WWE RAW 9/26/16 results: Reigns vs. Rusev, Amore & Big Cass vs. Owens & Jericho

Show: RAW
Location: Cincinnati, OH at the U.S. Bank Arena
Date: 9/26/16
Airing Live On The USA Network

Welcome to the WWE Raw pre-show, and we are live on the WWE Network. Scott Stanford, Booker T, Lita, and Jerry Lawler hype what we will see tonight, which is Roman Reigns vs. Rusev and Kevin Owens appearing on Chris Jericho’s highlight reel. Jerry Lawler stated that he heard that Seth Rollins was seriously injured during his match with Kevin Owens at Clash of Champions. An injury update on Rollins would be provided on RAW. TJ Perkins will be wrestling on tonight’s show.

Welcome to WWE Monday Night Raw. Roman Reigns walks down to the ring to begin the show, and our opening contest is the following….

WWE US Title Match: Roman Reigns © vs. Rusev.

They lock up and Rusev took him down to begin the match. Reigns hit a series of shoulder blocks and then a headlock takeover. Rusev took him down and locked in a body lock. Rusev hit a powerslam and then targeted the back of Reigns. Rusev hit a suplex for 2. Rusev sent him to ringside and we cut to break.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Rusev in control of Reigns. Rusev locked in a body lock but Reigns fought out of it. Rusev cut him off with a spinebuster. Rusev got into mount and rained down right hands. Rusev locked in another body lock and Reigns fought out of it again. Reigns went for the Superman Punch but Rusev caught him and both men went flying over the top rope to the floor.

-Commercial Break-

Rusev and Reigns are battling on the middle rope. Reigns headbutted him off and hit a clothesline. Reigns went for a powerbomb but Rusev reversed and missed a kick. Reigns and Rusev exchanged in a slugfest until Rusev hit a spin kick for 2. Rusev went to the top rope but Reigns knocked him to the floor and into the barricade. Back in the ring, Rusev caught him with a super kick for 2. Rusev went for the Accolade but Reigns blocked a kick and shoved him. Reigns hit the Superman Punch for a near fall. Reigns went for the spear but Lana got onto the apron. Reigns blocked a kick and landed a right hand. Reigns with the Drive By. They brawl into the crowd and get counted out.

Post-match, Reigns sent Rusev into the barricade. Rusev hit Reigns in the gut and back of Reigns. Reigns got up and hit a spear. Reigns hit with a chair a few times until Rusev rolled out of the ring and walked to the back.

A commercial for WWE 2K17 was shown.

-Commercial Break-

RAW GM Mick Foley walks down to the ring to address the No Contest in the Best of Seven Series between Cesaro and Sheamus. Foley brought out both Superstars. Sheamus cut a promo about how Foley told them that the winner of the series would get a World Title shot. Sheamus thinks he is the winner of the series while Cesaro thinks he is. Foley said that he has come to a decision and he would grant both Superstars a title opportunity. Foley books them as a tag team, and they would be challenging for the Tag Team Titles. Foley said that if they chose to be a tag team, then they would be facing the winners of the following match.

RAW Tag Team Title Match: The New Day vs. Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows.

Kofi and Anderson start things off. Kofi put the boots to him in the corner. Gallows attacked Big E from behind, and then Anderson tossed Kofi to the floor. Gallows hit a big clothesline to Kofi. Back in the ring, Gallows was tagged in and hit a chokeslam.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Anderson in control of Kofi. Gallows was tagged in and hit a big boot. Gallows went for a dive, but Kofi kicks him in the mouth. Anderson was tagged in and missed a knee drop. Big E got the hot tag and hit a series of belly to belly suplexes to Anderson. Big E clotheslines Gallows to the floor. Anderson rolled up Big E for 2. Big E missed a spear and ate the ring post then walked into a big boot by Anderson. Big E speared Anderson off the apron. Big E and Kofi hit their tag team finisher for 2 as Gallows broke it up. Anderson knocked down Big E and then hit a neck breaker off the top rope. Anderson and Gallows hit the Magic Killer to Big E for the ner fall as Kofi broke it up. Gallows sent Kofi to the floor, and Kofi was busted open. Kofi got the hot tag moments later and hit the Trouble in Paradise for the win on Anderson.

Winners: New Day

WWE announced that Seth Rollins suffered a rib injury and is not medically cleared to wrestle tonight.

-Commercial Break-

Sheamus, Cesaro, and Foley are shown talking backstage. Foley explained that he believes in Sheamus and Cesaro. Foley thinks that their match stole the show at Clash of Champions. Foley fears if they compete against each other again one of them will get injured. Foley said that Cesaro and Sheamus could change the face of tag team wrestling.

Singles Match: Bayley vs. Anna Fields.

They lock up, and Fields landed a series of right hands in the corner. Bayley fought back and hit the Belly-To-Bayley for the win.

Winner: Bayley.

Post-match, Bayley cut a promo about how Sasha Banks and Charlotte will be facing her again. Bayley said that she wouldn’t stop until she is hugging the RAW Women’s Title.

-Commercial Break-

Stephanie McMahon tried to talk to Foley backstage. Foley doesn’t want to talk to her because he looks like a fool. Foley said that he was checking on Cesaro when she sent another referee to count the pinfall in the WWE Universal Title match at Clash of Champions and then her leaving with Triple H. McMahon said that Foley should be embarrassed by the main event because he should be on top of it as GM. McMahon hired Foley because he is a businessman and should not be looking after injured WWE stars. Foley apologized and said he was out of line.

-Commercial Break-

Tag Team Match: Rich Swann and Cedric Alexander vs. Drew Gulak and Lince Dorado.

Swann and Dorado start off the match. Dorado hit a hip toss and then both of them went for a drop kick but missed. Dorado rolled him up for 2. Alexander made the save, and Alexander sent him to the floor. Swann hit an outside dive to Gulak. Dorado went to the top rope and hit a moonsault taking out the other three stars.

-Commercial Break-

Gulak and Dorado were in control of Swann when we return from break. Dorado was tagged in, and Swann hit a drop kick in the corner. Alexander was tagged in and hit a series of right hands to Gulka. Alexander with a drop kick then a head kick. Alexander went to the top rope and hit clotheslines for 2. Dorado broke up the pin attempt. Alexander took out Dorado with a back breaker. Gulak hit a suplex to Alexander. Swann was tagged in and hit a back kick. Swann with an up kick and then rolled him up for the win.

Winners: Swann and Alexander.

-Commercial Break-

Tag Team Match: Sheamus and Cesaro vs. Nick Cutler and Willis Williams

Cesaro and Cutler start things off. Cesaro hit a suplex to Cutler. Cesaro sent Williams to the floor. Sheamus hit the Brogue Kick to both men. Cesaro covered Cutler for the win.

Winners: Sheamus and Cesaro

There was a video package to hype TJ Perkins’ RAW debut. Perkins cut a backstage promo about how he never thought he would be wrestling on RAW. Perkins said he never thought he would see Brian Kendrick, who walked up. Kendrick asked if it felt good to have his dreams come true. Kendrick said that title was resurrected for him. Kendrick said that he owes him his career.

-Commercial Break-

Charlotte cuts a promo in the ring that she is not the hugging Bayley or the internet darling Sasha Banks. Charlotte said she is the money maker and the face of the women’s division. Banks walked down and said that it was Charlotte’s night at Clash of Champions but she still wants that title. Banks said she didn’t lose last night and she wants her rematch right now. Charlotte said that she is better than Banks. Charlotte said that she would give Banks her title match next week. Charlotte said that next week, she would promise that she would… Banks interrupt and said next week she would prove why she is the best and would take back the women’s title. Banks attacked Charlotte and locked in the Bank Statement on Brooke.

-Commercial Break-

Foley and Rollins talk backstage. Rollins said that he would be fine soon enough and threatened to attack Owens while on the Highlight Reel. Foley told him tonight is not the time because he is not medically clear. Rollins said that he will not listen to Owens brag about beating him. Rollins said that he sees Foley’s lips moving but all he hears is McMahon’s words.

Singles Match: TJ Perkins vs. Tony Nese.

They lock up, and Perkins hit an arm drag. Nese with a shoulder block and went for a suplex but Perkins blocked and locked in the knee lock until Nese got to the bottom rope. Perkins went for a springboard move, but Nese reversed and super kicked him then hit and outside dive.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Neese in control of Perkins as he landed a series of right hands. Perkins fought back and hit a neck breaker. Perkins hit a face plant slam for 2. Perkins hit a series of power slams. Perkins went to the top rope, but Nese knocked him down. Nse suplexes him onto the top rope and hit a flying knee strike. Perkins drop kicked him and hit a springboard drop kick then hit an up kick and the knee lock for the win.

Winners: Perkins.

-Commercial Break-

Chris Jericho walked down to the ring for the Highlight Reel segment. Jericho cut a promo about how his best friend defeated Rollins at Clash of Champions. Jericho brought up Rollins not being medically cleared and then stated that he has never been injured while in WWE. Jericho brought out Owens. Owens cut a promo about how this city produced Dean Ambrose. Jericho mentioned that Ambrose still owes him money, and Owens said that he would never get that money. Owens believes he is the main event and is the man of WWE. Owens brought up Rollins injuring John Cena, Sting, and Finn Balor. Owens said that Rollins might be the most dangerous in WWE and he took out Rollins, so he is the most dangerous man in WWE now. Rollins walked down to the ring, but security walked out and stopped him. Owens told Rollins to get to the back while Foley walked out and told him the same. Big Cass and Enzo Amore walked out to the stage. Amore introduced themselves. Jericho said that they were doing fine until they came out here. Jericho put them on his list. Cass mocked Jericho for being like Santa Claus. Jericho threatened to sit on Cass’ lap. Cass asked what he just said and Jericho refused to say it again. Owens said that he would punch Cass in the face. Jericho brought up that they don’t have a match with them tonight. Cass said that Foley told them earlier that they do have a match and it starts now.

-Commercial Break-

Tag Team Match: Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho

Jericho and Amore started things off. Jericho hit an arm drag then Amore hit one of his own and Owens was tagged in. Amore landed a series of rights then tagged in Cass, who sent Owens and Jericho to the floor. Amore hit an outside dive taking out both Superstars.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Amore landing a series of right hands to Jericho. Amore hit a clothesline and went to the top rope and hit a crossbody for 2. Amore knocked Owens off the apron. Amore went to the top rope but Owens pushed him off and Jericho rolled him up for the win. Jericho hit a springboard drop kick to Amore. Jericho put Amore on the top rope and went for a suplex but Amore fought back. Jericho hit a drop kick to Amore. Owens was tagged in and hit a powerslam for 2. Jericho was tagged in but Amore fought back with a series of right hands. Jericho knocked him down with a knee strike. Jericho went for the Lionsault but Amore put his knees up. Cass was tagged in and hit a shoulder block to Owens then a fall away slam. Cass sent Jericho the apron then hit a big boot to him. Cass with a powerslam to Owens then hit an elbow drop. Cass with a powerslam to Jericho then missed a splash. Owens super kicked him but Cass fired back with a big boot then tagged in Amore, who went to the top rope. Jericho slapped Cass and Cass hit a big boot to Jericho. Amore with a DDT off the top rope to Owens. Owens knocked him down and hit the pop-up powerbomb for the win.

Winners: Owens and Jericho.

Thanks for watching along and we will see you next time.

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