WWE RAW Results For August 3rd, 2015: Lesnar appears, six-man tag team match and more

[Show: WWE Raw] [Location:  San Jose, CA at the Sap Center] [Airing Live On The USA Network]

Welcome to the WWE Raw pre-show and we are live on the WWE Network. Scott Stanford, Corey Graves and David Otunga. They spoke briefly about the passing of Roddy Piper. They hyped the return of Brock Lesnar.

Roman Reigns, Randy Orton, and Dean Ambrose will face Luke Harper, Bray Wyatt and Sheamus in a six-man tag team match.

The usual promo code for Shop WWE is shown. There is a recap video of last week’s episode of Raw.

Paul Heyman joined the panel via phone. Heyman said that he will tell a story about The Undertaker that has never been disclosed to the public before tonight on RAW. A story that Vince McMahon doesn’t want out. Heyman promised that his client would take The Undertaker to suplex city.

Charlotte and Becky Lynch will take on The Bella Twins in a tag team match on RAW.

Yes, sir, we promised you a great main event…”

Welcome to WWE Monday Night Raw, there is a 10-bell salute for the late Roddy Piper with WWE Superstars wearing Roddy Piper T-shirts on the stage. WWE airs a special video package for the late WWE Hall of Famer.

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins walked down to the ring. He said that the only one that can stop him right now is himself. He brought up that he broke the nose of John Cena. He shows footage of him breaking Cena’s nose.  The fans chant “thank you Rollins.” Rollins said that he felt Cena’s nose and it was disgusting. There was a good pop for this. There is a black and white photo of John Cena’s messed up nose following the match. Rollins said that he wanted to stop the match, but Cena didn’t want to. He was caught and lost to Cena due to his remorse towards John Cena. That will never happen again said Rollins. He challenged John Cena in a title for title match (winner takes all) at SummerSlam. Rollins said that he’ll beat Cena if he shows up and become the new U.S Champion. He said that this is the site of where John Cena issued his first ever U.S Championship open challenge. Rollins issued his own challenge for the WWE Championship and that starts now!

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with JoJo asking if this open challenge is legit. Rollins said yes, it was, but if they are under 6’0ft and under 200lb. JoJo said that this means it can only be El Torito. Rollins said that’s no bull and called him down to the ring. Neville instead walked out to the ring.

WWE Championship Match: Seth Rollins © vs. Neville.

They lock up, Neville with a kick to the thigh of Rollins to knock him down. Rollins with a sucker punch then puts the boots to Neville in the corner. Neville reversed an Irish whip, he hit a big boot, then sent Rollins to the floor and followed it up with a dive over the top rope. Back in the ring, Neville went for the Red Arrow, but Rollins stood up. Neville clotheslines him out of the ring, then hit a sick twisting dive off the top rope sending us to break.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back from break with Rollins hitting a clothesline on Neville. He locked in a headlock, Neville fought out with back elbows. Neville with a series of kicks, he went off the ropes, but Rollins cut him off with a neck breaker. Rollins to the top rope, but Neville kicked him in the gut, then hit a reverse hurricanrana that spiked Rollins into the mat for 2. Neville with a German suplex, then a drop kick. Neville followed it up with a German suplex into a bridge for 2. Neville went to the top rope but missed a dive. Rollins hit a wicked clothesline that twisted Rollins inside out. Rollins went for the pedigree but blocked and Neville rolled up Rollins for 2.

Rollins went to the top rope, but Neville ran up and hit a hurricanrana off the top rope. Neville to the top rope, he went for the Red Arrow and hit it, but Rollins puts his foot on the rope to break the pin attempt. Neville went to the top rope again, but Rollins moved. Neville hit the pedigree and this one is over.

Winner and still champ: Rollins.

-Commercial Break-

Eight-Man Tag Team Match: New Day and The Ascension vs. Lucha dragons and Los Matadores

Kalisto and Kofi Kingston started things off, Kalisto hit a clothesline, then a springboard move that led to Diego being tagged in. Kofi drove Diego into his corner and tagged in Viktor. Viktor put him on the top rope, then pushed him off sending him to the floor.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back from break with the heels double teaming Diego until he fought back and got the hot tag to Sin Cara. He hit a springboard back elbow to Kofi. Cara with a chop then a springboard moonsault for 2. Konnor broke up the pin attempt, but Fernando sent both Konnor and Viktor to the floor. Cara sent Big E to the floor. He tagged in Kalisto the hit a senton to Big E on the floor. Kalisto with a kick to the face of Kofi. Kalisto to the top rope, but Kofi hit him with Trouble in Paradise after he was distracted by Xavier Woods.

Winners: New Day and The Ascension

-Commercial Break-

The Miz is out in the ring for MizTV. He cuts a promo about how Ryback is unable to defend the IC Title right now and should vacate the title like Daniel Bryan. He introduces Kevin Owens. Owens said that he is a huge fan and that he has all of The Miz’s movies on Blu-ray. Owens said that Cesaro is jealous of him. Cesaro walked down to the ring. Owens started cutting a promo about Cesaro and mocked him for his sacrifices. Owens said that Cesaro will never be as good as he is. Owens said he has more god given ability than Cesaro.

However, Cesaro fired back and said that he is ashamed of him. Cesaro said that by Owens walking out of his matches is a disgrace to every Superstar in the back. Owens got upset, he said that he has accomplished more in WWE in his short time than Cesaro has done in years. Cesaro said that Owens might be good at talking, but he is better than Owens at fighting. Owens told Miz to shut up. Cesaro dropped Owens and went for the giant swing. Owens walked to the back to close the segment.

-Commercial Break-

There is a clip of Ronda Rousey talking about Roddy Piper in her post-fight interview this past Saturday at UFC 190.

Singles Match: Mark Henry vs. Rusev

They lock up, Henry with a clothesline. He sent Rusev into the corner, but Rusev hit a superkick to the face of Henry. Rusev with another for the win.

Winner: Rusev.

Post-match, Rusev hit another superkick to Henry.

Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper and Bray Wyatt cut a backstage promo hyping their match with Randy Orton, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns.

-Commercial Break-

King Barrett cuts a promo while walking to the ring about how Zack Ryder is less than the dirt under his boots. All hail King Barrett!

Singles Match: King Barrett vs. Zack Ryder

Barrett with a running knee to the gut of Ryder. Ryder reversed an irish whip, he hit a running knee then a drop kick. The fans got behind Ryder as he hit a splash in the corner. Ryder with the Broski Boot in the corner. Ryder missed the Rough Ryder and Barrett hit the Bull Hammer….

Winner: Barrett

-Commercial Break-

Paul Heyman is in the ring. He begins to cut a promo about how The Undertaker is angry. He said that The Undertaker is a b*tch when he goes up against Brock Lesnar. Heyman shows a video package of the brawl between Brock Lesnar and The Undertaker from two week’s ago. Brock Lesnar then walks down to the ring. Lesnar threw the one half of the steel steps into the ring. Heyman said that following WrestleMania 30 that Undertaker was in the hospital.

Heyman said that The Undertaker begged Vince McMahon for a rematch against Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 31, but denied it. Heyman said that The Undertaker forced WWE’s hand by showing up at Battleground. Heyman said that now this match is the biggest rematch ever. Heyman promised that Taker would be going to suplex city. Heyman said that Taker will rest in pieces. The two exited the ring.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Naomi vs. Paige

They lock up, Paige with a knee to the face of Naomi. Paige puts the boots to Naomi in the corner. Naomi reversed an Irish whip and kicked Paige away. Paige followed up with a running knee to the face of Naomi. Sasha Banks distracted Paige and Naomi took advantage by hitting a back breaker on Paige.

Naomi dumped Paige to the floor, then back into the ring. Naomi pinned her for 2. Paige caught Naomi and hit a fallaway slam. Paige with a series of drop kicks. Naomi tripped her and sent Paige into the bottom rope. Paige blocked a bulldog, sent Naomi into the turnbuckle. Naomi rolled to the apron, hit a big up kick to Paige’s face. Naomi to the top rope, but missed a dive. Paige with a superkick to Naomi and then locked in the PTO for the win.

Winner: Paige.

Stardust cuts a promo backstage about how if Neville won’t be his hero, then he’ll be his arrow. Stephen Amell tweeted out that he’ll be at RAW next week.

-Commercial Break-

Six-Man Tag Team Match: Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Randy Orton vs. Sheamus, Bray Wyatt, and Luke Harper

Ambrose and Harper started things off, Ambrose clotheslines Harper to the floor. Things broke out in a brawl, but Orton and Reigns cleared the ring. Ambrose took out the heels with a dive off the top rope to send us to break.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Reigns in control of Sheamus. Reigns with a big right hand, then tossed him to the floor. Reigns and Sheamus brawl outside of the ring. Back in the ring, Sheamus tagged in Luke Harper. Reigns with a clothesline to Harper. He tagged in Ambrose, who hit a dropkick on Harper. Harper reversed an Irish whip and hit a shoulder block on Ambrose. Wyatt tagged in, he put Ambrose on the top rope. Wyatt with a big kick to Ambrose sending him crashing to the floor.

-Commercial Break-

Harper is in control of Ambrose when we make our way back from break. Harper hit a big boot to Reigns knocking him off the apron. Ambrose with a clothesline. Randy Orton and Bray Wyatt get the hot tags. Orton hit a back breaker on Wyatt. Orton hit a snap DDT to Wyatt. Harper took out Orton with a clothesline. Harper hit Ambrose with a big boot. Reigns took out Harper with a clothesline. Reigns and Sheamus get the hot tags. Reigns with a powerslam then a series of clotheslines to Sheamus. Reigns clotheslines Sheamus to the floor. Reigns hit a drop kick to Sheamus then Bray Wyatt. Reigns with a big right hand to Harper.

Back in the ring, Reigns hit Bray Wyatt with a superman punch and Sheamus rolled up Reigns for 2. Reigns with a superman punch to Sheamus. Harper hit him with a big boot. Ambrose took out Harper with a clothesline. Ambrose took out Harper with a dive through the ropes. Orton hit Wyatt with an RKO.

Reigns speared Sheamus for the win. That was a wild finish.

Winners: Reigns, Ambrose and Orton.

Reigns, Ambrose and Orton stood tall in the ring to close the show.

Thanks for watching along and we will see you next time.

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