WWE Monday Night Raw 7/20/15 results: road to SummerSlam, Brock/Undertaker brawl

WWE Monday Night Raw results
June 20, 2015
Kansas City, MO

We are live with Monday Night Raw results.

The show starts with highlights of The Undertaker’s return last night at Battleground.

Opening segment

The Undertaker’s music plays and he comes out to the ring to kick off the show. Taker says that he stands here as a vengeful, remorseless, grim reaper. He said that streaks are made to be broken and that is the painful truth but Lesnar had to continuously, week after week and month after month, remind everyone of his greatest accomplishment. Undertaker says that now is enough. He says that Brock took what once was smoldering ashes and turned it into a raging inferno. He says that last night was his true resurrection. Taker says that Lesnar can’t kill what won’t die. He says that unleashed forces will set their careers towards new destinys and he will challenge Brock’s mortality and he will conquer what has yet to be conquered. Taker said, just like all living things (man or beast), Brock will rest in peace.

They showed Triple H and Stephanie watching on the monitor backstage. Triple H said that this will be epic because they have a main event dropped on their lap…Lesnar vs. Taker at SummerSlam. Triple H says that he will tell Heyman and Lesnar not to show up tonight because he doesn’t want to endanger the SummerSlam main event.

Commercial break.

Charlotte vs. Brie Bella

Sasha Banks, Naomi, and Tamina (Team BAD) are on commentary. BAD stands for “Beautiful and Dangerous.” Paige and Becky Lynch are in Charlotte’s corner. Of course, Nikki Bella and Alicia Fox are in Brie’s corner at ringside. JBL gets on Naomi’s case and asks if she was part of the problem in the Divas division. There was a bad spot early in the match where Brie rolled out of the ring. Charlotte dove over the top rope and it looked like Brie might have moved out of the way too soon. Anyway, it looked awkward. They went to commercial. Brie was in control in the ring as they came back from commercial. Charlotte fought her way back and hit Brie with chops a back breaker and then would end up going for the figure 8 but Nikki got up on the apron. Charlotte takes her out. Charlotte spears Brie and then locks in the figure 8. Brie taps. Charlotte wins.

Triple is shown talking to Paul Heyman on the phone backstage. The Miz interrupts. Triple H says he doesn’t care what Brock Lesnar is insisting on and he doesn’t want Brock to come to the show tonight. Triple H pleads with Paul to tell his client not to come to Raw tonight. Miz asks Triple H if he saw what Big Show did last night. Triple H gets back on the phone and looks annoyed and tells someone on the phone to come to his office. He tells Miz that he will face Big Show one on one tonight. Miz doesn’t want that but he has no choice.

Commercial break.

Prime Time Players vs. Los Matadores

The New Day came out on the ramp while the match was in progress.  The distraction allowed one of the Matadores to hit the backbreaker and get the pin on Titus.

Commercial break.

The Miz vs. Big Show

This was basically a squash match. Show won quickly with an elbow off the second rope.

Big Show grabs the mic and taunts Miz for what Miz said last night about Show being missing since the Attitude era. Show says that the only thing missing is Ryback with his IC title. Show invites Ryback to show up at Tough Enough. He says he can take the title from him on there and he wants to see if the wannabes on Tough Enough can stand against “this” (his fist).

Backstage, Triple H and Steph spot Paul Heyman. Heyman says that Brock accepts the main event for SummerSlam and he wants to deliver Brock’s retort later and that’s it. Triple H and Steph don’t trust Paul and say that they will need more security and about half of the locker room tonight.

Commercial break.

Steph and Triple H talk to the roster backstage. Triple H says that “we” are not going to let Taker and Brock destroy each other tonight and the roster’s livelihood depends on it tonight. Triple H says, “we are not asking you, we’re telling you.”

Paul Heyman segment

Paul Heyman is in the ring. Heyman says that his client is not WWE Champion tonight because of the demonic resurrection of The Undertaker. Paul said that Brock and Taker went face to face for the first time since April 2014…the night when Brock broke The Undertaker’s undefeated streak. He said that Taker waited 469 days to get his revenge. Paul said that he bragged about the streak because it was the greatest accomplishment in Brock Lesnar’s career. He listed Triple H, Edge, Batista, Randy Orton, and others failing at breaking the streak. He says that Taker took Brock’s right to be the WWE Champion. He says it’s come down to The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam. Paul said, “my client conquered your undefeated streak at WrestleMania” several times. He said that Taker sold his soul to the devil but Taker’s ass belongs to Brock Lesnar. The lights go out and Taker appears in the ring. Brock runs down to the ring and they fight. Brock tackles Taker but Taker gets back on Brock and they exchange punches. Security comes out to break them up. Brock breaks through security and they fight again. Taker fights security and they brawl in the center of the ring again. Triple H calls wrestlers to the ring to break it up. There’s probably 20 wrestlers and security on each side breaking them up. Brock breaks free and runs to the other side of the ring and gets on the apron and he and Taker trade punches. Triple H yells to get Brock out of the arena. Brock breaks free again and he’s back in the ring. Taker is punching at random guys as he tries to get to Lesnar. They get Lesnar out of the ring as fans cheer “this is awesome.” This is a great segment. Announcers did not say anything which made it better. Taker breaks free and they fight at ringside. There’s probably 50 guys out there in between them. A bunch of wrestlers and security are finally able to get Brock out to the backstage area.

Commercial break.

They brawled again backstage. About 50 wrestlers and police officers were there but they had a hard time breaking them up. Brock yelled “I’m gonna kill you!” They finally got Brock to calm down. He told the police not to touch him. The cops put plastic zip ties on Brock as handcuffs.

Commercial break.

They recapped what just happened between Undertaker and Brock Lesnar. Backstage, Triple H and Stephanie talk about the brawl. Triple H says he won’t be pressing charges and the SummerSlam main event is in tact. Seth Rollins comes in and asks if he could go to the ring to address the WWE Universe.

They recapped what happened at Battleground between Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper.

Backstage, Bray Wyatt says that his family stands by him and his family sees Roman Reigns for what he truly is. He says “you” will burn for it. Harper says this is just the beginning and it will never stop until there is nothing left. Bray says they will continue to fix the mistake tonight. “Anyone but you Roman.”

Commercial break

Luke Harper vs. Roman Reigns

Bray Wyatt is at ringside. Dean Ambrose comes out to watch Roman’s back from ringside. Harper got a large chunk of the offense in this match but Roman slowly fought his way back. Roman was hitting some of his trademark spots but spotted Bray walking around ringside. He hit Bray and Harper with a double drive by. The match called for the DQ when Bray attacked. Ambrose jumped in to help Roman. Ambrose attacks Harper. Bray jumps Ambrose from behind. Harper dumps Ambrose into the timekeepers area. Wyatt and Harper attack Roman by the announce table. They bring Roman back in the ring and continue the attack.  Ambrose gets back in the ring and fights Bray. Harper attacks Ambrose but Ambrose fights back and clotheslines Harper. Bray tries to go for sister Abigail but Bray gets hit by Roman’s superman punch. Reigns and Ambrose stand tall as Reigns’ and then Ambrose’s music plays.

Rollins is shown backstage so it looks like he’s coming out next.

They showed a commercial for Undertaker and Lesnar for SummerSlam.

Commercial break.

They showed highlights of Rollins vs. Lesnar from last night.

Seth Rollins segment

Seth Rollins comes out to the ring. He asks the fans in KC how it feels to be wrong about him because they underestimated him. He said the fans bought into Paul Heyman’s bullcrap propaganda. He says he sees the suplex city shirts and he remembers how happy fans were when they destroyed the Cadillac, J&J Security, and Kane’s ankle. He says fans thought that Seth Rollins punched a one way ticket to suplex city. Rollins says he doesn’t give a damn about Brock Lesnar because he is the WWE World Heavyweight champion and the most under appreciated champion in the history of WWE. He said that he took everything that Brock gave and he is still here and he is still being disrespected by the fans. He says that the fans will never understand what he goes through to keep the title around his waist.  Fans started chanting “Justin Bieber.” Rollins says that he faced every challenge that has been put in front of him and he’s walked away with his title. He says that he is the “end all, be all of champions in this industry.”  He said that Brock played with fire and got burned with The Undertaker but feels that he was robbed by Taker and Brock. Seth says he will rectify that and asks Lilian Garcia to come into the ring. Seth says that there was no announcement last night so he asks her to announce Seth as the winner of last night’s match. She announces Seth as the winner because of outside interference but still WWE Champion. John Cena comes out. He says that everyone no longer has to put up with Rollins’ crap. Cena says that he wanted to thank Rollins. He says he and Rollins won their titles on the same night and fans see excellence in the US title. He says that he thanks Rollins for being a conniving, poor excuse for a champion. I guess that helped elevate the US title. He says that Rollins actions made people lose faith in his title and gain respect for the US title. Rollins gets in Cena’s face and says that Cena’s open challenges are done to placate the people because they hate his guts. Rollins says that Cena can have his open challenges because he will go on being “THE” champion in WWE. Cena says Rollins can run away from another challenge because “THE CHAMP IS RIGHT HERE.” Cena says it’s not the title that makes the title, the man makes the title. Cena says that he thinks Rollins is a joke. Cena asks if Rollins is ready to man up. Cena and Rollins face off. Rollins acts like he is about to fight Cena but he backs off and walks away.

Commercial break.

For some reason, they decided to show the NXT Divas debut segment from last week’s Raw. Wait, there’s a second Divas segment tonight. Wow, this is good. The Bellas and Alicia Fox are on commentary.

Paige and Becky Lynch vs. Sasha Banks and Naomi

Becky and Sasha start the match. They are being given time to work and the match is flowing better than the Divas match from earlier. They went to commercial a few minutes into the match. It was Sasha and Becky when they came back from commercial. Sasha and Naomi kept cutting off Becky when she tried to get to her corner for the tag. That included a cheap shot from Sasha to Paige who was on the apron hoping to get a tag. Paige finally got the hot tag after several minutes and the fans got into it. Paige went nuts on Naomi and hit her with knees to the face in the corner and then a kick to the face. Paige locks in the PTO but Sasha gets in the ring and breaks it up by kicking Paige in the head. Paige dumps Sasha out of the ring. Tamina is up but gets hit by Paige’s forearm. Naomi drops Paige on the ring rope. Sasha tags in and hits the Banks statement and gets Paige to tap out. Sasha and Naomi win. Good match.

They plugged the movie “Southpaw.”

Commercial break.

They recapped what happened earlier between Undertaker and Brock Lesnar. Then they recapped Rusev’s attack on Dolph Ziggler from 2 weeks ago.

Renee Young interviewed Lana backstage. She says that Dolph is recovering at home and there is no permanent damage to his windpipe and docs are just waiting to clear him. Summer Rae shows up dressed up like Lana. She says that Rusev likes it so much that she will keep her look. Rusev walks in and says she looks beautiful and angel-like. Rusev kisses Summer. He says he will go out for his match now but tells Lana that she doesn’t look too good and looks tired and maybe she needs rest. Summer slaps Lana in the face.

Time for the main event…

John Cena, Randy Orton, and Cesaro vs. Kevin Owens, Sheamus, and Rusev

Owens and Cena start the match but Owens tags in Rusev before Cena and Owens can lock up. Summer Rae is at ringside. Owens does end up getting in there with Cena when Cena is down. Cena quickly took over on offense and went for the STF but Owens fought him off and hit a DDT. Owens goes for the cannonball but Cena moves. Owens tags Sheamus and Cena tags Cesaro. Cesaro hits a crossbody on Sheamus and then hits a bunch of uppercuts but Rusev kicks him the face before the giant swing. Sheamus is in control as they go to commercial. Sheamus and Owens had miscommunication issues and Sheamus knocked out Owens. Sheamus walked out on his team. Owens and Rusev argued. Owens kicks Rusev in the face and leaves Rusev all alone. It’s Cesaro and Rusev in the ring. Cesaro makes the hot tag to Orton. Orton hits some trademark moves including the exploder and the draping DDT. Orton goes for the RKO but Rusev shoves him off and kicks him. Lana comes down to ringside.  Lana tackles Summer and they have a catfight at ringside. Lana tells Summer to never touch her again. Lana walks off. Cena hits the AA on Rusev. Cesaro gets the swing on Rusev and then slingshots him into an Orton RKO. Orton gets the pin. Good match. Good show.

The babyfaces celebrated as Orton’s music played to end the show.

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