WWE Monday Night RAW 2/19/17 results: Big Show vs. Braun Strowman, Brock Lesnar interview

Show: RAW
Location: Los Angeles, CA at the Staples Center
Date: 2/20/17
Airing Live On The USA Network

Welcome to WWE Monday Night RAW. There was a graphic for the late George “The Animal” Steele. A recap video package of Kevin Owens turning on Chris Jericho last week was shown. Owens in the ring to open the show. He said that now that the spotlight is finally on him he can finally be where he belongs and answer the question why he thinks he can beat Goldberg at Fastlane. He said that growing up if someone told him he would be facing Goldberg he wouldn’t know what to think. He doesn’t believe in the hype with Goldberg and even when he was growing up. He said that Goldberg never impressed him not even with him beating Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series. He said that Goldberg wouldn’t get lucky at Fastlane because he knows what to do. He will outsmart him, and when it comes to that department, it’s not even close. He knows how to play the game better than anyone else. He said that he’d show everyone that superheroes don’t exist. He added that Goldberg is nothing. “As far as Jericho goes…” Owens then dropped the microphone.

-Commercial Break-

#1 Contender’s Match: Enzo Amore & Big Cass vs. Sheamus & Cesaro.

Sheamus and Big Cass start things off. Cass blocked a splash and hit a clothesline. Cesaro was tagged in and hit a shoulder block. Sheamus was tagged back in and walked into a suplex by Cass. Amore was tagged in and went to the top rope, but Sheamus knocked him down.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Cesaro getting the hot tag and hitting a crossbody to Cass. Cesaro went for his finisher, but Cass hit a back body drop. Cesaro hit a springboard uppercut. Amore got into the ring, but Cesaro dumped him to the floor. Cass hit a side slam for the win on Cesaro.

Winners: Cass and Amore.

Post-match, Amore was cutting a promo about winning the match, and Sheamus hit him with a Brogue Kick.

-Commercial Break-

There was a recap video of Bayley defeated Charlotte Flair for the RAW Women’s Title last week. It was announced that Bayley would address Flair’s demands for her to relinquish the title.

We see Roman Reigns telling Mick Foley wanting Braun Strowman tonight. Foley told him that Big Show would be facing Strowman tonight. Reigns said that he would be waiting after the match. Anderson and Gallows walk in and challenge Reigns to a match. Foley told Reigns to find a partner, and he’d book the match. Reigns said that he doesn’t need a partner so that it will be a handicap match.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Akira Tozawa vs. Brian Kendrick

Kendrick clotheslines him after he refused to shake his hand. The bell never rang, and Kendrick locked in his submission finisher then walked to the back. Kendrick was interviewed backstage, and he said that no one disrespects him. He said that Tozawa has a lot of learning to do and that tonight was his first lesson.

-Commercial Break-

Handicap Match: Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows vs. Roman Reigns

Anderson started things out, but Reigns took him out. Gallows was tagged in, but Reigns laid him out with a series of rights. Reigns hit the drive bye on Gallows, but Anderson pulled Reigns’ hair, and Gallows hit a big boot. Reigns fought back and sent them to the floor, but he was jumped by them at ringside. Gallows grabbed a chair, but Reigns took it from him and hit them with it causing the DQ. Reigns hit a Superman Punch to Gallows and a spear to Anderson, who was diving off the top rope.

Winners: Gallows and Anderson.

-Commercial Break-

A brief video of The New Day announcing that they would be the hosts of WrestleMania 33 was shown. Lana then introduced Mahal and Rusev. The New Day walks out and hype WrestleMania 33. They brought up Bo Dallas destroying their ideas for ice cream, but they put the blue print back together. Lana had a tablet of her own and said that they have their blueprints. She starts reading their plans. Xavier Woods said that Lana is a Russian, so she’s a hacker. They wanted their plans back.

-Commercial Break-

Tag Team Match: The New Day vs. Rusev and Jinder Mahal.

Rusev and Kingston started things off. Rusev hit a drop kick to Woods and tagged in Mahal, who hit a series of knee drops to Kingston. Big E was tagged in and hit a suplex to Mahal then a big splash. Big E went for his finisher, but Rusev caught him with a big boot. Kingston tossed Rusev to the floor and hit an outside dive. Woods scarred Lana and got their ice cream plans. Big E and Kingston hit their tag team finisher for the win.

Winners: The New Day.

A video for the late George Steele was shown.

-Commercial Break-

Jack Gallagher and Neville walked down to the ring for their contract signing at Fastlane. Neville signed the contract and walked out, but Gallagher wanted him to join him for tea and biscuits. Neville said that Gallagher is a cartoon and doesn’t exist. Neville said that the real streets of England have an edge while Gallagher is what the fans want him to be. Neville said that the fans are laughing at him not with him and that at Fastlane, he’ll be laughing. Gallagher said that he is not playing but rather is a gentleman. He said that this is the way he was raised and that Neville believes he is a king and better than everyone else, which is something he will not stand for. Neville flipped over the table and asked him what he was going to do about it. Neville slapped Gallagher and Gallagher headbutted him out of the ring. They have a staredown to end the segment.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Nia Jax vs. Sarah Pierce.

Jax tossed her around and hit a Samoan drop for the win.

Winner: Jax.

Post-match, Jax threatened to shove a crutch down both Sasha Banks and Bayley’s throats.

-Commercial Break-

Bayley walks down to the ring. She points out that she grew up in California and said that she had the best family as well as friends. She noted that all she wanted to be was a WWE Superstar and a champion. She said that her dreams came true last week and don’t know how to explain that feeling. She brought up her dad taking her to WWE shows and noted that she did it. This led to Stephanie McMahon walking out and telling Bayley that her win last week was a tainted victory. McMahon said that the fans look up to Bayley because she is good and honest. She said that the Bayley she knows would do the right thing and relinquish the title. Bayley teased giving up the title, but Sasha Banks walked out and told her not do that. McMahon said that Banks is out here because Bayley can’t do anything on her own and that Banks is always in her business. Banks said that Bayley won the title fair and square. Banks told her to listen to the fans and asked the fans whether or not Bayley should give up the title. McMahon said that Banks knows that she can beat Bayley. She said that she didn’t work her entire life to be champion if it looks like it was handed to her. She said that she is not giving up the title because she beat Charlotte Flair to win it and because of the fans. Banks and Bayley hugged. This led to Flair walking out. Flair said that she would take back the title and invoked her rematch clause at Fastlane. Banks challenge Flair to a match tonight.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte Flair.

They exchange pin attempts early in the match. Banks tossed her into the corner and tried to roll her up, but Flair hit a jawbreaker then some knee drops. Flair locked in a head scissors lock and we cut to break.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Flair having Banks in a dragon sleeper then some back breakers. Banks fought out with knee strikes then a roll up for 2. Banks with a face buster for 2. Flair went to the floor and Banks took her out with a dive. Dana Brooke ran down to the ring, but Bayley attacked her from behind. Back in the ring, Flair knocked Banks off the top rope, but Banks fought back and hit the Bank Statement for the win.

Winner: Banks.

A video for DDP’s Hall of Fame induction was shown.

-Commercial Break-

Kevin Owens was supposed to wrestle Sami Zayn, but Samoa Joe attacked Zayn as he was making his entrance. Joe left, and Owens began beating down Zayn. Owens stood tall to close the segment.

-Commercial Break-

We see McMahon chewing out Foley backstage for not going out during the Bayley segment. McMahon told him not to test her and that he is not aware of his situation. Foley told her not to treat him like he was stupid. Foley said that because he believed her, Seth Rollins is injured because of Samoa Joe.

Michael Cole conducts a sit-down interview with Brock Lesnar backstage. Paul Heyman jumped in and said that Lesnar is on edge as of late and warned Cole to lower his voice and adjust his tone. Heyman said that Goldberg challenging for the WWE Universal Title doesn’t affect Lesnar’s ability to be markable. Lesnar gets right in front of the camera while Heyman talks about Owens vs. Goldberg at Fastlane. He said that Owens has a shot at walking into WrestleMania 33 as champion, but Lesnar disagrees. He believes Owens is prepared to shock the world by beating Goldberg. Lesnar disagrees because if Goldberg hits a spear and a jackhammer on Owens, then Goldberg is headed to Mania as champion. Heyman said that Lesnar has one mission and that’s to destroy Goldberg.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: The Big Show vs. Braun Strowman.

They lock up and Strowman pushed him into the corner. Strowman dropped him with a clothesline. Big Show fought back and went for a chokeslam but Strowman fought out of it and hit a DDT for 2. Strowman with two big clotheslines for 2. Big Show reversed a suplex and hit one of his own. Big Show with two big boots then a splash in the corner followed by a shoulder tackle. Big Show hit a chokeslam for a near fall. Show went to the top rope but Strowman knocked him down and went for his finisher but Show shoved him into the corner. Big Show put him on the top rope. Strowman knocked him away and went for a dive but Big Show hit a KO punch for a near fall. Strowman blocked a splash and hit his powerslam finisher for a near fall. Strowman hit another powerslam for the win.

Winner: Strowman.

Post-match, Reigns walked down to the ring and attacked Strowman. However, Strowman fought back and hit a powerslam. Strowman stood tall to close the show.

Thanks for watching along and we will see you next time.

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