WWE Monday Night Raw 8/17/15 results: The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar face off

Singles match: Tamina Snuka vs. Becky Lynch

They lock up, Snuka missed a clothesline but did catch Lynch when she bounced off the ropes with a power slam. Snuka with another power slam for 2. Team Bella is seen looking on from the backstage area. Lynch fought out of a headlock, she bounced off the ropes and ate a back elbow. Snuka tossed Lynch into the corner but missed a splash. Lynch with a springboard kick, she went to the top rope and hit a dropkick for 2. Lynch locked in the Disarmer for the win.

Winner: Lynch

-Commercial Break-

Singles match: Mark Henry vs. Rusev with Lana on commentary.

Henry with a series of headbutts to Rusev to begin the match. Rusev rolled to the floor, Henry followed him out there and tossed him into the barricade. Back in the ring, Henry with a power slam for 2. Rusev rolled to the floor and sent him head-first into the ring post. Rusev talked some trash to Lana, who was on commentary. Rusev with the superkick then the Accolade.

Winner: Rusev.

Post-match, Lana got in the ring and yelled at Summer Rae to come on. Rae got in the ring, she was slapped by Lana. Then, Lana tells Rusev to get in the ring. Dolph Ziggler’s music hits and he ran down to the ring and got a huge pop. Ziggler attacked Rusev, then went for a superkick, but Rusev stood behind Rae. Lana with a heel kick to Rae. Ziggler with a superkick to Rusev. Ziggler and Lana stood tall in the ring to close the segment.

-Commercial Break-

Dolph Ziggler cuts a promo backstage about how he wants to face Rusev at SummerSlam.

Singles match: The Miz vs. Ryback

Miz with a series of shoulder blocks then took the legs from under Ryback. Ryback fought back with a series of clotheslines then a power slam. Ryback with the Meathook Clothesline then the Shellshock for the win.

Winner: Ryback.

Post-match, Ryback told Big Show to get his big ass in the ring because he’s still hungry. Big Show declined and walked to the back.

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