Bobby Lashley On AEW: “Everybody Looks Like They Have The Same Agenda In Making This Place Better.”

Bobby Lashley appeared on Talk Is Jericho to promote tonight’s AEW Full Gear pay-per-view and talk about his signing with AEW, among other things.

Bobby Lashley on being in AEW:

“It’s been cool so far. We’re trying to figure things out, lay the land, but it’s been cool. Everybody that we’ve talked to up to this point has been very, very cool. Cool to work with. Everybody looks like they have the same agenda in making this place better. So it’s cool with us. I think where I’m at in my career, I think that’s the biggest thing. I mean, I wanted to kind of go out in the right way, work with some people that’s just kind of fun, lift some people up with everything that I’ve been given in this business. I think I have the opportunity to do it here. I think there’s a lot of young, hungry guys here, so it’s gonna be a good time working with them.”

On trying to reunite the Hurt Business in WWE:

‘We’ve been fighting for it. We started at the pandemic, and then before the pandemic got out, they broke us up, like, right when we got fans (back). We have never been in front of fans before. That’s a big deal. We were fighting for it. We kept saying, ‘Let’s get us back. Let’s get us back.’ Then there was a brand split, everything over there at the other show, and we always had some buzz about bringing us back. We even made shirts at a certain point in time. We thought, Oh, they’re gonna bring us back. We’re gonna get together. Then it just never happened. After that, things started fizzing. Sheldon left the company, and then P did. At that point, we just started really talking. We were like, hey, we might have an opportunity. When I got out, we talked to Tony, and Tony was like, ‘Yes, let’s bring him back. Let’s do it.”

On wrestling against Swerve Strickland at the upcoming AEW Full Gear PPV:

“Man, I haven’t had a match since May. I’m not saying I’m nervous, but I think it’s a good opportunity. I think it’s a good opportunity for us to show what our group is about and my position in the group. I saw what Swerve has been doing. Swerve has been on fire. He looks good. He’s been wrestling great. He’s had some good storylines that he’s been a part of. I think we can do some magic with him.”

On Donald Trump being part of the WrestleMania 23 Battle of the Billionaires match:

“Let me rewind a little bit. I was told that I was going to work with Trump. I went to New York before even meeting him. There was this thing for the CW Network, I think, at the time. They had a little party and they sent me over there for. I was sitting at this bar, and I ended up meeting Trump’s daughter. This was at a whim, like she didn’t know I was supposed to be there. I didn’t even know why she was there, but we sat next to each other, we had a drink, and we were just chatting. I was like, this is crazy. I said, ‘I’m supposed to be defending your dad in wrestling.’ She goes, ‘Yeah, he told me he was doing some wrestling thing.’ I was like, ‘I’m this guy’, and I hadn’t even met him.”

“Then after that, I ended up meeting him and we hit it off. He was cool. I try to tell people, when he came in, he wasn’t trying to do Vince’s job. He wasn’t trying to do my job. He wasn’t trying to do Umaga’s job. He said, ‘What can I do to bring more light to this and make this work? That’s all I want to do.’ He said, ‘I’m not going to step on anybody’s toes. Just let me know what I can do.’ We were like, ‘Well, you know so many people. Get us out there’, so that’s what he did. He put it in the press. He had so many people flying in to come see it because everybody wanted to see it. We used Trump Towers for one of the press conferences. So he was just pushing it big time. The whole time we were working together, I mean, he was super cool to me.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Talk Is Jericho with a h/t to for the transcription.

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