In a recent appearance on “INSIGHT with Chris Van Vliet,” former WWE Champion AJ Styles addressed observations from fans that he’s in the best shape of his career. Styles revealed that his impressive physique isn’t about gaining mass. “Everybody thinks I bulked up,” he said, “I lost weight. I was not any heavier than I was before…”
The key to his transformation, Styles explained, is a strict dietary approach. “Fasting is a big part of my diet as well.” He detailed some intense fasting periods he’s undertaken, including “a three-day fast, just water…maybe a week before I came back so I was shredded.” More recently, he completed an even longer fast: “I literally just got through doing a six-day fast, just water. That sucked too.”
However, Styles emphasized that achieving this level of fitness requires a mindset shift. He believes in embracing discomfort as a necessary part of the process. “But again, anything worth doing is hard,” he stated. He illustrated this by comparing the discipline needed for fasting to other challenging practices: “All you got to do is sit in that cold plunge. That’s all you gotta do is sit down. All you gotta do in a sauna is just sit there. All you gotta do is not eat and drink water, these things are easy to do, or they should be, but we’re addicted to so many different, lifestyles of being easy and nice.”
Ultimately, Styles believes the greatest challenge is overcoming the desire for comfort. “You know what the worst time to get the cold plunge is? Is when you’re comfortable. It’s perfect outside, it’s perfect inside. Oh, it’s great, and then you get the cold plunge,” he explained. His core message is about embracing the challenge: “But if you can get used to being uncomfortable, it’s not that hard to be uncomfortable.”
If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Chris Van Vliet with a h/t to for the transcription.