A unique angle is planned tonight for Sasha Banks on WWE Raw

As noted earlier, Sasha Banks is scheduled to kick off tonight’s WWE Monday Night Raw.

The Wrap is reporting that the plan is to do a unique angle with Banks tonight that will play off her walking out and going home after WrestleMania 35.

Banks is going to explain her actions but the idea is to blur the lines between reality and fiction to create a worked shoot storyline. Banks will also explain what led to her heel turn last week.

Dave Meltzer noted that some in WWE feel that giving The Wrap a heads up on this storyline is harmful to business. I would say that it’s probably not the best move to give away ahead of time that Banks is doing a worked shoot storyline if the idea is to try to get fans to believe that her angle is real.

Last week’s promo by Sasha was designed to establish her character’s villainous take on all situations,” One Raw writer told The Wrap. “This week’s is designed to get into the backstory, why she’s turned heel, the motivation behind the change in her persona.”

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