WWE star drops his accent, reveals he is actually from St. Louis

As seen on WWE Friday Night SmackDown, Reginald has dropped his accent and is no longer portrayed as being from France.

In an attempt to explain why he no longer speaks with a French accent, WWE posted a post-SmackDown clip of Reginald saying that he put on the accent at Carmella’s request because she needed a sommelier.

Reginald said that he is actually from St. Louis and his goal was to get his foot in the door and he is now the 24/7 Champion.

WWE has a history of this. For example, Kofi Kingston started out with a Jamaican accent but he dropped in in 2012. Triple H started with a French accent in WCW and had it during his early WWF years as Hunter Hearst Helmsley before dropping it.

Here is the clip of Reginald explaining why he no longer has a French accent:

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