WWE Monday Night Raw – Full Results (3/31/14)

We are covering Raw live tonight as it happens. Stay right here and refresh this page for updated results.

– Opening segment – Raw kicks off with The Undertaker.  Undertaker says that he does not claim to be better than his victims but at the Showcase of the Immortals he will go further than anyone else and that’s why the streak will stay alive. He said that Brock should be thinking about Taker taking him out to the deep water and not being able to touch the bottom. He asked if Brock will try to take him to the bottom with him or will he turn around and swim back to shore. He said that every opponent has tried to swim back to shore and not one of them has made it yet. Taker said that he knows that there are many that think his time will come and that it’s inevitable that the streak will be broken. He said that there are many more that believe in 3 things….death, taxes, and the streak. He said that Brock will rest in peace. Brock’s music interrupted. Paul Heyman said that he doesn’t mean no disrespect but his client has taken the position that this is not a match that Brock Lesnar has to win. This is a match that The Undertaker must not lose. Loud CM Punk chants during Punk’s promo. He said that all it takes is one F5 and three seconds later the streak is over. He said that this Sunday will be the most historic WrestleMania moment since Hulk defeated Andre The Giant when Brock Lesnar defeats the undefeated streak. He said that it’s not a prediction. He said it’s a spoiler. Brock and Paul were about to walk off but Brock changed his mind and walked towards the ring. He stopped half way towards the ring and pointed at the WrestleMania sign. Chants of “You suck” and then Brock continued to walk towards the ring but stopped before entering the ring. Brock and Paul laughed. Brock walked around the ring. Heyman distracted Taker and Brock attacked. Lesnar hit Undertaker with the F5.

– Big E vs. Ablerto Del Rio. Before the match the replayed the end of the Taker/Brock segment. There was a commercial break during this match. Alberto worked over Big E’s left arm throughout the match. Big E was going for the big ending but got locked in the armbreaker. Big E picked up and slammed Del Rio and broke the armbreaker in the process. Del Rio got a clean pin after a kick to the jaw. I guess this means Del Rio signed a new contract? The WWE Universe can vote for which member of the Shield should face Kane tonight. Rollins, Ambrose, Reigns. They mentioned that Orton vs. Batista takes place tonight. Also, Triple H will have a Farewell to YES Movement segment tonight.

–  The Wyatt Family promo. They replayed highlights from the events from last week with The Wyatt Family and John Cena. Back live. The Wyatts backstage. Bray cuts a promo on Cena. He said that Cena can’t just whisper in people’s ears anymore and expect them to believe him. He said that the fans will see Cena as a monster. Wyatt ended the promo by singing”He’s got the whole world in his hands.” They showed highlights from last night’s Total Divas episode. Summer Rae vs. Natalya is next. Summer Rae came out before they went to commercial.

– Summer Rae vs. Natalya is next. Vickie Guerrero is doing commentary for this match. Vickie said that all of the divas will be in the ring at the same time and it will be a one fall match. The announcers asked how it could be possible for AJ to retain her title. Summer won after a kick to the head. Backstage we see Triple H and Stephanie McMahon headed to the ring so they’re up  next.

– Hour 2 segment: Triple H, Stephanie McMahon. Stephanie said that they will give the fans a chance to say farewell to Daniel Bryan before Triple H destroys him at WrestleMania 30. Triple H said that there is no loyalty in this generation so they have a flavor of the day, something that they can latch on to but then they just move on to something else. He said that one year ago the Fandango dance was huge. Triple asked “what was that guys name?” He said that they just threw it away and they just didn’t give a crap. He said that Fandango is a B+ maybe an A talent. Some CM Punk chants. Steph asked “who wants to see Daniel Bryan”. She got them to chant YES. She said that Daniel Bryan will not be here this evening. She said the best thing for him was to go to New Orleans early to rest up. Triple H said that Daniel and the YES Movement is just a myth but the reality is that he isn’t an A+ player. He said that chanting YES doesn’t make it true. Triple H said that he would be the first guy to admit that he married spectacularly but the reason that he has the power is because of his dominace in the ring (not because he married Stephanie). He said it didn’t married what flavor of the week was thrown his way. Loud boring chants during this promo. Then Triple H played a video on the big screen. Clips of Booker T, Scott Steiner, Rob Van Dam, Jeff Hardy (doing the dive off the ladder), Goldberg, Mick Foley, Chris Jericho (cheap catchphrase), Kurt Angle…but Steph said in the end none of it matters because none of it lasts and in the end all that is left is The Game and only one man knows how to play it. Then they showed clips of Triple H beating all of the wrestlers mentioned. She said he cannot be stopped and will not be stopped and he will put an end to the next sacrificial lamb…your chose voice, your chosen one, because in the end there is only one…Triple H. Triple H said that they were all great but they were just players in the game and he is The Game and he is The Game now more than ever. He said that since the fans have cried so much about it, after he beats Bryan he will show the world that he is the most powerful man in the WWE and walk out of WrestleMania as the COO of the company and as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Batista then came out to a loud ovation from his hometown. Batista was wearing a Georgetown jersey. Loud Batista chants. Batista said that he loves what he’s doing (saying goodbye to the YES movement). Batista said he noticed that he wasn’t in the video because Triple H never beat him. Triple H asked him if he got the shirt from a gift shop. Batista said Triple H is the brains and Steph is the brawn. Randy Orton came out. Randy said that he wants to beat some respect into Batista later tonight and he said he has the utmost respect for Triple H. Randy said he is not thrilled about the triple threat match but knows it’s best for business and said he would be honored to defend against Triple H and asked if he would please reconsider. Triple H said that ass kissing won’t get him out of this and Orton’s reign is coming to an end very soon unless he can find it within himself to become THE VIPER again. He said that if he’s The Viper he doesn’t know if he could beat that guy and he better find The Viper real soon and as of now the Orton/Batista match is No DQ tonight. Awesome segment. Roddy Piper is next.

– The Usos and Los Matadores vs. Real Americans and Rybaxel. Well, the did say Piper was next. I guess something got changed. Very good match here. The crowd was hot for it with dueling chants for We The People and Lets Go Usos.  Swagger was distracted and Los Matadores pulled a switch on the outside and got the pin on Swagger. They showed a commercial for the new Ultimate Warrior: The Ultimate Collection DVD with brand new clips of The Ultimate Warrior talking about his career.

–  Fandango and Damien Sandow vs Cody Rhodes and Goldust. Decent match. Goldust pinned Sandow. After the match the announcers talked about Sunday’s battle royal. The Shield is up next. A cool WrestleMania commercial aired showing superstars in the Mardi Gras parade. This is the commercial we talked about that they shot last week.

– The Shield backstage promo + The Wyatt Family. They aired the beat down on The Shield from Smackdown 2 weeks ago. The Shield cut a promo. Rollins said that they almost feel bad for Kane. He said it doesn’t matter who wins the App vote. In 6 days they will teach Kane and The Outlaws a lesson. Reigns said The Shield is not to be messed with. Then The Wyatt Family’s music hit. Bray is in action next. Commercial break.

– Bray Wyatt vs. R-Truth. Squash match. Bray pinned R-Truth. Rowan and Harper then attacked Xavier Woods and threw him out of the ring.  As Bray kneeled down in the ring John Cena snuck up behind the Wyatt’s in the sheep mask. He hit the AA on Rowan. Bray escaped before Cena could hit the AA on him. They aired a commercial for the WWE Hall of Fame. It airs live this Saturday night at 9pm eastern on the WWE Network. The red carpet event airs at 8pm eastern.

– AJ Lee vs. Naomi in a Lumberjill match – they replayed part of the segment from last week when Vickie announced the Divas invitational. There were CM Punk chants at the start of the match. All of the divas were surrounding the ring. Everytime Naomi was thrown out of the ring no one touched her. They were putting over the storyline that everyone will be out to get AJ at WrestleMania. Naomi pinned AJ after getting mauled by the rest of the divas. John Cena is up next.

– Renee Young interviews John Cena. Cena said that desperate times call for desperate measures. He told Bray to be careful what he wishes for. Cena said that he will be a monster for a day. He said that the best thing about fear is knowing that you have the courage to face it. He ended it by saying that he would be stuffing his foot in Bray’s ass. They switch over the the panel…Booker T, Bad News Barrett, Alex Riley, and Josh Matthews. They gave their analysis on Cena/Wyatt. They replayed the Taker/Brock segment highlights from earlier tonight. Jerry “The King” Lawler stood mid ring and announced that Roman Reigns won the vote and would face Kane tonight. Roman at 80 percent, Seth at 11 percent, Ambrose at 9 percent. Reigns vs. Kane is next.

– Roman Reigns vs. Kane. Short match. Just as Reigns was about to hit the Superman punch the Outlaws came down but they were attacked by the other Shield members. Roman hit the punch. The 3 members of the Shield surrounded Kane and they attacked him. Kane wins Disqualification. The New Age Outlaws pulled Kane out of the ring to safety. Roddy Piper is up next.

– Piper’s Pit with special guest. They plugged Smackdown. Hulk Hogan will appear on Friday night’s Smackdown, taped earlier tonight. “Rowdy” Roddy Piper in the ring. He says that 29 years ago today he had the honor of being in the first WrestleMania ever. He noted that he didn’t get pinned in the middle of the ring. He said that there was a man that played a huge role in making WrestleMania the monster that it is today. He said that the man is Andre The Giant. He said that 30 superstars will be in the battle royal and they will have their WrestleMania moment and a chance to have their names linked with one of the greatest legends in the history of professional wrestling history. Miz interrupted him. Miz says that unlike Andre he’s actually won the main event of WrestleMania. Sheamus then came out. He had a mic too. He said that Miz is not fit to hold Roddy’s kilt. Sheamus said that he sees and Andre trophy and a pint in his future and a brogue kick. Titus O’Neil then came out. Ziggler then came out. Piper was going nuts. Ziggler said he will steal the spotlight this Sunday. Piper poked Miz in the eye and then a brawl between the 4 competitors broke out. Then the rest of the participants came down and joined on on the brawl. Standard, formula stuff. Really no need for this segment. Rey Mysterio then came down and joined in. Rey hit a hurricanrana and 619 on Sin Cara. Big Show then came down. Big Show basically killed everyone and cleared the ring. He faced off with Rey. Rey got on his knees and asked Show not to attack him but Rey was just playing possum and hit a 619 on Show. Show ended up tossing Rey out of the ring onto all of the guys outside. Piper held up Big Show’s hand. They pushed it hard that he’s the favorite to win.

– Main Event: Randy Orton vs. Batista (No disqualification). They showed a replay of last week’s segment from when Stephanie slapped Batista. Stephanie and Triple H joined the announcers ringside. During the match Daniel Bryan showed up and attacked Triple H at the announce table. Orton pulled Bryan off and threw Bryan into the steps. Orton threw Bryan into the ring. Batista speared Orton. Bryan kicked Batista in the head and then hit him with the running knee. Bryan then attacked Triple H again outside of the ring. The crowd was really into this as Bryan then hit Triple H with a kendo stick. The show ended with Bryan in the ring as fans chanted YES. Cole asked if there’s a chance, is there a miracle? That’s the end of the show.

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