WWE NXT Results for February 28, 2023

February 28, 2023
WWE Performance Center
Orlando, Fl

Welcome to our live coverage of WWE NXT. As always, we will have the results up immediately after every match. Refresh this page often to see updated results. 

Tonight on NXT:

-Gigi Dolin to speak after attacking Jacy Jayne last week
-Tyler Bate vs Carmelo Hayes
-Meiko Satomura vs Zoey Stark
-Wes Lee’s North American Open Challenge

Our live coverage begins at 8PM EST

The show opened with most of the locker room brawling in the hallway to be the first to get to the ring to meet Wes Lee for his North American Open Challenge. It looked like Dabba-Kato was going to get to the ring first, but Apollo Crews jumped from the stands on to him. While they were brawling, Nathan Frazer ran from the back and leaped over both of them and got in the ring. 

North American Championship Match: Wes Lee (champion) vs Nathan Frazer

Frazer kicked Lee off the ring apron sending him into the announce desk. Frazer tried to springboard off the top rope onto Lee, but Lee moved and Frazier went face first on the announce desk. Lee used a corkscrew dive over the top rope onto Frazer. Lee threw Frazer back into the ring and gave him the Cardiac Kick for the win. They shook hands after the match. Winner: Wes Lee

JD McDonagh talked about his retinal surgery. He said he doesn’t expect Dragunov to know what that feels like, but he will. 

Backstage, Brooks Jensen told Josh Briggs that since Valentine’s Day, it hasn’t been the same between him and Kiana James. Briggs said they’re men and they are stupid when it comes to women. Briggs told him that it will figure itself out.

Backstage, Axiom asked Hank Walker why he kicked him in the head when they were trying to get in the ring for Wes Lee’s Open Challenge earlier. Walker apologized and said it was an accident. Axiom didn’t accept his apology and told him it cost him his chance at the North American Championship. Axiom told Walker that Walker couldn’t beat Lee anyway. Walker pushed Axiom and Axiom pushed him back before being separated.

Josh Briggs & Brook Jensen vs Indus Sher (Veer & Sanga) (with Jinder Mahal)

The story of the match was Jensen was still distracted with thoughts about Kiana James. He was looking down when Briggs tried to make a tag early in the match. He was behind on several attempts at double team moves. Sanga threw Jensen into Veer who delivered a devastating clothesline for the win. Winners: Indus Sheer

After the match, Jinder Mahal challenged The Creed Brothers at NXT Roadblock

Backstage, Katana Chance ran to the trainer to come outside as Kayden Carter was tending to an injured Wendy Choo who was lying on the ground.

Gigi Dolin said Jacy Jayne’s attack on her made her realize who she is. It was fun being the mean girl as it was a way for her to channel her inner demons because deep down she was just happy to survive. She said she trusted Jacy when she told her the last person who betrayed her and beat her down was her own mother. When she ran away from home as a teenager, she was determined to make it in WWE so she could show her little brother that they can escape they cycle of pain and suffering. Next week at Roadblock she will take out all her rage on Jayne.

In the Chase U classroom, Duke Hudson apologized to Thea Hail for the way he spoke to her last week. Hail accepted and said we all say things we don’t mean and she’s sure he didn’t mean his comments about the University, to which Hudson said he did mean that. Andre Chase was ready to teach the students about factions in WWE history when The Schism appeared on the monitor. They said the students of Chase U need to get out and join The Schism before Chase U goes up in flames. Chase said he is going to show his students what Chase U is built on next week at Roadblock when gives an ass whooping to Joe Gacy.

Dijak said Tony D’Angelo cost him the North American Championship twice so he accepts Tony D’Angelo’s Jailhouse Street Fight next week at Roadblock.

Meiko Satomura vs Zoey Stark

Roxanne Perez was on commentary. 

Satomura hit a Death Valley Driver on Stark followed by the Scorpio Rising for the victory. Winner: Meiko Satomura

It was announced that Shawn Michaels will accept the invitation to be on the Grayson Waller Effect next week at Roadblock. 

Backstage, McKenzie Mitchell was getting ready to give us an update on Wendy Choo. Tiffany Stratton interrupted and said Wendy Choo will be out indefinitely and people should stay out of the NXT parking lot. Katana Chance and Kayden Carter came from the trainer’s room. Chance said it’s not looking good for Choo. Carter insinuated that Stratton might be the one who attacked Choo as they had a previous beef with each other. Stratton accused them of doing the attack. Chance told Stratton to get her boots on because she is going to get them a match.

Backstage, The Creed Brothers told Damon Kemp that he is still a bad person, but that’s exactly what it’s going to take to beat Indus Sher. Kemp asked if they are thinking about getting the boys back together. Kemp said no way. Bron Breakker showed up and said they kept his match clean with Jinder last week, so he’s in.

Sol Ruka vs Elektra Lopez

Lopez went to the turnbuckle thinking the brass knuckles were under it. She saw Valentina Feroz standing outside of the ring with them. While Lopez was telling Feroz to give them to her, Ruka hit the Sole Snatcher on Lopez and pinned her. Winner: Sol Ruka

After the match, Lopez was yelling at Feroz and pie faced her and Feroz used the brass knux on Lopez.

Earlier today, Gallus was in a bar playing pool. Wolfgang reminded Mark Coffey how Pretty Deadly stole their NXT UK Tag Team Championships two years ago were jumped by them last week. Coffey’s pep talk to Wolfgang worked as he hit a patron over the head with a glass of beer.

Backstage, Pretty Deadly said they will beat Gallus. They were shown a tweet by Drew McIntyre that said he’s faced Gallus and stood side by side with them and Pretty Deadly has a receipt coming their way. Pretty Deadly said they will have a discussion with Gallus next week at Roadblock about their upcoming match.

Katana Chance (with Kayden Carter) vs Tiffany Stratton

Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn made their way down the aisle. Chance came off the top rope, but Stratton caught her gave her a forward roll to the ground. Stratton then hit the Moonsault on Chance for the pinfall. Winner: Tiffany Stratton

After the match, Stratton said she’s proven that she’s the best woman in NXT. She challenged the winner of the Roxanne Perez-Meiko Satomura match.

Backstage, Brooks Jensen apologized to Josh Briggs, but Briggs cut him off and said he only has him and Fallon. He said he’s happy for him and Kiana, but whatever the three of them have going on needs to stop. Briggs told him he needs to get his girl back, but it’s going to take some time. Briggs offered to talk to Kiana for him

Axiom vs Hank Walker

Axiom hit Walker with the Shining Wizard and a kick to his chin. He then connected with the Golden Ration for the pin. They reconciled after the match. Winner: Axiom

Grayson Waller asked if next week we will see the Heartbreak Kid one more time or will we see the corporate stooge in a suit and cowboy hat. Waller asked him to show him the proper respect because he doesn’t want to put Michaels in a position that he said he would never be in again.

Carmelo Hayes (with Trick Williams) vs Tyler Bate

Hayes went to the top rope, but Bate jumped on the rope and gave him an overhead suplex. Bate went back up to the top rope and Williams got on ring apron to stop him, but was met by a kick to his head by Bate. Bate came off the rope with a corkscrew dive, but Hayes got out of the way. Hayes went to the top rope with a leg drop on to the back of Bates’ neck and pinned him. Winner: Carmelo Hayes

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