Dustin Rhodes Explains Why He Re-Signed With AEW Instead Of Returning To WWE

News that Dustin Rhodes had re-signed with All Elite Wrestling (AEW) broke in December when the wrestling veteran announced it. This disappointed some tribal fans who had hoped to see him return to WWE.

On Monday, Dustin wrote the following message about the tribalism between AEW and WWE fans. He wrote, “When you stop putting stock in people(IWC) and their hatred toward a company, your life becomes better. Block and move on. For every great thing said about you, there will always be that one who hates and they are the loudest. Focus on the love and keep building your individual brand and block the shit out of every turd that enters your platform. #KeepSteppin.”

A fan commented on the statement by stating that Dustin “should’ve come back to WWE.” Rhodes reacted by stating, “Nah. Why? Goldust did everything you can think of. Happy I got the character and took it to places some only dream of. Goldust is retired. 1000% Happiest I have ever been, here in @AEW.”

Rhodes is still going strong in AEW after joining in 2019 and being a player/coach for the promotion, and there is no indication that he plans to hang up his boots anytime soon.


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