WWE Monday Night Raw 8/17/15 results: The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar face off

[Show: WWE Raw] [Location: Minneapolis, MN] [Airing Live On The USA Network]

Welcome to the WWE Raw pre-show and we are live on the WWE Network. Scott Stanford, Corey Graves and David Otunga. A graphic was shown about Jon Stewart hosting SummerSlam. They hype what we will see tonight, which is Seth Rollins and John Cena having a contract signing. Also, The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar will be in the same arena at the same time.

A recap video of The Undertaker – Brock Lesnar feud is shown.

The Miz joined the show via phone about how he will bring both Ryback and The Big Show down at SummerSlam. He talked about taking out their legs to become the new IC champ. The Miz revealed that he would be facing Ryback on RAW tonight.

A video package recapping the Stardust – Stephen Amell feud is shown. Stephen Amell called into the show and said that he’s as ready as he’ll ever be in his match against King Barrett and Stardust.

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