WWE star has been repackaged with a new gimmick

During tonight’s episode of WWE NXT, the SCRYPTS character finally debuted. The debut had been teased for weeks and many fans were wondering if this was someone who had recently been signed or someone from another company.

It was revealed that the man behind the SCRYPTS character is former WWE Raw star Reggie. It has been several months since Reggie had been seen on WWE TV. Under the Vince McMahon regime, he was being used as comedy relief during the 24/7 Title segments and he was involved in a storyline with Dana Brooke.

As SCRYPTS, he is portrayed as a serious character and they are spotlighting his unique acrobatic moves. The 29-year-old previously performed for Cirque de Soleil before signing with WWE in 2020. Click below to see clips from his re-debut.

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