Former WWE/TNA star is the latest wrestler to get involved in politics

The following press release was sent out on Friday:

Matt Morgan, former Pro Wrestler, Announces Candidacy for Longwood City Commissioner

AUGUST 25, 2017

Longwood, FL – Matt Morgan, a former professional wrestler, has announced his campaign for Longwood City Commissioner, District 4.

“As a candidate for Longwood City Commissioner, I am committed to build upon Longwood’s rich history.”

“I have never been the type to sit back and ‘armchair quarterback’ or just complain about things. I am the type that goes out and gets things done. I feel it’s my duty to step up and finally start DOING what needs to be done here for my fellow neighbors in this beautiful city.”

Following his wrestling career, Matt challenged himself to continue to be a positive influence on the people around him. He is currently a spokesperson for Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) and the Drug Abuse Resistance Program (D.A.R.E.).

“I want to do everything possible to make this city a place my three-year-old autistic son can take pride in. I hope that one day he decides to raise his family here as well. I decided it’s time to start doing. It’s time to be the voice for the voiceless here in the city of Longwood.”

Eight years ago Matt Morgan settled in Seminole County with his wife Larissa and their 3 year old son Jackson. Matt is committed to see Longwood continue to be the best place in Central Florida to raise a family.

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