WWE NXT Results for June 21, 2022

June 21st, 2022
Capital Wrestling Center
Orlando, Florida

Welcome to our live coverage of WWE NXT, announced for tonight’s show, Solo Sikoa will take on Grayson Waller, Alba Fyre will take on Lash Legend, Edris Enofe will look to prove himself as a singles competitor as he takes on Cameron Grimes, Brooks Jensen will look for revenge as he goes to battle against Von Wagner, and Tony D’Angelo will challenge Carmelo Hayes for his North American championship.

– We see footage of Tony D’Angelo and Carmelo Hayes arriving to the building earlier in the day.

– Grayson Waller says that he’s sick and tired of hearing about Solo Sikoa and that they should be talking about him, Grayson says that the fans love Solo Sikoa because they’re solo and losers like Sikoa, Sikoa then attacks Grayson on the ramp with punches, Sikoa then slams Waller’s face against the announce table and apron.

Match 1: Solo Sikoa vs Grayson Waller

– The match starts with Sikoa hitting Waller with a closeline, followed by a punch to the face and a kick to the chest, Sikoa then hits Waller with a snap suplex and a falling headbutt to the shoulder of Waller, Waller then hits Sikoa with a right hand, Waller then slams Sikoa facefirst into the top turnbuckle but Sikoa is unaffected, Sikoa goes for a Samoan drop but Waller uses the ropes to counter, Waller then hits Sikoa with a headbutt but Sikoa is once again unaffected, Sikoa then takes Waller down with a running shoulder tackle, Sikoa then lands another closeline for a two count, Sikoa then lands a stiff chop to the chest of Waller, followed by a series of shoulder tackles in the corner, Waller then stomps on the feet on Sikoa, Waller then sends Sikoa to the outside, Waller then goes for a baseball slide but Sikoa counters and lands an elbow to the face of Waller on the outside of the ring as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Waller locking Sikoa in a headlock, Sikoa rolls through and lands a series of punches on Waller, Waller then hits a side leg kick to the face of Sikoa for a nearfall, Waller then hits a DDT for yet another nearfall, Waller then lands a series of knees to the face of Sikoa, Waller goes for an elbow drop from the second rope but Sikoa punches him to the outside, Sikoa then hits a running shoulder tackle on the outside, Sikoa then lands a running splash to Waller in the corner, followed by a running hip attack in the corner, Waller then racks Sikoa throat first on the top rope, Waller goes for the rolling stunner but Sikoa catches him for a Samoan drop, Sikoa goes to the top but Waller rolls away, Sikoa then goes for a splash in the corner but Waller moves out of the way, sending Sikoa crashing into the exposed turnbuckle, Waller then hits the rolling stunner for the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall: Grayson Waller at 12:17.

– Tony D’Angelo is interviewed, Tony says that Legado Del Fantasma has a chance to get on his good side when they face off against Roderick Strong and Damon Kemp tonight, Santos Escobar then shakes Tony’s hand, Tony says that if he walks out of here without the North American Championship, there will be hell to pay, Escobar tells Tony to relax because he’s got it.

– We get a video package hyping up the return of JD McDonough (Jordan Devlin).

Match 2: Kayden Carter and Katana Chance vs Yulisa Leon and Valentina Feroz 

– The match starts off with Kayden hitting Yulisa with a dropkick as she dances, Leon sends Carter face first into the top turnbuckle, Feroz then hits a running forearm to Carter in the corner before tagging Leon back in, Leon hits a sunset flip for a two count, Yulisa rolls up Chance but Chance kicks out, Yulisa then turns it into a submission but Chance is able to reach the bottom rope, Carter then lands a series of knees to the stomach of Leon, Carter then lands a running dropkick to the face of Leon in the corner for a two count, Chance then lands a combination of kicks on Leon for a two count, Leon then lands an enzuigiri on Carter, which allows Leon to tag in Feroz, Feroz hits a rolling spear on Chance for a nearfall, Leon and Feroz then land a double team facebuster on Chance, Feroz goes for a pin but Carter pulls her off, Chance then rolls off the back of Carter for a splash, Kayden then lands a superkick on Leon, Carter and Chance then hit Yulisa with a neckbreaker/450 splash for the pinfall victory.

Winners via pinfall: Katana Chance and Kayden Carter at 5:26. 

– We see Wes Lee backstage, he will come out to the ring next.

– Wes Lee makes his entrance, Wes Lee says that its an honor to still recieve this love from the fans, Lee says that was needed after the past three months he’s had, Lee says he’s gone from the highest of highs to possibly the lowest of lows, Lee says that he went from being a two time NXT tag team champion, to have it explode under his feet, Lee says that all he finds is pain and anger and it consumed him to where he wasn’t acting like himself, Lee says that he was just trying to prove himself, Trick Williams then interrupts, Trick says that no one wants to hear about Lee’s lowest of lows, Trick says that Lee left his brother and friend behind, Lee says that Trick has no idea the wave they had to ride to get where they were, Lee says that Trick is just playing second fiddle in his team, Lee then asks Trick if he has any hype left at all, Trick says that his time is money and when he’s ready, he will find Lee, Trick says that he will do what all of Lee’s friends has done, and just leave.

– We get a video package of Tiffany Stratton belittling Wendy Choo.

Match 3: Damon Kemp and Roderick Strong vs Joaquin Wilde and Cruz Del Toro 

– The match starts off with Wilde putting Strong in a headlock, Strong then slams Wilde down before locking in an armlock, Cruz and Wilde then land a double elbow on Strong, Kemp then gets tagged in, Kemp takes down Cruz with a single leg, Strong then yells at Kemp before slapping him from the apron, Kemp then lands a suplex on Cruz, Kemp then suplexes Wilde into Cruz, Strong then hits Cruz with a stiff chop in the corner, Wilde then lands q jawbreaker on Kemp, Wilde then goes for a running bulldog on Strong but Strong counters it into a backbreaker, Kemp then hits a stiff closeline for a nearfall, Kemp then goes for a standing elbow drop but Wilde counters and tags in Cruz, Cruz then hits Strong with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors and a kick to the face of Strong in the corner, Wilde then takes Kemp out with a crossbody to the outside, Cruz then hits Strong with a sidekick, Cruz goes to run the ropes but Two Dimes accidentally trips Cruz, allowing Strong to hit a jumping knee to the face of Cruz for the pinfall victory.

Winners via pinfall: Roderick Strong and Damon Kemp at 4:58.

– We will hear from Toxic Attraction next.

– We get a video package highlighting Apollo Crews defending a man from a jumping.

– Toxic Attraction make their entrance, Mandy says that last week Roxanne and her loser friends got lucky, Mandy asks if Roxanne is going to start imagining herself with the title like with her action figures, Gigi says that this isn’t a fairy tale or a video game, and once the pressure is on, Roxanne will realize that she’s not on their level, Jacy Jayne says that Roxanne should buy a bus ticket and go back home to put up posters on her wall of real stars, Mandy says that if she sticks around her dreams with turn into nightmares, Cora Jade and Roxanne Perez then come out, Roxanne says that she is feeling on top of the world and she’s earned the right to live her dream, Roxanne says that dreams are even better when you get to share them, Roxanne says that she wants to win the NXT women’s tag team championships with her best friend, Kayden Carter and Katana Chance then interrupt, Kayden tells them to step in line because they aren’t done yet, Chance says that they don’t get to cut in line for being the flavor of the month, all four women then start brawling as Toxic Attraction look on, referees then comes out to separate the four.

Match 4: Cameron Grimes vs Edris Enofe 

– The match starts off with Grimes going behind Enofe and taking him down, Enofe then attempts a springboard armdrag but Grimes lands on his feet, Enofe then hits Grimes with a standing dropkick for a two count, Grimes then lands a boot to the face of Enofe, followed by a hurricarana and a running kick tonthr chest from the apron, Grimes then hits a top rope crossbody on Enofe for a two count, Grimes then lands five kicks to the chest of Enofe, followed by a big boot, both men then exchange a series of forearms, Enofe then lands a running uppercut to Grimes in the ropes, Enofe then hits a running dive over the top rope, taking out Grimes, Grimes then hits Enofe with a swinging sidewalk slam, Grimes then hits Enofe with the cave in for the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall: Cameron Grimes at 5:38.

– After the match, Cameron Grimes and Edris Enofe shake hands.

Match 5: Von Wagner vs Brooks Jensen

– The match starts off with Wagner picking up Brooks and slamming him into the corner, Wagner then lands a series of closelines in the corner, Brooks then punches Wagner as he lays in between the ropes, Wagner then racks Brooks throat first into the top rope, Wagner then works on the hand of Brooks, Wagner then hits an armwringer on Brooks, followed by an armlock submission, Wagner then pulls Brooks’ arm through the ropes, Brooks then hits a closeline on Wagner, followed by a series of punches and a spinning backfist, Jensen then hits a leaping DDT from the second rope for a two count, Brooks goes for a move from the top rope but Wagner catches him for an armwringer, Wagner then hits a fireman’s carry slam for the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall: Von Wagner at 4:47. 

– Bron Breakker finds Cameron Grimes in his locker room, Bron says that this is the Cameron Grimes he hopes shows up next week, Grimes says that if this is the version of him that shows up he will walk away NXT champion.

Match 6: Alba Fyre vs Lash Legend

– The match starts off with both women Fyre landing a series of punches on Lash, Alba then goes behind Legend before throwing her into the turnbuckle, Fyre then lands a punch and a chop to the chest of Lash, Lash then chokes Fyre on the second rope, Fyre goes for a gorybomb but Legend counters and lands an underhook suplex on Fyre, Fyre then lands a superkick on Lash, followed by a swinging DDT, Lash then lands a sidewalk slam on a running Alba Fyre, Lash goes for a running kick in the corner but Fyre counters and lands a gorybomb, Fyre goes to the top and attempts a swanton but Lash rolls out of the way, Lash then strikes Fyre in the throat with the baseball bat, causing a disqualification.

Winner via disqualification: Alba Fyre at 3:31.

Match 7: North American championship: Carmelo Hayes (c) vs Tony D’Angelo

– The match starts off with both men locking up, Tony gets the better of the exchange, throwing Hayes down, Hayes then puts Tony in a headlock, Tony then hits a shoulder tackle, Trick Williams, Legado Del Fantasma, Stacks, and Two Dimes all stand on the apron but Trick backs down, both men then exchange a series of punches, Hayes then takes Tony down with a closeline, Hayes then trips Tony on the apron, Tony then slams Hayes shoulder first into the steel steps as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Tony locking in an abdominal stretch on Hayes, Hayes then lands a series of chops on Tony, Hayes then hits a springboard closeline from the second rope, Hayes then gets on top of Tony before landing a series of punches, Tony then hits Hayes with a suplex, Tony runs at Hayes but Hayes kicks Tony’s leg, sending him facefirst into the second turnbuckle, Hayes then lands a codebreaker on Tony, Tony then lands a northern lights suplex on Hayes, Tony then demands that Tony slide him brass knuckles as the referee is distracted but Santos slides the brass knuckles to Hayes instead, Hayes then hits Tony in the head with the brass knuckles to secure the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall and STILL North American Champion: Carmelo Hayes at 10:44.

– NXT ends with Legado Del Fantasma staring down Tony D’Angelo, Two Dimes, and Stacks.



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