WWE SmackDown Live 9/27/16 results: AJ Styles vs. Dean Ambrose

Show: WWE SmackDown
Location: Cleveland, OH at the Quicken Loans Arena
Date: 9/27/16
Airing on the USA Network

Welcome to the WWE SmackDown Live pre-show, and we are live on the WWE Network. Scott Stanford, Booker T, Lita, and Jerry Lawler hype what we will see tonight, which is AJ Styles vs. Dean Ambrose for the WWE Title. The panel talks about the current feud between Dolph Ziggler and The Miz. Naomi and Nikki Bella vs. Carmella and Natalya has been announced for tonight’s episode of SmackDown Live.

Welcome to SmackDown Live. Randy Orton walked down to the ring open the show. Orton cut a promo about how Bray Wyatt is afraid and how he shouldn’t be afraid of. Orton knows that Wyatt is afraid of him. Orton told Wyatt to get out here and face his fears. The lights went out, and Wyatt appeared on the big screen. Wyatt said that tonight he has left some bread crumbs and he could find him. Wyatt said that he is a god and that he makes the rules and Orton follow them. The lights came back on, and Orton walked to the back.

We see Dean Ambrose walking backstage, and then he cut a promo about how he has a lot going through his mind.

-Commercial Break-

Eight-Man Tag team Match: Heath Slater, Rhyno, and American Alpha vs. The Usos and The Ascension.

Jordan and Jimmy started things off. Jordan knocked him down then tagged in Gable, who worked over the left arm of Jimmy. Jordan was tagged in, and Jimmy hit him with a shoulder block. Jordan continued to work over the arm of Jimmy. Jey was tagged in and Gable as well. Gable and Jordan hit a double monkey flip to The Usos. Gable locked in an armbar to Jey. Jimmy chop blocked Gable’s left knee.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Jimmy in control of Gable. Moments later, Gable fought back and hit a kick to Jimmy. Slater got the hot tag and hit a knee strike to Jimmy then one to Viktor. Slater with a neck breaker to Jimmy for 2 but Konnor broke it up. Rhyno took out Konnor with a suplex. Jordan clotheslines Viktor. Slater avoided a super kick and Jey was tagged in and hit a super kick. The Usos double teamed Slater. Jey locked in The Sun Rise submission for the win.

Winners: The Usos and The Ascension.

John Cena cut a promo about tonight’s main event. Cena said that Styles is at the top his game and Ambrose has guts. Cena said he is going to watch that match very closely. Cena vowed to walk out of No Mercy as champion.

Orton is shown talking backstage and finds a dark area while looking for Wyatt. Eric Rowan watches from a distance.

-Commercial Break-

Tag Team Match: Naomi and Nikki Bella vs. Carmella and Natalya.

They brawl before the commercial break,

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Natalya and Carmella in control of Naomi. Moments later, Naomi fought back and got the hot tag to Bella, who hit a series of shoulder blocks to Natalya. Nikki with a springboard kick to Natalya. Carmella was tagged in, and Bella hit a hip toss. Bella went for her finisher, but Carmella raked the eyes and knocked Naomi off the apron. Bella took out Natalya and Carmella rolled her up for the win.

Winners: Carmella and Natalya.

-Commercial Break-

The Miz and Maryse walked down to the ring. Miz showed a video package of his WWE career. The Miz cut a promo about how his parents are at ringside, and they were introduced. Miz then introduces Dolph Ziggler’s parents. Ziggler walked down to the ring. Miz said that Ziggler is a loser, and everyone should be embarrassed by Ziggler’s career. Miz thought Ziggler might want a rematch with him, but he refused it. Miz said unless Ziggler wants to give up his career then he won’t wrestle Ziggler. Ziggler fired back and said that he would put his career on the line to get a title match. If Ziggler wins, he is the IC Champion and if he loses then his career in WWE will be over. Miz said that Ziggler would get his match at No Mercy.

-Commercial Break-

WWE Title Match: AJ Styles © vs. Dean Ambrose with John Cena on commentary.

They lock up, and Ambrose hit a series of chops in the corner. Ambrose dumped Styles to the floor and landed a series of strikes.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back and they’re brawling. Both of them go for a clothesline and they collide. Ambrose hit a power slam for 2. Styles went for a springboard move but Ambrose caught him and locked in the Texas Cloverleaf submission hold. Styles got out of it. Ambrose tossed him to the floor and hit an outside dive. Ambrose went to the top rope and hit an elbow drop.

-Commercial Break-

Styles targets the left knee of Ambrose and attacks it. Styles locked in the Calf Crusher but Ambrose fought out of it. Ambrose hit a back body drop and went for the Dirty Deeds but Styles blocked it and hit a series of kicks. Ambrose hit a neck breaker. Styles with a forearm shot and Ambrose with a face first slam for 2. Ambrose put him on the top rope but Styles pushed him off and hit a power slam for 2. Ambrose put him on the top rope and hit a clothesline off the top rope. Styles with a clothesline and then he missed a 450 splash. Ambrose went to the top rope and hit an elbow drop for 2. Styles hit a big boot to Ambrose on the apron. Styles then punched Cena. Back in the ring, Styles missed a springboard move. Cena got on the apron and Ambrose rolled up styles for 2. Ambrose punched Cena. Styles rolled up Ambrose for the win.

Winner: Styles.

Post-match, Ambrose and Cena argue in the ring. Ambrose went for the Dirty Deeds but Cena blocked and hit the AA. Styles went for the Styles Clash to Cena but Cena countered and hit the AA. Cena stood tall in the ring to close the show.

Thanks for watching along and we will see you next time.

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