AEW Rampage Results for June 24, 2022

AEW Rampage
June 24th, 2022
The Panther Arena
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Welcome to our live coverage of AEW Rampage, which is emanating from The Panther Arena in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Announced for tonight’s show, Mercedes Martinez and Serena Deeb will be in action, Hook will take on The DKC, Cash Wheeler will take on Jeff Cobbs, and Rey Fenix will battle Andrade El Idolo for the first time ever in singles competition.

Match 1: Andrade El Idolo vs Rey Fenix 

– The match starts off with Andrade locking Fenix in an armlock, Fenix then lands a springboard hurricarana on Andrade, Fenix then lands a roundhouse kick to Andrade, Andrade then lands two superplexes on Fenix, Fenix then lands a cannonball splash from the top rope to Andrade, Fenix then lands a german suplex on Andrade, Fenix jumps to the top but Andrade pushes him to the outside as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Andrade land a superplex to Fenix, Andrade goes to the top but Fenix meets him, Andrade then hits a double footstomp to Fenix as he hang in the ropes for a nearfall, Fenix then lands an armdrag into a footstomp, Fenix then lands a dropkick from the top rope to Andrade, Fenix then lands a rolling cutter to Andrade for a nearfall, Fenix goes for a top from the top rope but Andrade gets his knees up for a nearfall, both men then exchange a series of forearms, Andrade then lands a stiff chop to the chest of Fenix, Fenix lands an enzuigiri to Andrade, Fenix goes to run the ropes but he slips and racks himself against the top rope, Andrade then goes for a running meteora on the apron but Fenix moves out of the way, causing Andrade to crash knee first into the ringpost, Fenix then hits a double footstomp to the back of Andrade on the outside as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Fenix hit a reverse spanish fly on Andrade from the top rope, Fenix goes for the pinfall but Andrade gets his foot on the bottom rope, Andrade tries to use a tablet on Fenix but Aubrey takes it away, Andrade goes for a lowblow but he gets an eye poke first, Fenix then hits a roundhouse kick on Andrade, Fenix then hits a running cannonball through the middle rope on Andrade, Rush then lowblows Fenix on the outside behind the referee’s back, Andrade then hits the hammerlock DDT for the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall: Andrade El Idolo at 16:46. 

– After the match, Rush takes off the mask of Rey Fenix, Pentagon then makes the save, causing Andrade and Rush to retreat.

– Eddie Kingston says that everyone loves AEW vs NJPW, Kingston says that he will never be satisfied until he tastes Jericho’s blood, Kingston says that he wants to know what a cowards blood taste like.

Match 2: Mercedes Martinez and Serena Deeb vs Sierra and Laynie Luck. 

– Serena Deeb and Sierra start off the match, Deeb locks in an abdominal stretch on Sierra, Ladyluck then rolls up Martinez for a nearfall, Martinez then hits a spindebuster on Laynie, Deeb then tags herself in, Mercedes then slams Sierra onto Laynie as Serena locks in a bridged indian deathlock, Sierra is then able to reach the bottom rope, Mercedes then lands a series of chops to Ladyluck in the corner, followed by a running elbow, Deeb then lands a running closeline to Laynie in the corner, Mercedes then hits a running dropkick in the corner to Laynie, Mercedes and Serena then slam Sierra stomach first into the top rope, Serena Deeb locks in the serenity lock on Sierra as Mercedes Martinez lock Laynie in a submission, both women then tap out, giving Mercedes Martinez and Serena Deeb the victory.

Winners via submission: Serena Deeb and Mercedes Martinez at 3:26. 

Match 3: Hook vs The DKC

-, The match starts off with Hook taking DKC down with a trip, Hook then locks in a knee bar but DKC gets to the ropes, Hook then sends DKC in the corner, Hook then lands a series of punches, followed by a throw, DKC then lands a series of chops and slaps on Hook, Hook then hits DKC with a suplex, Hook then lands a series of crossface strikes, followed by the redrum submission for the victory.

Winner via submission: Hook at 1:44. 

Match 4: Cash Wheeler vs Jeff Cobbs

– The match starts off with both men attempting to win a lockup, both men then attempt to knock each other down with shoulder tackles, Cash then puts Cobb in a headlock, Cobb then takes him down with a headlock takeover, Cash then hits a dropkick, Cobb then slams Cash throat first into the top rope, Cobb then hits a swinging suplex on Cash, Cash rolls to the outside as we go to commercial break.

*Commercial break*

– We are back from commercial as we see Cobb lock in a torture rack submission on Cash, Cash then counters it into a full nelson, Cobb then tries to slam Cash into the turnbuckle but Cash holds on, Cobb then slams him into the turnbuckle to break the hold, Cash then lands three punches to the face of Cobb, both men then exchange a series of punches, Cash then lands a series of chops and uppercuts on Cobbs, Cash then lands a chopblock to the back of the knee of Cobb, Cash then hits a running uppercut, sending Cobb to the outside, Cash then hits a crossbody over the top rope, taking out Cobb, Cobb then attempts a suplex from the apron and the top rope, Cash then hits a sunset flip powerbomb on Cobb for a nearfall, Cobb then goes for a standing moonsault but Cash moves out of the way, Cash then goes for a swinging DDT but Cobb throws him off, Cash then reverse a powerbomb intona hurricarana for a nearfall, Cobb then hits Cash with a german suplex, followed by the tour of the islands for the pinfall victory.

Winner via pinfall: Jeff Cobbs at 10:56

– Great O-Kahn then comes out, Dax Hardwood then attacks him from behind, Aussie Open then get involved with Roppongi Vice, Orange Cassidy then comes out and brawls with Ospreay, Eddie Kingston then comes out and attacks Jericho on commentary, Kingston then repeatedly stabs Jericho with a pen, Eddie Kingston then bites Jericho, Eddie and Jericho then brawl through the crowd, Kingston then slams Jericho facefirst into the guard tail, Trent Beretta then hits Jericho in the stomach with a steel chair, Eddie Kingston then attacks Jericho once again on the ramp, Dax Hardwood then hits a piledriver on Kyle Fletcher, Jericho gets on commentary but Eddie Kingston once again attacks him with punches.

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