WWE Monday Night RAW 2/13/17 results: New RAW Women’s Champion crowned, Kevin Owens turns on Chris Jericho

Show: RAW
Location: Las Vegas, NV at the T-Mobile Arena
Date: 2/13/17
Airing Live On The USA Network

Welcome to WWE Monday Night Raw. There was a graphic for Chavo Guerrero Sr shown. The show opens a graphic to promote the festival of friendship as well as Charlotte Flair vs. Bayley. Stephanie McMahon walks down to the ring. McMahon announces that she has given Mick Foley the week off and noted that she would be running the show. This led to Roman Reigns walking out. Reigns said that he is going to keep this short and sweet and that he wants Braun Strowman right now. She said that it’s up to the fans then took the crowd’s temp on the match. McMahon said that the fans don’t care about Reigns and that he is not 100% tonight but she does see that. Reigns said he doesn’t care what she thinks. McMahon booked Strowman vs. Mark Henry tonight. Reigns said that it sounds like a good fight so maybe he’ll watch it at ringside. McMahon said if Reigns gets involved then she’ll pull him from Fastlane and WrestleMania. Reigns said that maybe he’s not making himself clear enough. This led to Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows walking out. They said that Reigns cannot get what he wants all the time and can’t have Strowman. They challenged him to a handicap match, which McMahon booked in honor of Teddy Long. Anderson and Gallows start to brawl with Reigns.

-Commercial Break-

Handicap Match: Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows vs. Roman Reigns.

The match starts with Anderson having Reigns in a headlock. Reigns fought back with several clotheslines to Anderson then a big boot. Gallows jumped in and they beat down Reigns causing the no contest. Reigns fought back and stood tall in the ring as Anderson and Gallows walked to the back.

-Commercial Break-

WWE hypes the upcoming Andre The Giant documentary on HBO Sports.

Bo Dallas walks down to the ring. The New Day then walks out and says that Dallas looks like a social outcast. They said that they have the blueprints for New Day ice cream after Kingston’s match.

Singles Match: Kofi Kingston vs. Bo Dallas.

Dallas got out of the ring and ripped up the blueprints for the ice cream. Kingston took him out with a dive. Dallas caught Kingston with a knee strike then a springboard neckbreaker. Kingston caught him with the SOS for the win.

Winner: Kingston.

After the match, they poured cereal on him and celebrated in the ring.

Neville was interviewed backstage. He said that Jack Gallagher isn’t a threat to him and that he is not on his level. Gallaher walked up and said that they would find out if he is on Neville’s level.

A video package of Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens’ friendship was shown.

Singles Match: Jack Gallagher vs. Noam Dar

Gallagher did some wrestling moves early but Dar kicked Gallagher’s legs and then worked over the left knee. Gallagher fought back and hit his finisher(drop kick) for the win.

Winner: Gallagher

Post-match, Neville walked out. They have a staredown.

Samoa Joe and Triple H are seen getting out of a limo and walking into the arena.

-Commercial Break-

Emmalina finally has debuted on RAW. She said that the fans have waited 17 weeks for this and said that here she is. She said that they will see the makeover from Emmalina to Emma then said thank you and walked to the back.

Bayley cuts a backstage promo about her match with Charlotte Flair. She noted that she would be in the main event of the show.

Jericho and Owens are shown talking in the back about their festival. Triple H walked up and told Owens that they needed to talk alone.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Mark Henry vs. Braun Strowman.

Henry got the upper hand early but Strowman eventually fought back and hit his finisher for the win.

Winner: Strowman.

Post-match, Reigns walked down to the ring and hit Strowman with a series of Superman Punches. Strowman laid out Reigns to end the segment.

-Commercial Break-

There was a backstage segment with Enzo Amore, Big Cass, Cesaro and Sheamus. They talked some trash before Cass and Cesaro had a staredown.

Michael Cole interviews Samoa Joe backstage. Joe talks about Seth Rollins and making his RAW debut. He said that if Rollins returns then he’ll put him back on the shelf. He said that he is here to change everything and that nobody on the roster can hang with him. He said that he doesn’t need Triple H’s help and that he can get the job done on his own. He noted that anyone who gets into his way will know that the creator unleashed the destroyer.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Sami Zayn vs. Rusev.

Zayn avoided some strikes and hit a drop kick. Zayn sent him to the floor and hit an outside dive.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Zayn fighting back and hitting the big boot for the win.

Winner: Zayn.

Post-match, Zayn cuts a promo about Joe and how he is not a sellout and doesn’t do what he’s told. This led to Joe jumping him and sending him into the stage. Joe locked in the rear-naked choke until Zayn passed out.

-Commercial Break-

A WWE Hall of Fame video package for Teddy Long was shown.

Singles Match: Akira Tozawa vs. Ariya Davari

Tozawa hit a series of kicks to Davari early in the match. Davari tripped him and hit a big clothesline for 2. Tozawa fought back and hit a hurricanrana. Tozawa hit an outside dive and then his finisher for the win.

-Commercial Break-

Jericho appears on the big screen and hyped the festival of friendship. Showgirls come out along with Jericho all dressed up and Kevin Owens. There was a TV and props set up in the ring. Jericho wanted something that reflected their friendship and he had some art made. He then showed off a painting that reflected friendship. Jericho then brought out a magician, who started doing tricks. Jericho and Owens weren’t impressed so they put the magician on the list. Jericho told him to disappear. Owens asked where he found that guy and Jericho said Craigslist. Jericho called out Goldberg and we cut to break.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Jericho still waiting for Goldberg to come out but instead, it was Gillberg. Owens attacked Gillberg at ringside. Jericho pointed out that Owens just beat him. Owens said that the whole point of this was to get Goldberg out here so that they can beat him up. Owens doesn’t understand this move. Jericho said that he thought it was funny and he did all of this to be for Owens. He said that working with Owens has been one of the funniest year in WWE of his career and wants to thank him for that. Jericho guaranteed that Owens would beat Goldberg at Fastlane just like he has done in the past. Owens said that it’s okay and they hugged. He said that he knows that Jericho has his back and now he feels bad about it. Owens said that he got something for Jericho and gave a gift to Jericho, which was a new list. It was the list of KO and Jericho asked why his name was on it. Owens then attacked Jericho and beat him in the ring. Owens powerbombed him on the apron. Owens sent Jericho into the TV.

-Commercial Break-

Enzo Amore and Big Cass walked down to the ring. They cut a promo about Cesaro and Sheamus. They mock them to set up the next match.

Singles Match: Enzo Amore vs. Cesaro.

They lock up and Cesaro hit a backbreaker followed by a double stomp. Cesaro hit an uppercut for the win.

Winner: Cesaro.

Charlotte Flair mocked Sasha Banks for being injured n a backstage segment. Banks threatened to shut her up. Flair said that Banks is going to watch and do something she can’t do, which is win.

-Commercial Break-

RAW Women’s Championship Match: Charlotte Flair © vs. Bayley.

They start out the match with some technical wrestling. Flair rolled out of the ring to regroup and we cut to break.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Flair in control of Bayley. Flair tossed Bayley out of the ring and hit a moonsault off the barricade. Back in the ring, Flair covered Bayley for 2. Moments later, Bayley fought back and hit an elbow drop off the top rope for 2. Bayley hit a hurricanrana for 2. Dana Brooke ran out and Bayley knocked her down. She locked in the Figure Four Leg Lock on Flair but Brooke raked the eyes of Bayley. Flair locked in the Figure Eight Leg Lock but Banks ran down and attacked Brooke with her crutch. Banks hit Flair with the crutch. Bayley hit her finisher for the win.

Winner: Bayley.

Bayley and Banks celebrated in the ring to close the show.

Thanks for watching along and we will see you next time.

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