USA Network considering moving WWE NXT to a different night

The Wednesday Night War might be over just about a year into it.

Since the war started late last year, AEW Dynamite has won the majority of the time over WWE NXT in both total viewership and the key 18-49 demographic.

It was just reported last month that there is a lot of unhappiness in WWE because NXT is losing the ratings battle to AEW Dynamite.

WrestleVotes sent out a tweet today stating that WWE and USA Network officials have discussed potentially moving NXT to a different night, but no decision has been made nor would it be imminent.

It was also noted that the viewership numbers for not just last night’s NXT, but also next Tuesday’s episode could play into the decision. It should be noted that both WWE and the USA Network would have to agree to move NXT to a different night.

“Over the past month or so, discussions have transpired regarding NXT moving off Wednesday nights. No decision imminent, however, talks are ongoing. The numbers over the next 2 weeks might have some impact on this decision.”

Of course, the USA Network moved NXT to Tuesday nights for these two episodes due to their coverage of the NHL Playoffs. The past two weeks have seen NXT go unopposed by AEW due to TNT airing them on a Saturday and Thursday because of the NBA schedule.

During that time, NXT has done better numbers without the AEW competition. Ratings for Tuesday’s NXT episode will be out later today and will be interesting to see how the show did on a different night.

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