WWE Monday Night Raw 8/17/15 results: The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar face off

The Authority is in the ring for the official contract signing between John Cena and Seth Rollins. They introduce Seth Rollins and he walks down to the ring. Rollins promised to beat John Cena at SummerSlam. He said that the WWE Universe is very lucky because every time they show up to a WWE Live Event, they know they will witness him in action. He also said that they should feel lucky to see him beat John Cena to become the new U.S Champ this Sunday at SummerSlam. Rollins said that Cena is a disease and with one knee to the nose of Cena, he sent Cena tumbling down the hill atop of the WWE mountain. He said that he is the cure that will take care of the disease. John Cena’s music hits and he walks down to the ring. Cena said that half of the arena is chanting that Cena sucks while the other half is cheering him. No one is talking about Rollins.

Cena said that Rollins is a cheap imitation of John Cena. Cena said that it’s about time to make the WWE title mean something. Cena said that Triple H has given Rollins everything he has right now. He said that the only problem Triple H and Rollins has been him. Cena said that since he’s been sitting at home, he’s been thinking about what kind of payback, he will dish out to Rollins at SummerSlam. Break a leg? An arm? A nose? No, he will become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion for the sixteen.

He said that he thought several months back that there’s no way he would be given a WWE Championship match again, but way too go “Captain Morgan, you gave me that.” Cena said that he would tie that record of Ric Flair, who is the mentor of Triple H. Cena said that Rollins will become a trivia note of when they asked who Cena beat to become the 16-time champ. Cena stated that Ric Flair was never Triple H’s bitch, but this Sunday, he’s going to make Rollins his.

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Eight-man tag team match: Prime Time Players and Lucha Dragons vs. Los Matadores and New Day

Things broke down quickly, O’Neil hit a few power slams on the Los Matadores then a splash in the corner on Fernando. He was distracted by Xavier Woods so that Fernando could hit a backbreaker on O’Neil. Back in the ring, Kalisto hit a springboard hurricano ana on Fandango for the win.

Winners: Prime Time Players and Lucha Dragons

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King Barrett and Stardust cuts a backstage promo hyping their upcoming match against Stephen Amell and Neville at Summerslam.

Singles match: Nikki Bella vs. Sasha Banks

They lock up, Bella with a power slam then locked in a chin lock. Banks fought out of that but ate a back elbow. Banks with a forearm shot, then a double knee drop in the corner to the ribs of Bella.

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We’re back with Nikki missing a springboard kick that was badly botched. Nikki with a series of dropkicks then a clothesline in the corner. Nikki with the Alabama Slamma for 2. Banks countered a clothesline and hit a backbreaker for 2. Banks went for a roll up on Nikki, but she countered and hit an electric chair on Banks. Nikki hit Banks with a forearm shot, Naomi distracted Nikki and Banks hit the Bank Statement for the win.

Winner: Sasha Banks.

PCB cuts a backstage a promo backstage about how they will take care of business this Sunday at SummerSlam and will do some with some flair, “Wooo!”

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