WWE Payback Results: Zoey Stark Lays Out Trish Stratus, Becky Lynch Wins Steel Cage Match

Trish Stratus vs. Becky Lynch in a steel cage match at the WWE Payback 2023 premium live event from the PPG Paints Arena in Pittsburgh. PA..

Trish tried to escape the cage early on, but Lynch continued to stop her. Lynch mounted a comeback and went for some quick pin attempts. Trish began using the cage as a weapon while getting some heat. Lynch worked her over with the disarmer, but Trish cut her off with a stomp. They went back and forth with neither getting an advantage until Lynch rammed her face first into the steel several times. Lynch with a powerbomb off the top rope for 2. Trish with a widow’s peak for a near fall. Trish went for her finisher, but blocked and Lynch hit twist of fate for a near fall. Trish with her finisher for 2. Trish hit a bulldog off the top rope for 2 before they climbed to the top of the cage and brawled. Lynch with a suplex while Trish came off the top of the cage. Zoey Stark smashed the cage door in the face of Trish. Lynch with the man handle slam for 2 as Stark broke up the pin attempt. Lynch with the man handle slam off the top rope for the win.

Winner: Becky Lynch

Post-match, Trish pushed Stark away and Stark shut the door to the cage. Stark laid out Trish. 

Click here for complete WWE Payback 2023 results.

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