WWE Star Pulled From Company Roster

A WWE star who was recently featured on Monday Night Raw may be on his way out of the company.

As seen below, Odyssey Jones is no longer listed on the WWE.com roster. There aren’t any more details available at the moment and it’s possible that this was just an error but typically, when someone is removed, it means that they have been let go or the company is in the process of releasing that person.

Odyssey Jones wrestled on the 8/19 episode of Monday Night Raw and teamed with Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods against The Final Testament. The storyline is that Woods has been showing some hesitation about Kofi deciding to have Jones tag with them because Woods feels that this is the start of Big E getting replaced. They also seem to be teasing that Woods will eventually turn on Kingston.

Jones, real name Omari Jahi Palmer, was signed to a WWE deal in 2019. He was drafted to Raw in 2023 but was never used. He was drafted again to Raw during this year’s draft.

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