Matt Riddle’s latest move fuels speculation that Brock Lesnar feud is a work

Despite the supposed backstage confrontation between Matt Riddle and Brock Lesnar at the Royal Rumble, it does not look like Riddle is ready to back down from calling out the WWE Champion.

As previously noted, according to reports, Lesnar told Riddle that he was never going to work with him and he did not take kindly to being mentioned on social media by him.

Things started to point in the direction of the Riddle/Lesnar stuff being a work when WWE posted a video on their Performance Center YouTube account of Riddle talking about Lesnar after the Men’s Rumble match. Riddle has also continued to mention Lesnar on social media.

At Saturday night’s live event, Riddle grabbed the microphone to speak to the fans and once again, he called out Lesnar and promised to retire him.

Whatever is going on between Lesnar and Riddle, if that match happens then it seems like it won’t happen anytime soon since Lesnar is scheduled to wrestle Drew McIntyre at WrestleMania.

Given that Riddle continues to mention Lesnar on WWE platforms, this is starting to come across as a worked shoot angle to build to a match in the future.

Check out the video below of Riddle calling out Lesnar at last night’s live event in Las Vegas.

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