with the fans. Strowman sent Rollins to the floor.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Rollins hitting an outside dive. Back in the ring, Rollins hit a super kick for 2. Rollins pushed him off the top rope and hit a frog splash for 2. Strowman went to the floor and Rollins dove off the top rope but Strowman moved and ate the barricade. Strowman sent him over the barricade, which led to a double count out finish. Post-match, Rollins fought back and Strowman walked to the back.

-Commercial Break-

Bayley is shown talking with Sasha Banks backstage. She asked Banks about her knee but Banks shut her down and said that she is fine. Bayley bragged about facing Charlotte Flair at Royal Rumble. Bayley said that she will become Women’s Champion. Banks said that after Royal Rumble she wants a title shot. Flair walks up and said that Banks doesn’t care about Bayley. Flair bragged about nobody beating her at WWE PPV event. Nia Jax walks up and attacks Banks while Flair attacked Bayley. Jax then shoved Flair into production equipment.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Drew Gulak vs Jack Gallagher.

Gallagher did some comedy early in the match before Gulak suplexed him then hit a clothesline for 2. Gallagher hit a series of right hands then a headbutt. Gallagher with a running drop kick for the win.

Winner: Gallagher.

Post-match, Gallagher cuts a promo about giving Arai Davari a good thrashing but wants to end this rivalry in a parley on 205 Live tomorrow night.

-Commercial Break-

We see McMahon asking Foley if The Undertaker going to appear. Foley said that he would be here tonight. McMahon said that his performance review depends on if The Undertaker appears on the show.

Shawn Michaels walks down to the ring. He said that he has missed the fans and especially around this time of the year. Michaels hyped the Royal Rumble. Michaels brought up winning the WWE Title twenty years ago at the Royal Rumble in San Antonio. He said that he is more comfortable being outside the ring rather than in it when he looks at how stacked the card is for the event. Michaels told the fans not to try to pressure him into one more match. He plugged his new movie. Rusev’s music hit and he walks out with Lana as well as Jinder Mahal. Rusev wants Lana to be added to his movie but Michaels said no. Michaels told a joke about the Golden Globes and Rusev didn’t get it. Rusev said that he should Lana in his movie or it would fail. This led to Enzo Amore and Big Cass walking out. Michaels called Rusev and Mahal some haters. Amore said that Lana is a great actress by being with Rusev and acting happy. Big Cass mocked them by naming branding movies that they would be in. Rusev threatens to hurt them. Big Cass said that if Rusev has a problem then they can finish it right now. Rusev said that Cass would face Mahal next.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Big Cass vs. Jinder Mahal.

Mahal attacks him to begin the match then locks in a headlock. Big Cass hit a big boot then a big splash and a powerslam. Rusev distracted Cass and Mahal attacks him from behind. Michaels hit Rusev with Sweet Chin Music. Cass hit his finisher for the win.

Winner: Cass.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Neville vs. Lince Dorado.

Dorado hit a series of forearm shots then sent him to the floor and hit an outside dive. Neville fought back and hit a powerslam. Neville locked in an arm submission for the win.

Winner: Neville

Neville furthered his beat down after the match until Rich Swann ran down to the ring and made the save.

-Commercial Break-

There was a backstage segment with Bayley, Banks and McMahon. Banks demanded a match with Jax and Flair for next week. McMahon told her to calm down because she is the boss. Bayley begged for the match. McMahon talked down to her but gave them the match for tonight.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Luke Gallows vs. Sheamus.

They exchanged right hands to begin the match. Sheamus with a heel kick. Sheamus hit a front senton then a knee drop. Gallows landed some right hands and sent him to the floor but Sheamus sent him right back into the ring. Gallows hit a big boot that sent Sheamus to the floor.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Gallows in control of Sheamus. Sheamus fought back and hit a drop kick that sent Gallows to the floor. Sheamus hit a diving clothesline that took out Gallows. Gallows hit a big boot for 2. Sheamus was distracted by Anderson attacking Cesaro at the announcers table and Gallows knocked him down. Sheamus hit a Brogue Kick to Gallows for the win.

Winner: Sheamus.

-Commercial Break-

Reigns cuts a backstage promo about how he will retain his US Title against Owens and Jericho tonight.

Foley is in the ring and wants The Undertaker to come down to the ring for one more encounter. The lights went out but then came back on and McMahon walked out. She said that Foley has done some historical things while RAW GM but he has been taking steps back. She was about to fire him but then the lights went out and The Undertaker walked out. Taker said that he is back and it’s important that the world should know that he will be in the Royal Rumble match. We see Strowman watching on from the backstage area. He said that he answers to no one and goes where he wants when he wants. He said that no one controls The Undertaker. He walks over to McMahon and repeats no one controls him. Taker said that he has returned to the city where the streak came to an end. He said that his journey continues at the Royal Rumble. “I’ve dug 29 holes for 29 souls…I will return to the main event of WrestleMania.” He said that if anyone stands in his way then they will rest in piece.

-Commercial Break-

Tag Team Match: Sasha Banks and Bayley vs. Nia Jax and Charlotte Flair.

We cut back from break with Bayley in control of Flair by hitting a few clotheslines and then a bull dog. Bayley missed a splash and Flair hit a big boot for 2. Flair beat her down and tagged in Jax, who knocked Banks off the apron and hit her finisher to Bayley for the win.

Winners: Jax and Flair.

We see Noam Dar wanting a slap from Alicia Fox but instead she kisses him. He sells it then she walks away and said that he cannot handle it.

-Commercial Break-

Titus O’Neil walks down to the ring and apologizes to The New Day for his actions last week. A video of O’Neil botching a contest in NXT from like seven years ago was shown. They laughed at him and want him to redo the contest, which is a keg of booty juice. He failed by dropping it before he crossed the line. Kingston challenged him to a match.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Titus O’Neil vs. Kofi Kingston.

O’Neil beat him down and went for a powerslam but Kingston blocked it and hit Trouble in Paradise.

Winner: Kingston.

-Commercial Break-

US Championship Handicap Match: Roman Reigns © vs. Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho.

Reigns attacked both men on the ramp. Back in the ring, Owens beat down Reigns. Jericho and Owens double team him. Jericho hit the lionsault to Reigns for 2. Reigns reversed the Walls of Jericho and Owens hit Reigns with a super kick. They went for their double team finisher but Reigns hit them both with a Superman Punch. Reigns hit Jericho with a spear for 2 as Owens broke it up and hit Reigns with a super kick. Jericho with a Codebreaker to Reigns then Owens hit him with a powerbomb on the apron. Jericho pins Reigns for the win.

Winner: Chris Jericho – new US Champion.

Jericho and Owens celebrate in the ring to close the show.

Thanks for watching along and we will see you next time.


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