WWE NXT Deadline results: Axiom victorious in Kickoff match

Axiom vs. Nathan Fraszer in the Kickoff match was booked at this year’s WWE NXT Deadline premium live event. The following is the play-by-play coverage of the match:

Nathan got the upper hand after catching him with a flying kick. Nathan worked him over for a few minutes with a different look in his eyes, almost cocky. Axiom fought back with a german suplex and an up kick for a near fall. Axiom hit an outside moonsault. Nathan caught him on the top rope and hit a spanish fly then a standing moonsault for 2. Nathan missed a dive off the top rope and after some counters, hit him with a superkick. Nathan went for a spring board moonsault and Axiom caught him with a superkick. Nathan with a superkick off his own. Axiom with a spanish fly then a running kick for the win.

Winner: Axiom

Click here for complete WWE NXT Deadline results.

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