WWE SmackDown Live 8/9/16 results: Wyatt & Rowan vs. Ambrose & Ziggler

Show: WWE SmackDown Live

Location: Bakersfield, CA at the Rabobank Arena

Date: August 9th, 2016

Airing on the USA Network

Welcome to the WWE SmackDown Pre-Show, and we are live on the WWE Network. Scott Stanford, Jerry Lawler and Lita hype what we will see tonight, which is Eva Marie making her debut. A video package hyping the Brock Lesnar – Randy Orton feud was shown. American Alpha will also wrestle on tonight’s show. Finally, Carmella vs. Natalya is booked for the show.

Welcome to SmackDown Live. Randy Orton is walking backstage when he is informed about his match with Alberto Del Rio. When asked about his preparation for Brock Lesnar. Orton said that all he needs is an RKO to beat Lesnar. Del Rio walked up and said that Orton is telling jokes. Orton said that he would experience an RKO tonight. Del Rio laughed him off and told he would break his arm.

Bray Wyatt and Erick Rowan walked down to the ring. Wyatt cut a promo about Dolph Ziggler and warned Ziggler if he gets to close then he will cut through Ziggler. Wyatt said that this is his show now. Wyatt said that there is no red or blue but rather him vs. the whole damn world. Dean Ambrose then walked down to the ring. Ambrose said that this is a new world because Wyatt is playing the victim card. Ambrose said that Wyatt is crying about losing and sounds like a baby. Ambrose said that SmackDown Live doesn’t belong to him but rather to the people and the WWE Champion. Wyatt laughed at him and said to get into the ring. Ambrose declined his offer and knew that would be a bad idea. Dolph Ziggler then walked down to the ring and got into the ring. A brawl between four men broke out. Ambrose accidentally super kicked Ambrose. Wyatt hit Sister Abigail to Ziggler. Wyatt and Rowan walked to the back.

-Commercial Break-

Ambrose and Ziggler argue backstage. Ambrose told him that he owes him one. Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon interrupt. Bryan booked Ambrose and Ziggler vs. Rowan and Wyatt tonight.

Tag Team Match: American Alpha vs. Mikey O’Shea and Mike Vega – Hype Bros, Vaudevillians and The Ascension were standing at ringside.

Gable tripped Vega and tagged in Jordan who tossed Vega around. They hit their finisher on Vega for the win.

Winners: American Alpha.

Post-match, a brawl between all four teams broke out. Gable and Jordan stood tall in the ring.

-Commercial Break-

Miz and Maryse were talking with Renee Young in the back. A video package hyping Apollo Crews was shown. Miz and Maryse start complimenting each other.

Becky Lynch cuts a promo in the ring about how she is ready to fight at any time. Eva Marie was supposed to wrestle this match but couldn’t due to her wardrobe malfunction. Alexa Bliss instead walked out.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Becky Lynch vs. Alexa Bliss.

Marie walked out as soon as the match started and it distracted Lynch. Bliss pushed Lynch and then hit the Sparkle Splash for the win.

Winner: Bliss.

Post-match, Marie cut a promo about being 100% healed from her injury and plans to wrestle next week.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio.

They lock up, and Orton tossed Del Rio in the corner and landed a series of right hands. Orton with a clothesline. Orton tossed him to the floor, and we cut to break.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Orton in control of Del Rio as he stomped his hands. Del Rio fought back and went to the top rope and hit a right hand then covered him for 2. Del Rio went for the cross armbar, but Orton grabbed the ropes. Orton fought back and hit a superlex off the top rope. Orton with a series of clotheslines and then a suplex. Del Rio blocked an RKO and Orton sent him to the apron and hit a DDT. Del Rio rolled out of the ring, and Orton clotheslines him over the barricade. Del Rio hit him with a steel chair causing the DQ.

Winner: Orton.

Post-match, Del Rio continued his attack until Orton popped up and hit an RKO.

Heath Slater walked up to Rhyno and said that he has two kids and really needs this win. Rhyno said that he couldn’t let Slater win tonight.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Rhyno vs. Heath Slater.

Slater knocked him down and went for several quick pin attempts. Rhyno fought back and hit a suplex. Rhyno missed a spear and Slater rolled him up, but he was using the ropes, so the pin attempt was called off. Rhyno hit a GORE to Slater for the win.

Winner: Rhyno.

-Commercial Break-

Singles Match: Carmella vs. Natalya.

While Carmella was doing her entrance, Natalya attacked her. A brawl broke out. Natalya beat her down in the corner with kicks. Natalya went for a submission, but Carmella blocked and locked in her finisher for the win.

Winner: Carmella.

-Commercial Break-

Tag Team Match: Bray Wyatt and Erick Rowan vs. Dean Ambrose and Dolph Ziggler.

Ambrose and Wyatt started things off. Ambrose knocked him down and tagged in Ziggler who went for a neck breaker, but Wyatt cut him off with a kick.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back with Wyatt missing a back splash and Ambrose getting the hot tags. Ambrose hit a bulldog but then ran into a clothesline. Rowan was tagged in and hit a splash to Ambrose for the win. Rowan put him on the top rope and hit a big boot that sent Ambrose to the floor. Wyatt was tagged in and sent Ambrose back first into the apron. Back in the ring, Ambrose hit a neck breaker to Wyatt. Ziggler and Rowan got the hot tag. Ziggler with a series of clotheslines and then a splash. Ziggler with a neck breaker. Ziggler with an elbow drop and rolled him up for 2. Ziggler with a DDT for 2. Rowan with a spinning kick to Ziggler for 2. Ambrose botched a dive outside the ring taking out Wyatt Ziggler super kicked to Rowan for the win.

Winners: Dean Ambrose and Dolph Ziggler.

Post-match, Ambrose hit Dirty Deeds to Ziggler and stood over him to close the show.

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