AEW Dynamite: Fyter Fest Week 1 results for July 13, 2022

AEW Dynamite
July 13th, 2022
Enmarket Arena
Savannah, Georgia

 Welcome to our live coverage of AEW Dynamite, which is emanating from The Enmarket Arena in Savannah, Georgia. Tonights show will also serve as week one of AEW Fyter Fest, Announced for tonight’s show, The Young Bucks will defend their AEW tag team championships in a three way match against Swerve Strickland and Keith Lee and Ricky Starks and Powerhouse Hobbs, Wardlow will defend his TNT championship against Orange Cassidy, Claudio Castagnoli will take on Jake Hager, Anna Jay will take on Serena Deeb, We will hear from Chris Jericho, Christian Cage, and Luchasaurus, and AEW world champion Jon Moxley will take on Konsuke Takeshita.

Match 1: TNT championship: Wardlow (c) vs Orange Cassidy

– The match starts off with Cassidy challenging Wardlow to a test of strength but Cassidy puts his hands in his pants, Wardlow then pulls Cassidy’s hands out, Wardlow then rips the pockets out of Cassidy’s pants, Cassidy then puts Wardlows straps back up, Cassidy then goes for a tilt-a-whirl DDT but Wardlow counters, Wardlow then goes for a powerbomb on Cassidy but Cassidy counters, Wardlow then counters Cassidy with a cartwheel, Chuck Taylor then slides a chainsaw in the ring, the ref then sends Chuck Taylor and Trent Beretta to the back, Cassidy then does the parody kicks on Wardlow, Cassidy then goes for a tope suicida but Wardlow catches him, Wardlow then attempts to throw Cassidy into the ringpost but Cassidy walks away, Wardlow then reaches under the ring to pull out Danhausen, Cassidy then hits the orange punch on Wardlow on the outside, Wardlow then hits Cassidy with a belly-to-belly suplex, sending Cassidy to the outside as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Cassidy slam Wardlow face first into the top turnbuckle ten times, Cassidy then lands a chop block to the back of Wardlow’s leg, Wardlow then attempts a powerbomb on Cassidy but Cassidy counters it into a DDT, Cassidy then hits another DDT on Wardlow to secure a one count, Wardlow then hits the F10 on Cassidy to secure a nearfall, Wardlow then attempts another powerbomb but Cassidy punches the wrist and head of Wardlow before hitting a hurricarana, followed by a tope suicida, Cassidy then sends Wardlow face first into the ringpost, Cassidy then hits a stunner dog millionaire on Wardlow, followed by an orange punch and beach break to secure a nearfall, Wardlow then hits a powerbomb on Cassidy to secure the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall and STILL TNT champion: Wardlow at 11:36.

– After the match, Wardlow helps up Cassidy, both men then fist bump.

– Chris Jericho then makes his entrance, Jericho says that he stands in front of all of you as Chris Jericho the living legend, Jericho says that he’s Eddie Kingston’s superior, Jericho says that Eddie isn’t a liar but he’s a little bit confused, Jericho says that being friends with Eddie is worse than any curse Danhausen can come up with, Jericho says that he shaved Ortiz’s head, Jericho says they took out Santana and Bryan and they don’t know when she’s coming back, Jericho then says Ruby has a broken hand because of Eddie, Jericho then tells Eddie to take better care of his chicks, Jericho then asks Eddie how many barbed wire matches he’s had, Jericho says that he won the first barbed wire match at age 22, Jericho said that he felt pleasure through the pain, Jericho says that next week Eddie is facing the painmaker, Jericho says that this is the final fight in the Jericho/Kingston saga, Jericho says that after Eddie loses he can go back to doing drugs, drinking, and having mental problems, Jericho says that the only thing that can take his sins away is the blood of Kingston, Jericho says that Eddie isn’t a liar, he’s a loser. 

– Eddie Kingston, Ruby Soho, and Ortiz are backstage, Eddie tells Jericho to bring the most dangerous person he can bring, Eddie says that Jericho is going to bleed and he’s going to enjoy every second of it. 

Match 2: Jon Moxley vs Konsuke Takeshita

– The match starts off with both men locking up with a test of strength, Konosuke then locks Moxley in a headlock, both men then exchange shoulder tackles, Moxley then takes over Takeshita with a headlock, both men then exchange a series of chops to the chest, Moxley then hits a closeline on Takeshita, Moxley then hits Takeshita with a piledriver, Moxley then locks Takeshita in a modified STF but Takeshita is able to reach the bottom rope, Takeshita then hits a german suplex on Moxley on the apron, both men then exchange forearms on the outside, Moxley then hits a big boot on Takeshita, sending him off the apron and to the outside as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

* We are back from commercial as we see Moxley land a back suplex on Takeshita, Moxley then stomps on the face of Takeshita, Takeshita then hits a flying closeline on Moxley, Takeshita then hits a running boot on Moxley in the corner, Moxley then hits a running forearm on Moxley in the corner, Takeshita then hits a brainbuster on Moxley to secure a nearfall, Takeshita then goes for a top rope frog splash but Moxley gets his knees up, Moxley then locks in an armbar but Takeshita is able to resch the bottom rope, Takeshita then hits a hurricarana on Moxley, Followed by a dive over the top rope, Takeshita then hits a frog splash from the top rope onto Moxley for a nearfall, both men then exchange a series of forearms, Takeshita then hits a blue thunder bomb on Moxley for a nearfall, Moxley then hits the paradigm shift on Takeshita, followed by a series of elbows to the side of the head, Takeshita then hits a german suplex on Moxley to secure a nearfall, Moxley then headbutts Takeshita, Moxley then hits another paradigm shift on Takeshita, Moxley then lands a series of elbows to the side of Takeshita’s head, Moxley then puts Takeshita in a bulldog choke to secure the submission victory.

Winner via submission: Jon Moxley at 13:15. 

– Christian Cage and Luchasaurus make their entrance to the ramp, Christian says that there’s something annoying that he finds about the Varsity Blonds, Christian says Brian Pullman Jr’s father was average at best, Christian says that he respects that he poured his blood, sweat, and tears in that ring, Christian then shows everyone a picture that Griff Garrisom put online, Christian says that Griff looks like Jungle Boy. 

Match 3: Griff Garrison vs Luchasaurus 

– The match starts off with Luchasaurus hitting a splash in the corner, followed by a german suplex, Luchasaurus then kicks Garrison’s head against the ringpost, Luchasaurus then hits a chokeslam on Griff, Luchasaurus then takes Christian’s orders to hit another chokeslam, Luchasaurus then locks in the snare trap to secure the submission victory.

Winner via submission: Luchasaurus at 1:28.

– After the match, Luchasaurus headbutts Pillman on the outside, Luchasaurus then places Pillman on the timekeeper’s table, Luchasaurus then chokeslams Griff into Pillman but the table doesn’t break, Luchasaurus then hits another chokeslam on Griff, this time sending him and Pillman through the table.

– Jim Ross makes his entrance to do commentary for the second hour of Dynamite. 

Match 4: Jake Hager vs Claudio Castagnoli

– The match starts off with Claudio landing a running uppercut on Hager, Claudio then attempts a swing but Hager counters, Hager then goes for the Hager bomb but Claudio catches his feet, Claudio then hits a 619 on Hager to secure a two count, Hager then hits a running closeline on Claudio in the corner, Hager then hits another running closeline on Claudio in the corner, Claudio then hits a series of uppercuts on Hager in the corner, Claudio then hits a dropkick to the leg of Hager, followed by a bulldog, Claudio then sends Hager face first into the top turnbuckle nine times, Hager then hits a double leg takedown on Claudio, Hager then throws Claudio, Hager then hits the Hager bomb on Claudio for a nearfall as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Claudio land a boot to the face of Hager, Hager then lands a closeline on Claudio, Claudio then hits a springboard uppercut on Hager, both men then exchange a series of punches and uppercuts, Claudio then hits two running uppercuts in the corner onto Hager, followed by a dropkick, Claudio then hits a running uppercut onto Hager against the barricade, Claudio then hits a crossbody onto Hager from the top rope to secure a two count, Claudio then swings Hager before locking in the sharpshooter, Hager then directs the Jericho Appreciation Society to distract Claudio, Hager then hits a flatliner on Claudio to secure a nearfall, Hager then attempts to lock in an ankle lock but Claudio lands a series of boots to the face of Hager, Claudio then hits a pop-up uppercut on Hager, followed by a powerbomb to secure the pinfall victory. 

Winner via pinfall: Claudio Castagnoli at 11:30.

Match 5: Anna Jay vs Serena Deeb

– Dewb takes over Anna with a headlock takeover but Anna gets out of it with a headscissors, Anna then hits a reverse flatliner on Deeb, Deeb then locks Anna in a submission but Anna counters into a rollup for a one count, Anna then locks in the queen slayer but Deeb racks the throat of Anna on the top rope, Deeb then hits a swinging neckbreaker on Anna to secure a nearfall, Anna then rolls to the outside as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Anna land a series of strikes to the face of Deeb,Followed by a slingblade, Anna then hits a northern lights suplex, Deeb then locks in a seated armstretch submission, Anna then lands a sidekick to the head of Deeb, Deeb then hits a dragonscrew legwhip from the second turnbuckle, Anna then locks in the queen slayer, Deeb then locks in the serenity lock on Anna to secure the submission victory.

Winner via submission: Serena Deeb at 8:23. 

– After the match, Deeb continues to lock in the serenity lock but Mercedes Martinez make the save, causing Deeb to retreat. 

Match 6: AEW tag team championships: The Young Bucks (c) vs Swerve Strickland and Keith Lee and Ricky Starks and Powerhouse Hobbs.

– The match starts off with Matt Jackson and Keith Lee, Swerve and Nick then get into the match, Nick and Swerve then dropkick each other on the outside, Nick then hits an armdrag takeover on Swerve, Starks and Nick then both get racked on the top of the rope, Matt then hits three northern lights suplex onto Starks, Keith then lands a belly-to-belly suplex onto Nick and Starks, Nick then hits a dropkick on Lee, sending him to the outside, Ricky then hits a hiptoss on Swerve into the knee of Hobbs, Starks then hits a dropkick on Swerve as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Tue Bucks hits a doubleteam hiptoss onto Swerve, Swerve then hits a dropkick on both of the Bucks, Lee then throws Starks into The Bucks, Keith Lee then attempts to jump over the top rope but Starks and Hobbs pulls him to the outside, Lee then powerbombs Nick onto Matt on the outside, Hobbs and Lee then exchange a series of shoulder tackles, Lee and Hobbs then crossbody into each other, Hobbs then hits a frogsplash onto Lee from the top rope to secure a nearfall,Starks then hits a cutter on Matt from the shoulders of Lee to secure a nearfall, Swerve then hits a backbreaker on Matt, Nick then superkicks Swerves, The Bucks then land a series of kicks on Lee, The Bucks and Starks then hit a tripleteam superkick on Lee, The Bucks then bring in the titles, Swerve then takes the title and throws it at Lee, Swerve then gets lowblowed, Bucks then hits everyone with the title belt, Swerve then hits a top rope blockbuster onto Matt, Swerve goes for the pin but Starks and Hobbs make the save, Hobbs then spindebusters on everyone into each other, Starks then hits a spear on Swerve, Ricky goes for the pin but the Bucks make the save, Lee then hits a belly-to-belly onto Hobbs, sending him to the outside, Swerve then hits a moonsault off the chest of Lee into The Bucks and Swerve, Lee then hits a pounce on Starks, Lee then hits a cannonball to the outside as Swerve hits a double footstomp from the top rope on Starks to secure the pinfall victory.

Winners via pinfall and NEW AEW tag team champions: Swerve Strickland and Keith Lee at 18:13. 

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