WWE SmackDown Live 1/3/17 results: The Miz vs. Dean Ambrose, Dolph Ziggler vs. Baron Corbin

Show: WWE SmackDown
Location: Jacksonville, FL at the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena
Date: January 3rd, 2017
Airing on the USA Network

Welcome to SmackDown Live. The Miz walks down to the ring with Maryse. The Miz said that he wants to be more forgiving in 2017 and that Renee Young needs to apologize to him. He said that SmackDown Live would not continue if he didn’t get an apology. He said that Young set him up last week by allowing Dean Ambrose to attack him and then now he has to face Ambrose for the IC Title. Miz said that he cannot believe that Young would waste her career by being with Ambrose. This led to Ambrose walking out. Miz got out of the ring while Maryse stayed in his way. She slapped him then walked to the back with Miz. Ambrose said that Maryse hits way harder than The Miz does.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Dolph Ziggler vs. Baron Corbin.

They start brawling to begin the match. Corbin blocked a superkick and Ziggler landed a series of right hands. Corbin blocked a dropkick then put the boots to him. Corbin tossed him to the floor sent him into the apron and back into the ring. Ziggler caught him with a dropkick and we cut to break.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Corbin in control of Ziggler. He caught him with a big right hand as Ziggler came flying off the top rope. Corbin with a clothesline but Ziggler fought back and hit the fameasser for 2. Ziggler hit the Zig Zag for 2. Corbin got up and hit the End of Days for the win.

Winner: Corbin.

Post-match, Corbin grabbed a chair and was about to hit Ziggler but Kalisto ran down to make the save. Ziggler hit Kalisto with a super kick. He got a good pop for doing that.

-Commercial Break-

James Ellsworth wished Carmella good luck in her match tonight then gave her his t-shirt. She said that he should be at ringside for her match tonight.

We see Mojo Rawley, Rhyno and Apollo Crews backstage when Ziggler walked in and started throwing things. Crews tried to calm him down but Ziggler attacked him. Rawley and Rhyno broke it up.

Singles Match: Becky Lynch vs. La Luchadora

Lynch hit a suplex early on in the match. Luchadora ran out of the ring and another one popped out. Luchadora knocked her down and went for the Sparkle Splash off the top rope but missed. Lynch locked in the Disarmer for the win.

Winner: Lynch.

Post-match, Lynch pulled the mask on one of the Luchadora, and it was Alexa Bliss. The other Luchadora attacked Lynch from behind. Bliss and the Luchadora walked to the back.

-Commercial Break-

Daniel Bryan walks down to the ring for the contract signing and introduces John Cena as well as AJ Styles. Styles asked why they’re doing this. Styles said that he and Bryan have wrestled in the indy scene, unlike Cena. Styles noted that Cena has been off of WWE TV for months and that he gets a WWE Title shot. Bryan said that SmackDown is on a roll and that SmackDown beat RAW last week in the ratings. Both Styles and Cena helped that so he wanted a book a match between them two at the Royal Rumble. Bryan pointed out that Styles has beaten Cena three times already. Styles said that Cena is the luckiest guy in the world as he was gifted a title match from his brother in law. Styles said that Cena told him last year that he needed to win in WWE to prove why he should be here. Styles told him the exact same thing. Styles said that Cena has been a ghost and that he is the reason that SmackDown beat RAW in the ratings as he is WWE Champion. Styles said that they could do it without Cena. Cena said that he has a lot of respect for him, but Styles cut him off and pointed out that Cena apologized for his comments about The Rock on Talking Smack. Styles said that Cena told the truth about The Rock and that the rumors of Cena going to Hollywood are true. Styles said that Cena has been great for the WWE for a long time but that Cena is a has been. Styles said that Cena would never be as good as The Rock as an actor. Styles signed the contract. Cena said that Styles made a big mistake by pissing him off. Cena said that Styles is right by saying that he needs a win but that he just lost all of his respect for Styles because he thinks that he is a punk b*tch. Cena said that fans who don’t like him think that Styles will replace him. Cena noted that he had made a career off of proving people wrong. Cena vowed to make him as stupid as he looks. Cena said that Styles has to walk down to the ring because he has to but he does it because he wants to and that he is still here. Cena said that they both need this match and that Styles can never be like him just like every fan who chants that Cena sucks. Cena vowed to take the WWE Title because he is John Cena and that he should recognize that. Cena signed the contract. This led to Baron Corbin walking out and noted that he is entering the Royal Rumble match and that he plans to win it then go on to walk out of WrestleMania 33 as WWE Champion. Cena threatened to beat him down. Corbin told him not to talk to him like that. Cena fired up, but Styles caught Cena with a kick to the head.

We see Maryse slap Young in the backstage area. She told her that she deserves that and to never touch The Miz again.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Aliyah vs. Carmella

Carmella tossed her down by her hair and landed a series of right hands. Aliyah fought back and hit a suplex. Aliyah with a knee strike then a shoulder block. Ellsworth grabbed Aliyah’s foot and Carmella super kicked her. Carmella locked in the Code of Silence submission for the win.

Winner: Carmella.

-Commercial Break-

Nikki Bella and Natalya are in the ring. Nikki said that she and her sister have built their legacy while Natalya is living off her families legacy. Nikki said that Natalya has shown why she is the nothing of the Hart family. Natalya said that Nikki is sick and showed the tweet of Bret Hart prasing Nikki. She said that she doesn’t even want to know what Nikki did to get Bret to send that out. Natalya said that she is better than Bret. Natalya said that Nikki uses her looks to get ahead. Natalya said that beauty fades and that when it does Cena will leave her. She said that Nikki will die alone when she doesn. Nikki punched Natalya and then walked to the back.

-Commercial Break-

Intercontinental Title Match: The Miz © vs. Dean Ambrose

Ambrose landed a series of strikes to The Miz to begin the match. Ambrose tossed The Miz over the barricade and the announce table then back into the ring. The Miz hit a baseball slide and then sent him into the steel steps.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Ambrose sending The Miz into the steel steps then hitting an outside dive. Back in the ring, Ambrose hit a series of clotheslines. Ambrose rolled him up for 2. Miz attacked the left knee of Ambrose. Ambrose rolled him up for 2 and then hit a neck breaker for 2. Ambrose went to the top rope but Miz knocked him down and went for a suplex but Ambrose blocked it and shoved him off. Ambrose went for an elbow drop but Miz blocked it and hit the Skull Crushing Finale for 2. Miz with a series of kicks but Ambrose no sold the final one and hit a clothesline. Ambrose clotheslines him out of the ring and hit an outside dive. Maryse gets in his face and slaps him. Ambrose told the referee to toss Maryse from ringside, which he did. The Miz hit Ambrose with the IC Title and covered him for 2 but Ambrose kicked out. Ambrose fought back and hit Dirty Deeds for the win.

Winner: Ambrose – new IC Champion.

Ambrose celebrates in the ring to close the show.

Thanks for watching along and we will see you next time.


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