WWE Royal Rumble 2017 PPV results: Randy Orton wins Royal Rumble match, Cena vs. Styles, Reigns vs. Owens

Show: Royal Rumble
Location: San Antonio, TX
Date: 1/29/17
Airing Live On The WWE Network

You can watch the Pre-Show here.
Renee Young, Booker, Shawn Michaels, and Jerry Lawler welcome us to the Pre-Show. Charlie Caruso told the fans to use the #RoyalRumble hashtag on social media. There is a hype video package for the Rumble match. There was a video package to hype Bayley vs. Flair.

Six-Woman Tag Team Match: Nikki Bella, Becky Lynch & Naomi vs. Alexa Bliss, Mickie James & Natalya.

Natalya slaps Bella and then tags in Bliss to start off the match. Bliss with a back elbow but Bella fires back with a kick then a knee strike for 2. Naomi was tagged in and hit a drop kick. Natalya was tagged in, which led to the babyfaces hitting a double suplex to the heels. Naomi took them out with a dive.

We’re back from break with Lynch hitting a series of clotheslines to Natalya then an outside dive. James sent Lynch into the barricade. The heels beat down Lynch for the next few moments. Naomi got the hot tag and hit a series of clotheslines to Bliss. Naomi with a series of kicks for 2. Lynch took out James with a suplex and Natalya sent Lynch into the ring post. Bella speared Natalya. Bliss sent Naomi to the apron but Naomi kicked her in the head and hit a split legged moonsault to Bliss for the win.

Winners: Nikki Bella, Becky Lynch & Naomi.

A video package for the Roman Reigns – Kevin Owens match was shown.

RAW Tag Team Championship Match: Sheamus and Cesaro © vs. Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows.

Cesaro knocks down Anderson for 2. Cesaro then hit a gutwrencher powerslam for 2. Sheamus was tagged in and worked over Anderson’s arm. Cesaro back in and hit a double foot stomp for 2. Anderson caught him with a big boot then tagged in Gallows, who landed a series of right hands. Cesaro with a springboard uppercut for 2. Sheamus, now tagged in, hit a suplex then a knee drop for 2. Cesaro and Sheamus handoff by hitting uppercuts to Gallows. Gallows fired back with a back body drop. Cesaro with an uppercut but Gallows right back with a big boot as well as to one to Sheamus.

We’re back with Sheamus hitting a series of clubbing shots to Gallows. Anderson took out Sheamus with a drop kick then hit a big boot to Cesaro. Anderson used the ropes to his advantage but the referee saw it. Cesaro with an uppercut to Anderson for 2. Cesaro with a 619 to Anderson then a crossbody for 2. Anderson rolled up Cesaro for 2. Anderson hit Cesaro with a spinebuster for 2. Sheamus accidentally hit a big boot to one of the referees. Cesaro with the giant swing to Anderson. The other referee got into the ring. Cesaro with the sharpshooter to Anderson. Gallows hit a big boot to Cesaro and Anderson covered him for 2. Sheamus made the save and took out Gallows. Gallows and Anderson hit the Magic Killer to Sheamus. Anderson rolled up Cesaro for the win.

Winners: Gallows and Anderson.

Peter Rosenberg and Austin Aries joined the panel. They talked about Neville facing Rich Swann for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship.

Dean Ambrose answered fan questions in the back with Caruso.

Pre-Show Match: Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax

Jax tossed her into the ropes and landed a series of strikes. Banks with a headlock. Banks with a double knee strike and then some right hands. Jax sent her into the corner and landed a clothesline. Jax with a hip toss and a clothesline. We’re back with Jax in control of Banks. Jax hit a samoan drop for the win.

Winner: Jax.

Stephanie McMahon announced that she would address Seth Rollins on RAW tomorrow night and banned him from the Alamodome.

A video package to hype AJ Styles vs. John Cena was shown.

Michaels walked down to the ring to hype the Royal Rumble match. He polled the fans on who they might win the match. He told the fans to have fun and cheer loud.

Welcome to the Royal Rumble PPV event. We get an intro video package. We kick things off with the opening contest.

WWE RAW Women’s Championship Match: Charlotte Flair © vs. Bayley.

They lock up and Flair took her down then locked in a chin lock. Flair tossed her to the floor. They start getting into a shoving match. Bayley tossed her to the floor and hit a hurricanrana through the ropes. Flair hit a dive off the top rope and covered her for 2 back in the ring. Flair tossed her into the ring steps. Back in the ring, Flair locked in a headlock on Bayley. Bayley fought out of it and rolled her up for 2. Flair with a big boot to Bayley for 2. Flair locked her in a leg scissors hold and the fans got behind Bayley. They both hit a double clothesline. Bayley with a series of chops then Flair with her own. Bayley with a takedown and fired away with strikes. Bayley with a springboard crossbody for 2 then a series of forearm strikes. Bayley with a facebuster then went to the top rope and then jumped off to land a series of kicks. Bayley hit an elbow drop off the top rope for the win. Flair knocked her down and locked in the Figure Eight. Flair was bleeding from her mouth. Bayley reversed the move but Flair then reversed it and grabbed the bottom rope, which she had to break the hold because of. Flair went for a moonsault but Bayley put her knees up and covered her for 2. Flair hit the Natural Selection on the apron for the win.

Winner: Flair.

No DQ WWE Universal Championship Match: Kevin Owens © vs. Roman Reigns – Chris Jericho is suspended above the ring in a shark cage.

Jericho and Owens attack Reigns before the match began. Reigns fought back and sent Jericho into the cage. He tossed Jericho into the cage. The match officially starts. Owens jumps him and lands a series of right hands. They brawl into the crowd and then back to ringside. Reigns hit Owens in the head with the display board of the announce table. Owens reversed an irish whip and sent him into the steel steps. Owens grabbed a chair and hit him in the gut with it. Owens set up four chairs next to each other. Owens sent him into the barricade and hit a cannonball. Owens started stacking chairs. Owens went for a powerbomb on the apron but Reigns blocked it and Owens fell into the ring. Reigns went for a suplex on the apron but Owens blocked it and Reigns hit a series of clotheslines. Reigns sent him into the ring post. Reigns brought a table into the ring and Owens hit a back breaker. Reigns caught a kick and hit a powerbomb for 2. Owens rolled to the floor and Reigns hit a drive bye. Reigns set up a table at ringside. Owens kicked Reigns in the face and put him on the table. Owens hit a frog splash off the top rope to Reigns, which got a holy s**t chant going from the fans. Owens covered him for 2 once back into the ring. Owens tossed in more chairs into the ring and began hitting Reigns with it. Owens ran into a right hand by Reigns. Owens kicked him in the gut and then a super kick followed by him sending Reigns head first into the chair setup in the corner. Jericho tossed Owens brass knuckles to Owens. Owens went for the superman punch but Reigns blocked it and grabbed the brass knuckles but Owens blocked it and hit the superman punch for 2. Owens set up a chair in the ring and went for a powerbomb but Reigns blocked and hit a samoan drop onto the chair for 2. Reigns set up a table in the ring and then hit a superman punch to Owens for 2. Owens blocked a spear and hit a stunner for 2. Owens put the boots to Reigns in the corner and then hit the cannonball for 2. Owens went for a suplex off the top rope but Reigns blocked and he hit a superman punch that sent Owens flying off the top rope onto the stacked chairs at ringside.

Reigns went for a powerbomb and hit it sending Owens through the announce table. Reigns sent him into the ring and Braun Strowman ran out and attacked Reigns. Strowman chokeslams Reigns onto the announce table, which did not break. Strowman hit his finisher to Reigns through a table in the corner of the ring. Strowman walked out of the ring. Owens covered Reigns to retain!

Winner: Owens.

Sami Zayn was shown picking his number from the tumbler with Daniel Bryan, Shane McMahon, Stephanie McMahon and Mick Foley. Dean Ambrose walked in as Zayn was picking his number. Ambrose opened the case and told Zayn would be entering the match at number 8.

A video package to hype the Rich Swann – Neville match was shown.

WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match: Rich Swann © vs. Neville.

They lock up to begin the match. Swann hit a drop kick then an outside dive. Back in the ring, Neville knocked him down and Neville hit a drop kick off the top rope for 2. Neville hit a big forearm in the corner and landed a series of elbow strikes to Swann. Neville then locked in a headlock. Neville let go of it and sent him into the barricade. Back in the ring, Neville went for a top rope dive but Swann caught him with a super kick. Swann hit a hurricanrana then a spring phoenix splash off the top rope to Neville on the floor. Back in the ring, Swann hit a jumping frog splash for 2. Swann went to the top rope but Neville knocked him down. Neville went for a superplex but Swann knocked him down and missed a dive. Swann with a back kick to the gut of Neville but Neville fired right back with a super kick. Swann blocked a move and rolled him up for 2. Swann with a big boot for 2. Swann went to the top rope but Neville caught him and hit a superplex for 2. Neville locked in his submission finisher for the win.

Winner: Neville

WWE Championship Match: AJ Styles © vs. John Cena.

Styles with a leg kick then Cena with a clothesline. The crowd is on fire to begin the match. Cena sent him into the corner then landed a series of jabs. Styles with a back elbow then a big boot. Styles missed a knee drop and Cena hit a back body drop. Cena went for the AA but Styles blocked and landed a head kick. Cena with a series of shoulder tackles and went for a side slam but Styles hit a hurricanrana then a flying forearm shot for 2. Cena fires back with a side slam. Styles pops up, kicks him, hits a german suplex and then a front facebuster for 2. Cena with a big clothesline out of the corner followed by the five knuckle shuffle. Cena went for an AA but Styles blocked it. Cena placed him the top turnbuckle but Styles snuck out of it and hit a spinning powerbomb for 2. Styles went to the apron and went for a springboard move but Cena blocked it and hit the AA for 2. Cena with a clothesline for 2. Styles hit a springboard forearm shot for 2. They exchanged right hands. Styles locked in the calf crusher but Cena reversed and locked in the STF. Styles got out of it and locked in the calf crusher again. Cena got out of it and went for the AA but Styles blocked it. Cena locked in the Figure Four submission hold. Styles got out of it but Cena deadlifted Styles and powerbombed him. Styles caught Cena and hit the Styles Clash for 2. Styles went for a springboard 450 but Cena but his knees up. Cena with a sunset flip rolled up for 2. Cena hit a modified cutter for 2. Cena placed him on the top rope and went for an AA and hit it for 2. Styles blocked an AA and hit the Styles Clash. Cena popped up and hit the AA then another one for the win!

Winner: Cena.

Jerry Lawler is introduced and walks down to the ring to call the main event. A video package to hype the Rumble match was shown.

Royal Rumble Match: The Undertaker, Goldberg, Brock Lesnar, Dean Ambrose, The Miz, Sami Zayn, Dolph Ziggler, Big E, Xavier Woods, Kofi Kingston, Bray Wyatt, Randy Orton, Luke Harper, Braun Strowman, Chris Jericho, Baron Corbin, Cesaro, Sheamus, The Big Show, Big Cass, Rusev, Mojo Rawley, Kalisto, Jack Gallagher, Mark Henry, Tye Dillinger, James Ellsworth, Apollo Crews, Enzo Amore, Roman Reigns

Big Cass drew number one and Chris Jericho drew number 2. They have a staredown then exchanged strikes. Cass hit a splash in the corner and a powerslam. Cass missed an elbow drop and Jericho went for the Walls of Jericho. Cass powered out and Cass hit a big boot. Kalisto was number 3. Kalisto hit Big Cass with a springboard drop kick and then a kick to Jericho. Cass tossed Kalisto to the apron but Kalisto caught him with a kick. Kalisto with a series of kicks to Big Cass but Cass landed a big boot. Mojo Rawley was next. He helped Jericho try to eliminate Big Cass. Jack Gallagher entered #5. Gallagher hit Rawley with his umbrella. Jericho knocked him down from behind. Jericho mocked him then Gallagher hit him in the groin with the umbrella. Kalisto with a big boot to Cass but Cass tossed him across the ring. Mark Henry is number 6. Henry hit a big splash to Cass then tossed Gallagher through the middle rope. Henry started headbutting folks. Cass with a knee strike and Gallagher tried to attack Henry with his umbrella but Henry caught him and tossed him to floor. Braun Strowman came out at at #7. Strowman then eliminated, Rawley, Cass, Kalisto and Henry. Zayn came out at #8 and they brawled. Big Show came out at #9. Show and Strowman had a staredown. Strowman hit a clothesline to Show. Show hit a chokeslam to Strowman. Jericho tried to hit a codebreaker to Show but Show punched him. Show and Strowman tried to eliminate each other, which led to Strowman eliminating him. Tye Dillinger. Dillinger hit a series of forearm strikes to Strowman. Zayn attacked Strowman from behind. Dillinger and Zayn double teamed Strowman. James Ellsworth came out at #11. Carmella had to help Ellsworth get into the ring. Zayn and Dillinger tried to eliminate Strowman but Strowman held on. Strowman with a splash in the corner to Dillinger.

Dean Ambrose came out at #12. Ambrose pumped Ellsworth up and fouled him to get into the ring. Strowman grabbed Ellsworth and tossed him to the floor. Ambrose got into the ring and attacked Strowman. They ganged up on Strowman but Strowman fought back. Baron Corbin was out at #13. Corbin and the three babyfaces attack Strowman but he fights out once more and eliminates Dillinger with a clothesline. Ambrose hit a drop kick to Strowman and Corbin with a clothesline. Zayn with a kick and Corbin clotheslines Strowman out of the ring. Ambrose hit Dirty Deeds to Corbin. Zayn tried to eliminate Ambrose but couldn’t. Jericho is still in the match but at ringside. Kofi Kingston came out #14. Kingston hit Zayn with a drop kick. Zayn, Kingston and Ambrose tried to eliminate each other. Corbin took out Ambrose with a clothesline. The Miz was #15. Miz hit the Skull Crushing Finale to Zayn then tried to eliminate Ambrose but Ambrose held on. Miz with a series of kicks to Corbin in the corner. Corbin hit the Deep Six to Miz. Kingston with a big boot and went to the top rope. Kingston stood on the ring post and held on barely. Kingston with Trouble in Paradise to Corbin. Sheamus was #16. Sheamus hit Kingston with a back suplex then a back breaker to Miz. Sheamus with some clubbing shots to Miz. Sheamus with a Brogue Kick to Jericho. Big E was #17 and started slapping The Miz. Big E with a clothesline to The Miz. Rusev came out at #18 and was wearing a mask to secure his broken nose. Rusev with a splash to Miz, Ambrose, Zayn and everybody else. Rusev with a heel kick to Sheamus. Cesaro came out at at #19 and hit the giant swing to Miz, Zayn, and Ambrose then Kingston, Big E, and Corbin. Cesaro was about to hit the move on Sheamus but Rusev superkicks Cesaro. Xavier Woods was #20. Woods hit a big knee strike to Sheamus then The New Day double teamed Sheamus. The New Day hit a double kick to The Miz.

Bray Wyatt was #21 and Apollo Crews was #22. Crews hit a moonsault to Sheamus. Sheamus and Cesaro eliminated The New Day. Sheamus then eliminated Cesaro and Jericho eliminated Sheamus. Cesaro and Sheamus started arguing at ringside. Randy Orton was #23. Orton hit a series of clotheslines to Crews and Ambrose. Orton with a powerslam to Miz then an RKO to Corbin, Rusev, and one to Zayn off the top rope. Dolph Ziggler came out at #24 and super kicked Orton and Rusev. He hit a double team DDT to Crews and Miz. He super kicked Miz and Crews. Luke Harper was #25 and attacked Crews then eliminated him with a back elbow. Harper and Orton have a staredown. Wyatt played peacekeeper but Harper hit Wyatt with a clothesline then a big boot to Orton. Harper went for Sister Abigail to Wyatt but Orton hit Harper with an RKO. Brock Lesnar came out at #26 with Paul Heyman. Lesnar took out Ambrose and eliminated him. Lesnar eliminated Ziggler then hit a german suplex to Rusev, Jericho, and Corbin. He hit an F5 to Miz, and Orton. Enzo Amore was #27 and had a staredown with Amore. Amore fired himself up but Lesnar hit a big clothesline and eliminated him. Lesnar with a belly to belly suplex to Jericho then a suplex to Rusev. Goldberg was #28. Goldberg and Lesnar have a staredown then Goldberg speared Lesnar then clotheslined him out of the ring. Goldberg with a clothesline to Corbin, Rusev and Jericho. Goldberg hit the Jackhammer to Zayn. Orton and Wyatt attacked Goldberg. Goldberg speared Orton and Wyatt.

The Undertaker was #29 and he appeared in the ring. Taker went for a chokeslam but Corbin and Rusev attacked Goldberg and Taker. Goldberg eliminated Rusev while Taker eliminated Corbin. Goldberg speared Taker. Goldberg eliminated Harper. Taker eliminated Goldberg. Taker started throwing bones at multiple souls. Taker chokeslams Miz and Zayn. Roman Reigns was #30. Reigns and Taker had a staredown then they exchanged right hands. Taker went for a chokeslam but Reigns fought out but ultimately Taker hit it. Taker eliminated The Miz then Zayn. Jericho went for a dive off the top rope but Taker hit a chokeslam. Reigns eliminated Taker.

The final four are Reigns, Jericho, Wyatt and Orton. Reigns hit a superman punch to Jericho and eliminated him. Wyatt and Orton double teamed Reigns. Orton hit a second rope DDT to Reigns. Reigns fought back and tossed out Wyatt. Orton hit an RKO to Reigns and clotheslines him out of the ring to win the match.

Winner: Orton!

Orton celebrates in the ring to close the show.

Entrant list:

1. Big Cass
2. Chris Jericho
3. Kalstio.
4. Mojo Rawley
5. Jack Gallagher
6. Mark Henry
7. Braun Strowman
8. Sami Zayn
9. The Big Show
10. Tye Dillinger
11. James Ellsworth
12. Dean Ambrose
13. Baron Corbin
14. Kofi Kingston
15. The Miz
16. Sheamus
17. Big E
18. Rusev
19. Cesaro
20. Xavier Woods
21. Bray Wyatt
22. Apollo Crews
23. Randy Orton
24. Dolph Ziggler
25. Luke Harper
26. Brock Lesnar
27. Enzo Amore
28. Goldberg
29. The Undertaker
30. Roman Reigns

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