WWE SmackDown Live 7/4/17 results: John Cena makes his return, Independence Day Battle Royal

Show: WWE SmackDown
Location: Phoenix, AZ at the Talking Stick Resort Arena
Date: July 4th, 2017
Airing on the USA Network

Welcome to SmackDown Live. There was a July 4th video package to hype tonight’s show. John Cena walked out to the ring to open the show. He asked if the fans missed him. He said that he is fired up because it’s Independence Day that was built on a simple mission, which is to achieve greatness. He said that all WWE Superstars get to compete with the best. He wants to do the same thing. He said that there is a lot of Superstars talking about his future. He said that they think he has sold out to Hollywood and that he is a part-time mascot. He said that he is not a part-time but an all-timer. He is a free agent and if his time in WWE is limited then he is going out in a blaze of glory. He listed several Superstars then vowed to knock down each and every one of them. He said that he has never lost his fire and passion. He said that he has nothing to lose, which makes him the most dangerous man today. This led to Rusev walking out and said that WWE has been hyping Cena’s return for two months while he has been rehabbing his injury. He wants his return commercials just like Cena. He said that no one in WWE has been responding to him. He wants opportunities. Cena told Rusev to come down to the ring and let him punch Rusev in the face like old times. Rusev said that Cena can’t boss him around. Cena said that Rusev thinking is always a bad idea. Cena said he doesn’t boss anyone around then defended America. Cena challenged Rusev to a flag match tonight, Rusev told him that he would face him on his terms. Cena called him a coward and sang USA with the crowd.

Daniel Bryan spoke with AJ Styles and Chad Gable backstage. Kevin Owens told Bryan that he doesn’t want them in the Battle Royal. Bryan booked Styles vs. Gable for tonight. The winner will be in the battle royal.

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Singles Match: AJ Styles vs. Chad Gable

They lock up and Gable started landing a series of takedowns. Styles caught him with a drop kick and we cut to break.

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We’re back with them exchanging submission holds. Styles locked in the Calf Crusher but Gable got out of it. Styles hit the springboard forearm shot for the win.

Winner: Styles, who is now in the battle royal later tonight.

We see Mojo Rawley and Zack Ryder backstage. Ryder tried to cheer him up after losing to The Usos last week. Ryder said that they are in the battle royal tonight. Rawley reminded him that he won the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal.

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Carmella and James Ellsworth walked out to the ring for a celebration. Carmella thought it was funny that people thought that someone else would win the MITB ladder match. She said that the fans wanted to rewrite history. She said that she has all of the power now. This led to Naomi walking out to the ring. She mocked Carmella and Ellsworth. She told Ellsworth that someone had some words for him, which was Bryan, who walked down to the ring. He banned Ellsworth from the arena and fined him 10 grand. He also suspended him for 30-days. If Ellsworth doesn’t leave right now and doesn’t follow his rules then he would take the MITB briefcase away from Carmella.

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SmackDown Women’s Title Match: Naomi © vs. Lana

As soon as the match started, Naomi locked in her submission finisher for the win.

Winner: Naomi ©.

Post-match, Tamina walked out and told Lana to come with her.

Shinsuke Nakamura was about to be interviewed until he was attacked from behind by Baron Corbin. They brawled until they were separated.

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Wale introduced The New Day and The Usos for the rap off. Each team had their groupies with them. They mocked each other and The Usos took a shot at Xavier Woods for being rated R. The New Day said that The Usos carried Roman Reigns’ bag. The teams started shoving each other. Wale decided that The New Day won the battle.

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Aiden English was cutting a promo in the ring when Randy Orton walked out. English hit him with the microphone and we cut to break.

Singles Match: Aiden English vs. Randy Orton.

Orton attacked him then power slammed him on the announce table and hit a DDT off of it. The bell sounded. Jinder Mahal walked out and said that the fans disrespect him because of the way he looks. Despite that, he is still the WWE Champion. He said that he is the only true superpower in the WWE. Orton told him to shut up. He said that no one can stop him from punishing him at Battleground and will RKO him back to India. He said that no one likes him because he is a jackass.

Tye Dillinger was interviewed by Tyler Breeze, who was dressed up as a woman, about the battle royal.

Maria and Mike Kanellis were interviewed backstage. Sami Zayn kicked over some pipes while stretching. He apologized and said that he is a big fan of their act.

-Commercial Break-

Independence Day Battle Royal: Sami Zayn, Konnor, Viktor, Sin Cara, Epico, AJ Styles, Luke Harper, Dolph Ziggler, Tye Dillinger, Erick Rowan, Jason Jordan, Mojo Rawley, Zack Ryder, Tyler Breeze, Fandango

They all started brawling to begin the match. Harper eliminates Ziggler for the first elimination. We go to commercial.

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Fandango was eliminated. Rowan tossed Breeze to the floor but Fandango caught him and put him back into the ring only to be eliminated by Rowan. Harper eliminated Konnor with a clothesline then Rawley eliminated Harper with a big right hand. Ryder and Rawley had a staredown. Rowan knocked them both down. Rawley and Ryder sent Rowan to the floor. Rawley then turned on Ryder and sent him to the floor. Zayn caught Rawley with a big boot for the elimination. We’re down to three – Styles, Dillinger, and Zayn. Dillinger with a series of kicks to Styles then the tie breaker to Zayn and Styles. Dillinger almost eliminated both guys but they held on. Zayn tossed Dillinger to the floor. We’re down to Styles and Zayn as Kevin Owens watches on at ringside. They exchanged right hand then Zayn powerslammed Zayn into the corner. Zayn missed a kick and almost went to the floor. Styles caught him with a kick for the elimination.

Winner: Styles.

Post-match, Owens attacked Styles. Moments later, Styles fought back and went for the Styles Clash but Owens booked it out of the ring. They had a staredown to end the show.

Thanks for watching along and we will see you next time.

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