WWE Monday Night Raw 9/12/16 results: Reigns vs. Owens, Bayley vs. Banks vs. Brooke

Show: RAW
Location: Baltimore, MD at the Royal Farms Arena
Date: 9/12/16
Airing Live On The USA Network

Welcome to the WWE Raw pre-show, and we are live on the WWE Network. Scott Stanford, Booker T, Lita, and Jerry Lawler hype what we will see tonight, which is Kevin Owens vs. Roman Reigns on RAW. The panel talked about how great Sunday’s Backlash PPV was. A video package to hype the RAW cruiserweight division was shown. Mick Foley booked New Day vs. Gallows and Anderson for RAW.

Welcome to WWE Monday Night Raw, there is a recap video of last week’s episode of Raw. Mick Foley is in the ring talking about Owens vs. Reigns tonight. Foley said we will find out if Reigns will be added to Owens vs. Seth Rollins at Clash of Champions or not. Foley brings out Charlotte to the ring. Charlotte brought up Sasha Banks calling her out last week and said that she needs to make an apology. Dana Brooke chimed in and Charlotte went off on her for losing to Bayley and getting attacked by Banks last week. Charlotte ordered her to apologize, which she did. Foley brought up Clash of Champions, which led to Banks walking out. Banks said that she is the face of the women’s division and the boss of the WWE. Banks vowed to become the RAW Women’s Champion at Clash of Champions. Bayley then walked down to the ring. Bayley said that she would love to see Banks wrestle Charlotte but since she beat Charlotte last week then maybe she should deserve a title shot. Banks told her no because she has unfinished business with Charlotte. Charlotte said that they don’t have unfinished business then Banks got fired up and was looking for a fight. Charlotte said that she is the champion so Banks doesn’t dictate when she defends her title. Foley said that he is the one who makes the decision. Foley books Banks vs. Bayley and the winner of that match will face Charlotte at Clash of Champions. Charlotte yelled at Brooke and blamed her but Brooke slapped Charlotte. Foley then challenged the match to a triple threat between Bayley, Banks, and Brooke to find out who faces Charlotte at Clash of Champions.

-Commercial Break-

#1 Contender’s Triple Threat Match for RAW Women’s Title: Bayley vs. Sasha Banks vs. Dana Brooke.

All of the Superstars start brawling in the ring. Brooke put the boots to Banks and tossed Bayley to the floor. Banks fought back and landed a series of right hands to Brooke. Brooke kicked Banks out of the ring. Bayley rolled up Brooke for 2. Bayley sent her face first into the corner and then hit a clothesline for 2. Bayley worked over the left arm of Brooke. Banks pulled Brooke to the floor and then she and Bayley hit an arm drag to Brooke.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Brooke in control of Bayley. Banks hit a powerbomb to Brooke white Brooke hit a suplex to Bayley. Banks with a drop kick to Brooke then the Bank Statement for 2. Bayley took out Banks and hit her finisher to Brooke, but Banks broke it up and rolled up Bayley for the win.

Winner: Banks.

-Commercial Break-

Brooke tried to apologize to Charlotte backstage, but Charlotte cut her off and told her to get her bags.

The Shining Stars tried to get R-Truth to invest into their resort in Puerto Rico. R-Truth wants to bring Little Jimmie with him. R-Truth told him to sign him up, but Goldust sneezed in Epico’s face and walked off. Enzo Amore and Big Cass walked up and asked if they were haters. Shining Stars said that they beat them last week. Amore challenged them to a match tonight.

Kevin Owens cuts a promo backstage about his match with Reigns. Owens said in two weeks at Clash of Champions it won’t be a triple threat match because he is going to beat Reigns tonight and walk out of Clash of Champions as champion. Jericho walked up and said that Sami Zayn would be on the Highlight Reel.

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Singles Match: Bo Dallas vs. Brandon Scott

Dallas tossed him around and then hit his finisher for the win.

Winner: Dallas.

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Chris Jericho walked down to the ring and explained that he wanted Owens on tonight’s show, but Foley booked him in a match with Reigns, so he had to find a new guest. That guest is Sami Zayn. Zayn said is he is tired of talking about Owens. Jericho said that Zayn is jealous of Owens. Zayn asked if there is any of the old Jericho left. Zayn said that Owens is using Jericho. Jericho slapped him and then hit a Codebreaker.

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Match #5 in the best of seven series: Cesaro vs. Sheamus.

They lock up, and Sheamus hit a strike to Cesaro’s back. He put the boots to Cesaro in the corner. Cesaro knocked him to the floor and hit a knee strike off the apron.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Sheamus in control of Cesaro. Sheamus locked in the torture rack and then an uppercut. Cesaro fought back by sending Sheamus face first into the turnbuckle. Cesaro went to the top rope, knocked Sheamus off and then hit a crossbody for 2. They exchange uppercuts, but Cesaro got the better of him. Sheamus hit a rolling senton for 2 and then went for the Cloverleaf submission. Cesaro rolled him up for 2. Cesaro with an uppercut for 2 and then the Sharpshooter. Sheamus fought out of it and rolled up Cesaro for 2. Sheamus with a backbreaker for 2. Cesaro rolled him up for the win.

Winner: Cesaro.

Rollins threatened to interfere in the Owens – Reigns match tonight and questioned Foley’s integrated. Foley told him not to do that. Rollins questioned if he would suspend him and then walked away.

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Nia Jax cut a promo backstage about beating the crap out of Alicia Fox because she doesn’t like crazy girls.

Singles Match: Nia Jax vs. Alicia Fox.

Jax tossed her around ringside then into the barricade. Jax speared her through the barricade. The match ended right then and there.

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The New Day walked out and said that they burned the footage of the old New Day from last week. They said that Anderson and Gallows wasted everybody’s time last week. Anderson and Gallows walked out for their match.

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Tag Team Match: Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson vs. New Day.

Anderson and Woods started things off. Woods hit a series of elbow strikes. Gallows and Kingston were tagged in. Kingston hit a crossbody to Gallows. Gallows sent Kingston to the floor. Back in the ring, Gallows worked over the jaw of Kingston. Gallows hit a big clothesline then tagged in Anderson, who worked over Kingston in the corner. Gallows was tagged in and hit a big boot to Kingston. Moments later, Woods got the hot tag and hit a series of clotheslines to Anderson then a knee strike to Gallows. Woods hit a rolling clothesline to Anderson for 2. Woods with a big right hand to Anderson but was cut off with an uppercut by Anderson. Woods caught him with a kick and then a DDT. Gallows hit Kofi with a big boot. Anderson took out Woods with a knee strike and then they hit the Magic Killer to Woods for the win.

Winners: Anderson and Gallows.

Reigns cut a promo by kicking Owens’ ass and making it to Clash of Champions.

-Commercial Break-

Jinder Mahal cut a promo about wanting peace.

Singles Match: Jinder Mahal vs. Jack Swagger.

Mahal begged for peace then attacked Swagger. Moments later, Swagger fought back and hit a back body drop. Swagger with a clothesline then a spine buster. Mahal cut him off and hit a power slam for the win.

Winner: Mahal.

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Tom Phillips asked Swagger about his contract with RAW expiring soon. Swagger looked at him and walked away without saying anything.

Singles Match: Enzo Amore vs. Epico

Epico attacked him and then hit a series of suplexes. Epico rolled him up for 2. Amore fought back and went to the top rope but Primo distracted him, and Big Cass hit Primo with a big boot. Epico took out Cass with a dive and Amore took out Epico with a dive. Back in the ring, Epico rolled him up for the win.

Winner: Epico.

-Commercial Break-

Rollins and Owens exchanged shots backstage. Owens said that Rollins has always had his back. Owens said the even Triple H had his back, but Triple H saw the light and knows that he is better than Rollins. Owens said that Rollins let RAW down when he let Dean Ambrose take the WWE Title to SmackDown then lost to Finn Balor with one arm. Foley told Owens is up next and to get to the ring. Foley told Rollins not to get involved in the main event, or there will be consequences.

Singles Match: Roman Reigns vs. Kevin Owens – if Reigns wins then he’ll be added to the main event of Clash of Champions.

Reigns chased Owens around the ring then Owens poked him in the eye and punched him in the gut. Owens with a back elbow for 2. Owens tossed to the floor and into the barricade. Reigns fought back with a series of right hands. Owens cut him off with a clothesline. Owens locked in a headlock

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Owens in control of Reigns. Owens tossed Reigns into the steel steps. Rollins ran down and attacked Owens. Foley walked out and said that they are gonna have a talk. Foley restarted the match. Reigns hit a series of right hands and clotheslines to Owens. Reigns caught a kick and hit a samoan drop. Reigns missed a frog splash in the corner and Owens hit a suplex off the top rope for a near fall. Owens hit a frog splash for 2. Reigns fought back and hit a superman punch for 2. Owens cut him off and hit a series of cannon ball splashes in the corner. Owens went for a powerbomb and Reigns rolled him up and hit a powerbomb for 2. Rusev ran down to the ring but Reigns knocked him down. Owens hit the powerbomb for the win.

Winner: Owens.

Owens celebrated on the stage. Rusev hit a super kick to Reigns and then beat him down with a series of right hands. Rusev locked in the Accolade on Reigns to close the show.

Thanks for watching along and we will see you next time.

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