WWE SmackDown Live 7/18/17 results: AJ Styles & Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Kevin Owens & Baron Corbin

Show: WWE SmackDown
Location: Birmingham, AL at the Legacy Arena
Date: 7/18/17
Airing on the USA Network

Welcome to SmackDown Live. Jinder Mahal walks down to the ring with the Singh Brothers to open the show. They step into the Punjabi Prison and the brothers run down the rules of the match. He vowed to destroy Orton and send a shockwave through the fans. He said two men would walk in but only he will walk out of the structure as WWE Champion. This led to Orton walking out to the stage. He said that either Mahal is the bravest or the stupidest person he has ever met. He said that Mahal picking this match was a mistake because it isolates his advantages. He said that the Singh Brothers are the only reason Mahal is WWE Champion and that at Battleground, there will be no escape. Orton climbed up the structure and said that Mahal left him for dead. He said that he has nothing left to lose but Mahal does as he has the weight of India on his shoulders. He asked what Mahal would do when the Indian people think he is a disgrace. He vowed to destroy Mahal and win back the WWE Title.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Jimmy Uso vs. Kofi Kingston

They lock up and Kingston knocked him down. Kingston started dancing then sent him to the floor and hit a spectacular dive outside of the ring.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Uso in control of Kingston while applying a headlock. Kingston hit a jawbreaker to get out of it but Uso hit a spinning kick for 2. Kingston hit a double foot stomp out of the corner. Kingston fired back with a series of chops then a drop kick followed by a clothesline. Kingston got the fans into the match then hit the boom drop. Uso caught Kingston and drove him head first into the turnbuckle for 2. Kingston caught with an up kick then went to the top rope but Jey distracted him and Uso rolled through a crossbody and pinned him for the win.

We see Shane McMahon talking with Lana, Tamina, Natalya, Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair backstage. He was trying to figure out who would be wrestling tonight. After they exchanged shots, McMahon booked Lynch vs. Flair.

-Commercial Break-

A recap video package of Jason Jordan being revealed as Kurt Angle’s son on Raw was shown. Renee Young conducted an interview with Chad Gable. He said that he was shocked by the news and that he wished Jordan would’ve given a heads up about the news. He said that it not only affects Jordan but him as well. He noted that Jordan called him after Raw and they talked about everything. He brought up winning the SmackDown Tag Team Championships with Jordan. He said that he will support Jordan and that he has a few ideas for what’s next for him.

Singles Match: Sami Zayn vs. Mike Kanellis

They started brawling to start the match. Zayn landed a series of strikes in the corner and Kanellis got out of the ring. Back in the ring, Kanellis connected with a series of strikes but Zayn clotheslines him to the floor. Zayn sent Kanellis into the barricade and back into the ring. Zayn fired back with a right hand. Zayn hit a suplex in the corner but Maria got into the ring, which allowed Kanellis to regroup and landed a big right hand then a samoan driver for the win.

Winner: Kanellis

-Commercial Break-

John Cena walks down to the ring to open the second hour. He hypes Battleground and some of the matches taking place at the show. He asked what the fans would remember after the event, which is that they will remember the flag match between he and Rusev. He ran down the rules of the match. He noted that he doesn’t like Rusev. He said that he has been asking himself if the US flag will fly or fall. He said that he was ready for this fight because he represents the US and we are fighters. He said that Americans never give up. He said throughout all of the tragedy that this country has gone through, the US flag flew high and it will fly again at Battleground. Cena grabbed the flag and said that the flag will fly high. Rusev attacked Cena from behind and hit a big super kick. Rusev locked in the Accolade on Cena and stood tall over him to end the segment.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte Flair

They lock up and each exchanged headscissors takedowns. Flair rolled her up for 2 then Lynch went for the Disarmer but Flair got out of it and the ring to send us to break.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Flair in control of Lynch with a series of chops then a knee drop for 2. Moments later, Lynch fought back with some strikes and connected with a powerslam. Lynch with a forearm strike for a near fall. Flair hit a big boot for 2. Flair went to the top rope but missed the moonsault and Lynch locked in the Disarmer for the win.

Winner: Lynch.

We see Lana, Tamina and Natalya attack Flair and Lynch after the match. This led to Tamina and Natalya turning on each other. Tamina hit Natalya with a big boot. Tamina and Lana were stood standing tall to end the segment.

-Commercial Break-

Naomi cuts a backstage promo backstage and said that whoever becomes the #1 contender at Battleground, she will be the first to congratulate them. She noted that she will continue to glow. Carmella walked up and reminded her that anywhere she goes the MITB briefcases goes.

There was a Fashion Files segment shown. The case will be revealed this Sunday at Battleground.

Tag Team Match: AJ Styles & Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Kevin Owens & Baron Corbin

All four Superstars started brawling before the match even started.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Corbin in control of Styles. Styles fought back and got the hot tag to Nakamura. Owens was also tagged in. Nakamura landed a series of knee strikes and kicks. Owens knocked him down and landed a series of chops then tagged in Corbin. Owens and Corbin worked over Nakamura. Corbin hit the End of Days to Nakamura for 2. Moments later, Nakamura fought back and got the hot tag to Styles, who hit a series of strikes to Owens. Styles went for a slam, but Owens blocked and landed a clothesline. Corbin was tagged in and Styles went for the Calf Crusher but Corbin blocked it. Styles tripped him and locked it in but Corbin got to the bottom rope. Styles was knocked off the apron hard by Owens. Nakamura then attacked Owens with strikes until Corbin tossed him over the barricade. Back in the ring, Styles hit Corbin with a strike then a back kick. Owens hit Styles with a big boot then the powerbomb for the win.

Winners: Kevin Owens & Baron Corbin

Owens and Corbin stood tall to close the show.

Thanks for watching along and we will see you next time.

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