WWE NXT UK star leaving the company

Candy Floss, real name Amy Samardžija, took to Twitter to note that her deal with WWE has expired and she is no longer with the company.

The NXT UK star issued a statement on Wednesday regarding the situation. After her mother passed away, she was diagnosed with severe PTSD and anxiety, which led to her taking time off from the company. Floss wrote the following:

“In May 2019 I lost my mum to cancer then in January 2020 I signed with NXT UK.

Unfortunately, my dream career with WWE got put on hold when, during the pandemic, I was diagnosed with severe PTSD and anxiety because of the trauma I experienced witnessing my favorite person, my mum, fight for her life. I decided I needed to put my mental health first and WWE couldn’t have been more supportive. In December 2021 my contract with WWE expired. It is very sad for me as I wish my journey with WWE didn’t have to end like this as I’ve worked so hard to get signed. I just want to say thank you to WWE for dealing with me so well as I know it’s not an easy situation, I’m very grateful for it all.

From fighting in the ring nearly every day, I found myself being in the biggest fight with my mental health. On a positive note, I am doing so much better! My dream isn’t over, life just decided to be very unfair (not so sweeN,A) ) towards me. Hopefully I will be back in the ring again sometime soon and hurt my 90 year old back again.

Thank you to everybody for supporting me!”

Floss signed with WWE in January 2020 and hasn’t wrestled since. Before signing with WWE, she wrestled for NXT UK multiple times including being part of the NXT UK Women’s Title #1 Contendership Battle Royal, which was won by Kay Lee Ray

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