WWE NXT No Mercy Results: Ethan Page Cheats To Retain NXT Title Over Joe Hendry

WWE NXT Champion Ethan Page vs. Joe Hendry with Trick Williams as the special guest referee was booked at this year’s WWE NXT No Mercy Premium Live Event in Denver, Colorado at Ball Arena. The following is the play-by-play coverage of the match:

After doing some basic moves, Page caught him with a shoulder block and rained down strikes in the corner. Joe reversed a move and hit a powerslam. Page avoided a move and sent him shoulder first into the ring post before hitting a powerslam for 2. Joe with a bulldog over the top rope to the floor after hitting a powerslam off the middle rope. Page tossed him into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Hendry with a fall away slam for 2. They traded right hands as the fans were fully behind Hendry. Joe with the standing ovation, but Page’s foot was under the bottom rope and he argued with Trick Williams. Page shoved Joe into Trick and Page with the standing ovation. A second referee ran out for a count of 2. Page grabbed the title and joe rolled him up for 2. Page caught Joe with a DDT on the title, but Trick broke up the pin attempt by stopping the count. Page accidentlly punched the second ref. Page with a low blow with Trick not looking and razor’s edge for the win.

Winner: Page

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Post-match, Pete Dunne attacked Williams. They meet on Tuesday’s NXT.

Click here for complete WWE NXT No Mercy results.

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