Cody Rhodes and Nick Jackson on AEW being sports-centric, a ranking system, the AAA relationship, and more was in attendance at the AEW Double Or Nothing Ticket Announcement Party and the media scrum that took place after the event.

Matt and Nick Jackson covered many topics including:

– Their experience working with the MGM Grand.

– Cody talked about the apparent success of the pre-sale sign-ups.

– Cody says everyone involved has the best intentions.

– They talked about the relationship with AAA.

– They talked about the logo, presentation and “cool” feel surrounding AEW.

– Cody and Nick plan on using some elements from old school wrestling while doing brand new things.

– They talked about a ranking system. Nick said they are still thinking about how they are going to do it.

– Cody said, “We’re going to try to keep it very sports-centric … I still get goosebumps when I hear somebody like Ric Flair say sport of professional wrestling … very sports-centric presentation that we’re going for. We’ve talked about something like a rating system.”

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